Happiness (2/?)

Jun 02, 2010 19:11

Title : Happiness
Author : hime_lian92 
Pairings : JaeSu (main), HoSu
Length : Chaptered
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance, Angst
Warning : Unbeta-ed, grammar mistakes and typos, cross-dressing
Summary : Junsu and Jaejoong are best friend. What will happen when Junsu married Jaejoong when he's currently being Yunho's boyfriend?
Disclaimer : I own everything, except the boys.

[Junsu’s POV]

It’s been two days since I last saw Jae after the arranged meeting that day. Unfortunately, I didn’t saw him when I came back to the room.


I knocked slightly and opened the door. I saw my mother looking at me. Then, I look around to see Jae, but he was nowhere to be found. I sat down beside my mother and whisper to him. "Mom, where’s Jae?"

"Jae? Oh, you mean Jaejoong? He went back already."

Junsu looked at his mother, confused. "Huh? Why?"

"Well, when you’re in the bathroom, he called his mom and tell him that he had to go back to the office because of some problems."

Junsu nodded. "Oh, okay. Thanks, mom."

_________________________________End of Flashback____________________________

Jae.. where are you? Why are you not answering my calls?

As I was about to go to the balcony to get some fresh air, my phone rings. Immediately I went to pick up the call. Unknown number.

[End of POV]


"Oh, now you don’t sound like a dolphin."

"Is that.. you, Jae?" Junsu didn't know why but he felt relieved hearing that voice. Usually he would sulk everytime the other teased him, but not now.

Jaejoong sighed. "I thought you didn’t recognize my voice anymore, Su."

"Jae, where were you for the past 2 days? I was so worried."

"Su, you don’t have to waste your time worried about me. You should worry about Yunho instead, right?"

Junsu didn't answer.

"Su-ah.. have you told Yunho about this?"

Junsu shook his head and answered a small 'no'.

"Why not? We can’t keep this secret from him, you know."

"Jae-ah. You know, I feel really bad about this marriage."


Junsu sighed. "Well, I’m going to get married to you, yet I’m still Yunho’s boyfriend."

"Su, listen to me. We’re getting married because of our grandfathers. You love Yunho, I know. That’s why I don’t want to take away all of your happiness, because you already lose one. That is, getting married to me."

Junsu was about to answer, when Jaejoong suddenly cut him off.

"Oh, sorry Su. I got to go. We’ll talk again later, okay? Oh and.. Don’t forget to tell Yunho about this. Make him understand. AND don’t break up with him cause I know you still love him."


Junsu got cut off when Jaejoong hang up on Junsu.

[Jaejoong’s POV]

"Oh, sorry Su. I got to go. We’ll talk again later, okay? Oh and.. Don’t forget to tell Yunho about this. Make him understand. AND don’t break up with him cause I know you still love him."


I cut Junsu off as I hang up on him. I don’t want to listen anymore. I almost said ‘I love you’ to him. I hate myself for being stupid. I hate myself for being Junsu’s best friend. I hate myself to be me. If only I could trade place with Yunho.. I won’t let go of Junsu no matter what happen.

I sighed and leaned back to my chair. Feeling tired, I take my cell phone from my pocket. I opened it to see the wallpaper. I love this wallpaper so much. It was of me and Junsu, when we were still in college. We were so happy that time.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I immediately closed my cell phone and cleared my throat. "Come in."

The door opens to reveal two tall muscular men. They smiled to me, before walking in and closed the door.

"Hyung. How did the meeting go?" Changmin asked as he stand beside me.

"Stressful. It went well, but I’m really exhausted persuading them to help us in this problem." I said as I rubbed my temple, trying to ease my headache.

Changmin smiled. "I know you can do it, hyung. Oh, hyung. Meet my new assistant. Kim Kibum."

I smiled at the man and nod my head curtly. "Oh, hello. Welcome to the company. I’m Kim Jaejoong."

