[Oneshot] Lovesick

Jun 03, 2010 18:57

Title : Lovesick
Author : hime_lian92 
Pairing : YunJae
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Romance, Angst
Warning : Unbeta-ed, grammar and spelling mistakes, memory loss
Disclaimer : I don't own any of the character. Credit the poem to my friend's friend. 
Summary : Wherever I go, I'll always come back to you.

I never knew you would have to leave me here all alone.
I never knew that one morning when I call,
you were gone.


I opened the house door and found no one inside. Why is the house really quiet today? Where’s he? Maybe he went to buy some groceries.

I walked to our bedroom to change.  I opened the door and sat on my bed. I lied on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes to inhale his scent that lingers around the room. I opened my eyes again to look around. That’s when I realized our photo on the bed side table is gone.

I sat up and widened my eyes. I frantically searched for any of his things, but no luck. It’s all gone. I ran to the wardrobe and open it wide.
My knees went weak, and I fell. He’s really gone.

But even though it hurts for me to believe
That the man I really love would one day have to leave

“Yunho-ah, it’s been a month.” Changmin said as he tried to console me. I don’t want to hear him, so I just turned my head away.I can hear him sighed again for the nth time. He stood up and walked out of the room.

I clutched my chest where the heart is and sobbed quietly. “Jaejoong-ah. Jaejoong-ah.” I repeated his name like a mantra. I just want you back.

I can’t live with you, Jaejoong-ah, please come back.

I never knew saying the words good bye could hurt so bad.
I never knew it could be so heart breaking,
left all along and feeling sad

I stared at the letter in front of me. I always knew this day would come. But why must it be now? When I finally have the person I love beside me?

I have always hated my life, but I learnt to love it ever since I met him. He gave me happiness. A reason to live.

And yet, I will be the one who broke his heart.

I looked around the room and my eyes stopped at the bed side table where our photo stood there. I picked it up and caressed his face lovingly. I cried.

After a few minutes, I finally calm down. I stood up and look around the room for the last time. This room is really precious to me. Because this is where he is, where my heart is. And it will never change.

I picked up my bag and the photo. Then, I walked out of the room and closed it.

I never want to say good bye. Because I know, I never want this to end.

But even though those words are now said,
I can still hear you saying
I love you all through my head.

I smiled bitterly. “Changmin-ah. Do you remember how he looks like?”
Changmin turned and nodded. “Of course I do, hyung-ah. Why?” He asked.

I frowned and put my fingers below my chin. “I don’t know why but I forgot how he looks like. Can you describe him for me?”

Changmin looked at me in pity. I don’t want any pity. “Sure.” He began. “Jaejoong is a very nice, kind and lovable man. He cares about people more than himself. He likes to cook and always looks cute whenever he wears an apron.”

I frowned even more. “How do you know him so well? Are you in love with him?”

Changmin shook his head and smiled. “No, I don’t. That what you always told me about Jaejoong, hyung-ah. Don’t you remember?”

I shook my head and sighed. “No, but I remember one thing.”

“What is it?”

I smiled. “I can still remember how he say ‘I love you’ to me. I can still hear it now in my head.”

Changmin broke into tears when he hugged me tight.

I never knew you could disappear for so many days.
I never knew it could make me love you in so many ways.

“This is him, Changmin-ah?” I looked up at Changmin. He nodded and hand me another album. I look at the title in the cover page.

I won’t forget you forever.

I opened it and saw so many pictures of a man I hardly recognize. “Changmin-ah, did you take this picture?” I pointed to the pictures inside.

Changmin shook his head. “I didn’t, but you did, hyung.” I swear I could see Changmin’s eyes moistened after he said that. But I just shrugged it off, thinking it’s my eyes problem.

I turned my head to the pictures again and smiled. “He’s really pretty, Changmin-ah. What is his name again?”

Changmin stroked my hair. “His name is Jaejoong, Yunho-ah.”

I smiled. “Jaejoong? His name is as pretty as the owner.”

But one thing I do know is that when all this comes to the end,
you will be here to stay and never have to leave me again

I ran through the corridors trying to find the room where he stayed. I saw a nurse and approached her. “Excuse me.”

She turned at me and smiled. “Yes? Can I help you?”

I nodded. “I’m trying to find the room where Jung Yunho stays.”

“I know where his room is. Please follow me.” She said as she gestured me to follow her. I followed behind her and trying to calm my heart down.

We stopped in front of a room. 3302, is the room number. I smiled and bowed at the nurse for helping me.

I sighed. I wanted to turn the door knob, but I’m scared.

Finally after a few minutes debating with my mind, I got the courage to turn the knob. I walked inside quietly. My eyes roam around the room and stopped at a figure sitting on the bed looking out the window.

He must’ve heard the door open because he stared at me now. He smiled. “Hello.”

I really wanted to cry and hug him as tight as I can, but I held it back. I smiled awkwardly. “Hi.” I replied.

He nodded his head. “You must be Jaejoong, right?” I widened my eyes. But before I could respond, he continued. “Changmin-hyung told me a lot about you.”

I bit my lips to prevent me from crying. He called Changmin as hyung. “Ah, I see. Did he tell you anything else other than my name?” I asked.

He pouted and put his hand below his chin. “I don’t know. I can’t remember any of it. Jaejoong-ah, why does everyone keep on leaving me?"

I stared at him in shock. "Why did you ask that, Yunho-ah?"

He looked down and pouted. "I don't know. I just feel like I have no one beside me anymore." He wiped away his tears with his the back of his hands. My heart cringed at the scene in front of me.  It was all my fault. I was the one who made him like this.

I wanted to hold him so much, but I couldn't move away from the spot where I stood now. It's as if something holding me back from moving, and I know what it is. Guilty. I shouldn't have left him, if I know he'll be like this.

But everything is too late now. There's no room for regret anymore.

I approached him slowly and sat on his bed in front of him. When he looked up at me, I smiled. "Don't say that, Yunho-ah. I can always be by your side."

He pouted cutely. "Can you promise me not to leave me?" I smiled and wiped away his tears with my thumb. Then I caressed his face softly.

"I promise, Yunho-ah. I'll be beside you forever." Yunho grinned at my answer and hugged me. I froze when he hugged me, but relaxed after he stroked my back.

"Thank you, Jaejoong-ah! I promise not to leave you too!"

I nodded. I can’t even trust myself to speak. I know I’ll break into tears if I did. I just hugged him tighter as a response.

And I know for sure,
I’ll never let you go now and forever

A/N : I think I failed you, rei.. i'm sorry *bow* I hope you all enjoy! Comments make me smile =)

pairing: yunjae, length: oneshot, fanfic

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