Happiness (1/?)

Jun 01, 2010 21:24

Title : Happiness
Author : hime_lian92 
Pairings : JaeSu (main), HoSu
Length : Chaptered
Genre : Comedy, Drama, Romance, Angst
Warning : Unbeta-ed, grammar mistakes and typos
Summary : Junsu and Jaejoong are best friend. What will happen when Junsu married Jaejoong when he's currently being Yunho's boyfriend?
Disclaimer : I own everything, except the boys.

[Junsu’s POV]

This morning is supposed to be a perfect day for me. Well, at least that what I thought, until mom suddenly came barging into my room when I was sleeping peacefully and shouted!

"Junsu! Dear! Wake up!!"

Of course it's Sunday and I didn’t want to wake up yet, so I just let out a ’10 minutes’ and went back to sleep while covering my body with blanket until my head covered with it.

"No, Junsu! You need to wake up! Because today is an important day!"

Even though I’m asleep, I tried to remember what the heck is going on today and what is so important about today. Suddenly, I sat on my bed (which startled my mom, of course) and scream. My mom had to cover his ears because of that.

[End of POV]

"Mom. Please don’t tell me that today is.."

Junsu’s mom, of course smiled, to know that his son remember what will happen today. He caressed his son on his cheeks and smiled even wider.

"Yes, honey. Today IS the day. Now, get up and wash yourself. Later dress up nicely, okay?"

He gives his son a smile before walking out the room and closing the door behind him.

Junsu sit on his bed sighing. He never wanted to do this. If it wasn’t because of his grandpa’s request a few days ago..


"Junsu-ah.. Come here, my dear boy."

Junsu, as his grandpa-most-good-grandchild, of course obey him and sit next to his laying grandpa. He held his grandpa’s hand and put up a smile on his face.

"Yes, grandpa?"

The old man smiled, looking at the once small young boy who now grew up to became a very handsome gentleman.

"Junsu-ah.. There’s one thing that I want you to do."

Junsu frowned his eyebrow. "What is it grandpa?"

[Junsu’s POV]

I really had a very bad feeling when grandpa said that he wanted me to do something. I hesitated for a while but then I responded to him and ask him what was it that he wanted me to do.

"I’m getting older, Junsu-ah.. I’ll probably won’t live any longer in this world."

Okay, I totally hate when grandpa talked about this stuff. It will just lead to..

"So, Junsu-ah.. You’re getting married to Kim’s son and that is final."

MARRIAGE!! I thought so!! Last time grandpa was hospitalized, I can still escape from this terrible nightmare, but now? Huh, I don’t think I could anymore. But hey, I think I could. Oh, you’re so smart Kim Junsu. If the other party doesn’t like me, I’m sure they won’t make me as their son-in-law.

The old man looked at his grandchild carefully. "You agree to that, don’t you?"

Of course I’m not!! But I couldn’t say that right to grandpa’s face. Or else, he’ll just get another heart attack.

"Um, can you please at least let me meet him first before I decide?"

Seeing from his expression, I think he glad that I at least CONSIDER this marriage thing. Well, last time, I didn’t even bother to do that. Well.. I didn’t know what’s wrong with me today.

"I’ll let you meet him. You’re sure going to like him, Junsu-ah." My grandpa squeezed my hand lightly and pat my shoulder.

I didn’t answer, instead I give him a fake smile.

________________________________End of Flashback_________________________

Junsu's mom was smiling as he saw his son walk down the stairs looking so handsome with a white suit and a black tie. He wore white pants and black shoes. The older man smiled wider and reach out his hands to pull his son for a hug when the son stepped his feet to end of the stairs.

"Junsu-ah.. Dear.. You look so handsome."

Not bothering to reply, Junsu just walked away to sit on the couch in the living room. Junsu let out a sigh, and then he turned his attention to his phone which was vibrating on his pocket trousers.