Kibum bowed at me and nodded. "Nice to meet you."

Changmin took a seat in front of me and said. "Hyung, he said he knew you from before."

I frowned my eyebrows. "Really? Have we seen each other before?"

Kibum nodded. "Yeah. I think it was when you’re in college. I’m Junsu’s friend. We met when you came over to Junsu’s house."

"Junsu’s friend? Aah! Now I remember! You’re Kibum and the other one was Eunhyuk, right?" I said as I now recalled the memories.

Kibum nodded and smiled happily.

I smiled. "It’s been so long. Are you still in contact with Junsu?" I asked.

Kibum nodded. "Yes. Oh, sir-"

I cut him off. "Please call me Jaejoong, Kibum. Junsu’s friend is my friend too."

"Yes, Jaejoong hyung. Ah, um, please don’t tell Junsu that I work here, okay? I wanted to surprise him."

I smiled. Junsu sure has a very nice friend. "Sure. I’m fine with it. Now, Changmin, can you please give him a tour around the company?"

I turned around to see Changmin wasn’t paying attention to what I said. So I nudged him a little. "Yah, stop day dreaming, will you?"

Changmin smiled sheepishly at me and scratch the back of his head. "Sorry. Oh, what were you saying?"

I sighed, but still managed to smile at him. I think Changmin is kind of attracted with Kibum. "I said, can you please give Kibum a tour around the company while getting to know other employees?"

Changmin nodded. "Sure. Come on, Kibum."

"Thank you, Jaejoong hyung. I’ll see you later." Kibum bowed at me and followed Changmin out of my office.

I nod as I watch them walking out the door before closing it. I sighed as I go back to my seat. Then I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

[End of POV]


It’s been thirty minutes, and yet the person Junsu waiting for hasn’t come. Junsu sip his favourite strawberry milkshake while looking out the window, watching all the people passing by the café he’s sitting right now.

Suddenly the door opened and Junsu saw the person he’s waiting for. He waved his hand and the person walked towards him.

"Sorry, babe. Did you wait long?" Yunho stood beside Junsu giving him his best puppy eyes.

Junsu didn’t answer. Instead, he smiled at Yunho and gives him a peck on his cheek. Yunho then sat on the opposite seat in front of Junsu.

"So, what do you want to talk about, Su? Why does it sounded so urgent?"

Junsu sighed. He'll have to say this no matter what. "Yunnie, I’ll just get straight to the point, all right? I’m getting married."

Yunho gaped. He was surprised, indeed, hearing Junsu’s statement. "Su-ah, you’re kidding right? I thought you said that you’re getting married."

Junsu shook his head. "It’s true, Yunnie. I’m getting married. And it’s in 3 days." Junsu stared at Yunho’s shocked expression.

"Why didn’t you tell me earlier about this, Su? So you want to break up with me?" He asked.

[Junsu’s POV]

As I heard Yunnie said that, I shook my head furiously. Then I hold his hands. "No, Yunnie. I don’t want to break up with you. I’m just telling you this, because my future husband asked me to tell you and he also told me not to break up with you."

Yunnie snorted when I said that, so I gave him a confuse look. "How crazy can your future husband get, Su? First, he told you to tell me that you are getting married. Now, he asked me not to break up with you when you are about to get married to him? Who the heck is he? An angel?"

I went quiet for a while, thinking whether I should tell Yunnie that the one I will marry is none other than his best friend and respected hyung, Kim Jaejoong. Hearing no response from me, Yunnie sighed and palmed his face.

"Su, who is that the one you’re going to marry?"

I decided to tell Yunnie the truth, since I love him so much. "Yunnie-ah, the one I’m going to get married to is.. your best friend, Jaejoong-hyung."

Yunnie was speechless. I already expected that. Then I saw his unreadable expression.
Suddenly, he fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed some numbers. After waiting for a few seconds, the other line picked up his call.

