[Oneshot] Father's Love

Jun 20, 2010 17:04

Title : Father's Love
Author : hime_lian92
Characters : Kim Jaejoong, Kim Junsu, Kim YoungMi
Length : Oneshot
Genre : Fluff
Rating : G
Disclaimer : I only own YoungMi and the plot.
Summary : Extra story for "Letting Go".
Warning : Unbeta-ed, so there will probably have a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes in it.

YoungMi tiptoed behind her mother who was busy cooking in the kitchen. She tapped his shoulder lightly. Junsu turned to look at his daughter and smiled. “What’s wrong dear?”

YoungMi played with her fingers and pouted. “Umma, I hate appa.”

Junsu raised an eyebrow. “Why, darling? You hate your appa?”

YoungMi nodded. “I hate appa. He always scolded me and never let me play with Sungmin.”

Junsu smiled as he held YoungMi hands and led him to the dining table and sit there. Junsu faced his daughter and stroked her soft hair. “YoungMi-ah, your appa did that because he loves you. How can you hate him?”

YoungMi crossed her arms in front of her chest. “No! Appa hates me too! That’s why he did that to me!”

Junsu sighed. His teenage daughter is sometimes really hard to understand what they meant by doing that to her. They never scolded her. It was their way to protect her. Even though they know that Minho is a good boy, but YoungMi is their precious daughter. Their only child. How can they not protect her from the outside world?

YoungMi abruptly stand up and ran to her room when the front door opened. Junsu looked over his shoulder to see his husband entering the house. He approached him and helped him to take off his coat.

“Hey, baby.” Jaejoong said as he slid his arms around Junsu’s waist and pecked his wife’s lips gently. Junsu smiled.

“Hey to you too, hubby. Had fun at work?”

Jaejoong kept his left arm around Junsu’s waist as they walked into the living room. Jaejoong plopped himself on the sofa before pulling his wife to sit on his lap. “Nah. Work was hell. This is my heaven.” Jaejoong grinned at Junsu.

Junsu slapped his husband on his chest and blushed. “You’re being cheesy again. When are you going to stop that?”

Jaejoong lifted Junsu’s face and kissed his wife on his cheek. “The day I’m going to stop being cheesy is the day when I stop loving you, which is never.”

Junsu smiled gently at his husband and hug him. Suddenly he remembered about their daughter. “Oh, Jae-ah. You should talk to YoungMi.”

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow at Junsu. “Whatever for?”

“You’re being so straight-forward to her. You hurt her, you know. She said she hates you. That’s because you scolded her and not let her play with Sungmin.”

Jaejoong sighed and ran his finger on his hair. “That girl will never learn her lesson.”

“Hubby-ah, YoungMi is our precious daughter. I don’t want her to hate us. Talk to her, okay?”

Jaejoong sighed and nodded. He kissed Junsu’s forehead before walking towards their daughter’s room. He knocked on the door. “YoungMi-ah. It’s appa. Let me in.”

YoungMi shouted from inside. “No! I hate you, appa! I rather have umma instead of you!”

Jaejoong felt hurt at his daughter’s words. “YoungMi-ah! Open the door!” He shouted at her.

“No!” YoungMi stubbornly yelled.

Jaejoong patience run thin and he walked back into the living room and found his wife staring nervously at him. “She wants you instead of me! That girl has really changed! It must be because of her friends!”

Junsu walked towards his husband and patted his shoulder. “Jae, please be patient. She’s our daughter. And don’t say things like that, alright? I’ll try to go and talk to her.”

Jaejoong sighed as he plopped himself on the sofa again while Junsu tried to talk to his daughter.

Junsu knocked on his daughter’s door. “YoungMi-ah. It’s umma. Please open up?”

Slowly, the door opened and YoungMi pulled her mother in before closing the door again. She pulled her mother to sit on her bed beside her. “Umma-ah..” She said while sobbing. “What’s wrong with being Sungmin’s friend?”

Junsu’s heart softened seeing the fragile look of his daughter. He pulled her into his embrace and hugged her. “YoungMi-ah.. don’t cry, baby.”

“Appa.. he hates me now, right? I don’t want appa to hate me, but I really want to be Sungmin’s friend.”

Junsu stroked his daughter hair and planted a kiss on top of it. “Baby, your appa could never hate you. He loves you too much, dear. Don’t you remember what I said to you in the kitchen, just now? He did it, because he loves you and cares for you.”

YoungMi looked up with tears on her face. “I still can’t understand why appa won’t let me be Sungmin’s friend, though.”

As if on cue, YoungMi’s phone rings. She excused herself from her mother and picked the phone up. “Oh, MinMin-ah.”

Junsu raised an amused eyebrow. YoungMi still call Minho as MinMin? They never grew up.

“What? Are you serious, MinMin-ah?” Junsu saw the shocked look on his daughter face and wondered what they’re talking about.

“Okay. Thanks for telling me, MinMin.” The she hung up. She turned at her mother and smiled widely. “Umma! Thank you!” She hugged him tight.

Junsu was confused as to why suddenly his daughter changed, but he hugged her nonetheless.

YoungMi pulled away from the hug and kissed her mother on his cheek. “Umma, I’m going to talk to appa now, okay?” Junsu just nodded dumbly and chuckled when he saw his daughter running out of the room looking for her father.

She found her father in the living room, his hand on the bridge of his nose and rubbed it. YoungMi felt sad. Her father was working day and night for the family. Sometimes even during weekend and holiday, her father works too.

She approached him silently and hugged him from behind. Jaejoong was startled by the sudden hug and looked behind him to see who’s hugging him. It was his daughter. Unconsciously, Jaejoong smiled.

“Appa, I’m sorry.” YoungMi said.

“Sorry for what?”
“Sorry for not believing you. You didn’t let me become friends with Sungmin was because you knew he was a playboy aren’t you?”

Jaejoong cursed that person who told his daughter. He nodded slightly. “You knew now?”

YoungMi nodded. “I’m sorry, appa, for all those harsh things I said to you.”

Jaejoong pulled his daughter to sit beside him. He turned at her. “I’ll forgive you, if you forgive me too?”

YoungMi grinned as she held out her pinky. “Pinky swear?”

Jaejoong ruffled his daughter hair before holding out his pinky. “Okay.” They intertwined their pinky to seal their promise.

YoungMi hugged her father. “I love you, appa.”

Jaejoong nodded and smiled. “I love you too, YoungMi-ah.”

She pulled away. “Oh, and happy fathers’ day! I just remember it was today!” She grinned excitedly. “What do you want to do today, appa?”

Jaejoong put his finger below his chin thinking. “What about-”

He was cut off when Junsu suddenly appeared behind them. “Amusement park for today!”

Jaejoong and YoungMi exchanged looks before bursting out laughing at Junsu. Junsu pouted. “Yah, what’s so funny?”

Jaejoong wiped away an amused tear that beginning to formed and chuckled at Junsu. “Okay, amusement park for today, it is. Go changed now.”

Junsu and YoungMi squealed excitedly before going to change their clothes. Jaejoong shook his head while smiling in happiness seeing two adorable creatures that God gave to him in his life.

This year is going to be the best Fathers’ day for Jaejoong.

A/N : Dedicated to all fathers' in the world, but of course, especially my father. Lol. Though he will never see this. XD Hope you enjoy and comments are loved! <3

pairing: jaesu, length: oneshot, letting go, fanfic

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