
Dec 10, 2003 17:53

How much bullshit can a person really take in three weeks? Five hours in one day...tops ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

minioko December 11 2003, 04:21:33 UTC


himemiya_anshii December 11 2003, 09:08:16 UTC
-returns huggle-;.;


dependonyou December 11 2003, 06:25:05 UTC

I could never find anyone too nice or sweet for their own good. Hell, I'm usually the one that's told ~I'm~ too nice and sweet!

Never change.

*kisses the top of your head*


himemiya_anshii December 11 2003, 09:11:25 UTC
-Pounced as she looks up to her sadly before glancing away- But has any of your friends left you for a stupid reason like that?

Maybe I should change a bit. Grow more of a backbone and get that "Fuck You" additude, but when I do..I think to myself..."That's not me"

-Clings to her tightly- I'm so upset...Amie..I know I should move on..but I never lost so many friends in such a short time and all for the same reason.


dependonyou December 11 2003, 09:32:21 UTC
You know why you lost them? They probably weren’t true enough friends.

The most “changing” you should have to do, in this situation, is grow the backbone to say:

“Look, this is how I am. I may get hurt, but I’m an understanding person. You can TALK to me, and we can work things out. I know that I get hurt easily, and because of that, I know that sometimes things are misunderstandings. A friendship isn’t always going to be happy, but if you aren’t going to stay through the tough times, I don’t really think you’re a friend. I’ve grown up enough to know how I am. I don’t intend to change. Now you have to grow up enough to accept that, and keep me as your friend even though there is a chance that you might hurt me. It’s all about trust. I trust you, now start returning the favor.”

*coughs into her hand* Gomen. I’m way too nice for my own good, and I can be so giving I almost go into debt, but I don’t take shit from people. I know how you feel, love. I haven’t lost friends, but that’s because I managed to say something like ( ... )


himemiya_anshii December 11 2003, 13:30:09 UTC
-Blinks at this in surprise only to smile happily as tears spill down her cheeks- That was the best advice I've heard in so long. -Clings to her tightly and hugs-

You're so nice! Thank you so much! I hope I do get through this..-Looks up to her- I really really hope you and I can grow to be really good friends. I want to be there for you as you are for me.

Thank you so much...Amie...i'll never forget this.


arpzilla December 11 2003, 13:41:27 UTC
-pounce,huggle,shnuggle,etc.- Hey..you deserve better than that. Don't change..seriously. Be yourself =P Know that there are those of us that will ALWAYS be here, you know? I'm around if you need to talk..anytime. Luff!


himemiya_anshii December 11 2003, 14:04:26 UTC
-Returns huggle and shnuggle once she's pounced and luffs her back- ;.; Thank you..April. It really means alot to me that your still around. I would have told you how I was feeling but I was wearing a mask to hide my depression until my heart just couldn't bear it any longer and had a breakdown. I didn't want you to get involve with that, not when you were having some problems of your own.

-Kisses her cheek- Luff you too, my dearest April.


arpzilla December 11 2003, 14:08:09 UTC
Hey..don't worry about me, just know that no matter what..I'll always be around to talk to. That's are what friends are for, eh? Know that even if I'm not online, too...feel free to email..or even call. My number is always open =P -huggles'more-


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