[End of POV]

[Yunho’s POV]

I was waiting for a few seconds until the other line picked up my call. When he picked up, immediately I stormed a lot of questions at him.

"What the heck are you thinking?! Why didn’t you tell me earlier about this?! And.. are you sure that you’re the one Junsu’s going to marry to?!"

The other line chuckled when I said that. I can’t help but to feel anger rushing up to my brain that I couldn’t think straight anymore.

"Yaah!! Kim Jaejoong!!" I yelled at him.

"Sorry, Yunho-ah. Can’t help it. I was about to say hello or hi or how are you until you cut me off by storming a lot of questions at me! Did you even breathe?"

I low down my voice, trying to control my anger. "Just answer my questions."

"I get it. Okay, let me answer your questions one by one. First, I was thinking about company’s problem. Second, I didn’t tell you earlier because I just found out about this a few days ago. And third, yes, I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be the one Junsu’s going to get married to."

I didn’t respond at his words. I was lost in words. I can’t say anything.

"So, I guess Junsu already told you about this, then. Did he tell you the reason why we have to do this?"

I shook my head, and realizing Jae can’t see it, I let out a small no.

"Don’t be angry at him, okay. We were forced to do this. Our grandfathers used to make promise to each other that they’re going to marry their grandchildren, me and Junsu. You know how my grandfather is when he’s angry, right? So that’s why I can’t back out from this marriage."

Yunho sighed, feeling that the anger has left him. Only confusion stayed. "But.. why did you tell Junsu not to break up with me? You guys are going to get married, it wouldn’t look nice, right, if the wife having another boyfriend? Especially, you have a big company, wouldn’t there be scandal?"

"That’s okay, as long as no one else know about this. And the reason why I didn’t let Junsu to break up with you was because.. I know that YOU are his happiness, Yunho-ah. As your and his best friend and hyung, I didn’t want to take away your happiness. It is your right to be happy."

When I was about to speak again, Jae cut me off.

"Anyway, I have to go. I have a meeting. See you around."

Then, he hung up.

[End of POV]


[Junsu’s POV]

Today, I’m going to marry my best friend, Jae-hyung. Everytime, I always feel uncomfortable when I think that I’m going to be his wife starting from today. When I lost in my thought, there’s a knock on my dressing room door and I whispered come in, loud enough for the person to hear. The door slightly open and my boyfriend’s head were popping out of nowhere.

"Hey, babe. Are you fini-" Yunnie stopped talking when I turned my body around to face him. I smiled at him.

"Yunnie-ah.. Do I look OK?"

Yunnie chuckled and smirked at me. "Did you just ask me do you look OK? Heck. You look amazing, fabulous, beautiful and.. God, I can’t even describe how wonderful you are in words!"

I giggled at Yunnie’s words. I really used to his sweet talking, but this time, it really makes me calm. I walked towards him and wrap my hands around his neck as I leaned closer to him. "Then, do you mind giving me a kiss?"

Without warning, Yunnie just crashed his lips onto mine and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my hands around his neck tighter to deepen the kiss. We were kissing until we heard a soft chuckle.

"Yah, sorry to interrupt your sweet moments but, are you guys crazy? Not that I mind, but please refrain yourselves from doing that. Especially in this situation, where the DOOR is OPEN!!"

Yunnie and I look at each other before turning our head to Jae-hyung, giving him an apologetic look.

"Well, I just wanted to warn you guys that. So, without further delay, I’ll just leave this room quietly and you guys can continue whatever you were doing just now. Oh, Su. Don’t forget that you have to be in the hall in 30 minutes. Bye."

With that, Jae-hyung left us and we continue kissing again after locking the door.

[End of POV]

[Jaejoong’s POV]

After I closed the door and heard a click sound, I walked back to my dressing room with my head down. I can feel people are staring at me, maybe they think I’m weird. People should be happy, especially on their wedding day. Yes, I’m indeed happy because I’ll marry the person I love. But sadly, that person didn’t love me back. My heart was hurting so much when I saw Junsu and Yunho kissed just now. But all that I ever wanted was Junsu’s happiness.

[End of POV]

[Junsu’s POV]

Here I am, walking down the aisle. I let my head hung low because if I look up, I’ll see someone whom I didn’t want to get married to standing in front of me. I glance to my right, I saw my brother holding my arms. Then, I saw my mother and my brother’s wife looking at me with a smile. I turned my head and I saw my boyfriend, Yunnie. He was looking at someone I didn’t know. Well, that’s not really my problem right now. My problem is-

[End of POV]

Junsu’s thought got interrupted when his brother, Junho handing his hand to his-soon-to-be husband, Jaejoong.

"Please take care of him, Jaejoong."

Jaejoong smiled a soft smile while taking Junsu hand and linking it with his arms. Then, Junho went back to his seat beside his wife.

Jaejoong noticed a sad look in Junsu’s face. So he lean towards Junsu and whisper in his ears. "Su, please? Can you try smile for this once? I know you hate this marriage, but can you please do this favor for me?"

Junsu look up to Jaejoong and Jaejoong give him a sad smile. Feeling guilty, Junsu also give Jaejoong a smile, a forced one that is.

The priest cleared his throat and began his speech. "Here we are today, to witness the marriage between sons of Kims family. May we all begin? Do you Kim Jaejoong take Kim Junsu as your lawfully wife and cares for him until death do you apart?"

"Yes, I do." Jaejoong said with confident in his voice.

The priest now turned to Junsu. "Do you Kim Junsu take Kim Jaejoong as your lawfully husband and cares for him until death do you apart?"

Junsu hesitated for a while. He look at Jaejoong’s face and then to Yunho. But to his surprise, Yunho wasn’t there anymore. Jaejoong gives him a light squeeze in his hand. Then, Junsu look at the priest. "I.. yes. I do."

"Is there anyone who against this marriage?"

‘It would have been me’, Junsu thought. But he keeps silent while looking down on the floor.

"Now, Kim Jaejoong, you may kiss your bride."

[Jaejoong’s POV]

As the priest said that I may kiss my bride, I was so happy inside. I was jumping up and down screaming and laughing like maniac (inside my mind, of course). I was waiting for so long to kiss that sweet kissable lips that Junsu owns. I leaned towards Junsu and lift up his chin with my finger. I saw Junsu already closed his eyes. I went in and capture those lips onto mine. I kissed him really gently and long because I don’t want this moment to end. Yet, I broke the kiss when I feel Junsu’s hands on my chest, pushing me lightly.

[End of POV]

[Junsu’s POV]

I was really lost in the kiss Jae gives me. It was really sweet and gentle. I never kissed like this before, not even when Yunnie kissed me. Then only realized that I was still kissing Jae. I give Jae a light push and straightened my position. I saw Jae’s face and he looks really sad, but I ignored it. I link my arm into Jae’s and pulled him towards the door. I was surprised when Jae lifted me up and carried me bridal style towards our wedding car.

When we’re already in front of the church, Jae put me down and signal me to throw my flower bouquet to the people who haven’t got married yet. It’s a tradition, and so I did. The flower landed on someone who Yunnie was staring at during the wedding. I don’t know him, but I guess it doesn’t really matter.

"Let’s go, Su?"

I turned my head to Jae and saw him offering his hand for me to take. I hesitated at first, but not wanting to look awkward for a newly-wed couple, I took his hand and let him led me to the car. We could hear all of the people cheering for us. As soon we arrived near the car, Jae opened the door for me and helped me in because my wedding dress is really annoying. Then, he went in the car and soon we drove off.

[End of POV]


A/N : Part 2! Hope you enjoy~! Don't forget to leave comment, yes? =)

pairing: hosu, pairing: jaesu, fanfic

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