[Junsu’s POV]

I look at my phone screen and smiled when I saw my best friend’s name on it. I immediately answer the phone call.

"Hey, Jae!"

The other side was laughing when he heard my, okay, I repeat MY voice. What’s wrong with my voice anyway?

"Yah, Jae! Do you want to die? Why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

I still can hear Jaejoong is still trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard. Well, he deserved it.

[End of POV]

"Junsu-ah, sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh, but you know every time you answer my phone call, and when you say ‘hello’ or ‘hey’ it sounds like a dolphin squeal!"

Junsu widened his eyes and pouted. "What? No, I don’t!"

Jaejoong, on the other side, still laughing hard. And Junsu’s pouted even more.

"Okay, okay.. Just forget it. So, is it today?"

Junsu went quiet for a while, and Jaejoong took it as a ‘yes’.

"Are you on your way there? Have you met him?"

Junsu shook his head. As he realized Jaejoong couldn’t see him shaking his head so he replied.

"No. I’m still at home. Jae, what should I do? I don’t want to get married yet! I’m still young for god sakes! Dammit! Shit!"

Jaejoong tried to refrain from laughing when he heard Junsu cursing, because he knows if Junsu heard him laugh at him, he’ll surely get his ass kicked off.

"Calm down, Junsu. I know you’re mad and everything, but please, no cursing, all right? Anyway, I’ve told you, didn’t I, that you’re not the only one who’s suffering tonight. Me too. Because I’m going to meet my future-wife soon."

Junsu sighed. "Oh, right. You were ACTUALLY serious about that, Jae?"

"What? You thought I was joking? Oh, please, Junsu. It’s a serious matter!"

Junsu’s mom called his son from the front door.

"Oh, sorry Jae. I got to go. My mom is already calling me. Uhm.. good luck, okay. Let’s meet up later."

"Sure. Good luck to you too, Junsu-ah. Fighting!"

Junsu hang up the phone and walk towards his mom. Junsu’s mom immediately came to his son as soon as he saw him and patting his son on his shoulder and caressing his cheek.

"Junsu-ah, I’m really sorry that I had to force you to do this."

Junsu put his hand on his mom’s hand and squeezed it lightly. He gave his mom a soft smile.

"Mom, it’s okay. I mean, I had to do this for grandpa. I know. I also know you’re sorry for everything. It’s not like I did this because I like it and wants to get married to that whoever person and became his wife."

His mother shook his head. "Junsu-ah, I got that. But please, do this favor for your grandpa and me. The Kim’s family is our family best friend. We even have the same family name with them. Your grandpa and the other Kim’s grandpa had made promise to each other that they would marry their grandchildren. So please, don’t let us down, Junsu."

Junsu face fell shocked.

[Junsu’s POV]

What?! So from the start, mom was never been at my side at all?! So I can’t run away from this marriage at all?!

"Now, let’s go, Junsu. We have to go now. We don’t want to be late, right?"

Now, I just can’t face my mom with a smile anymore. No one is actually by my side. So I just nod and get to the car leaving my mom behind.

[End of POV]

Junsu and his mother arrived at the 5-star hotel in central Seoul. They walked into the building and headed towards the restaurant. Junsu couldn’t help but to be mesmerized by the restaurant because it was on the top of the building and have the best scenery.

"Junsu-ah, let’s go."

Junsu only nodded in reply and following his mother to a private room.

The waiter opened the door for them, revealing an old man and 2 men which Junsu thought the same age as his mother.

"Hannie-ah. I’m sorry. Did you wait long?"

[Junsu’s POV]

This ‘Hannie’ person who my mom just called came to us and gave my mom a hug before pulling away, smiling.

"It’s okay, Chullie. We have just arrived as well. Right, appa?"

The eldest among all of us in the room nodded and give us a warm smile.

"Oh, is this your son, Chullie? What was his name? Junho?"

My mom chuckled before replying. "No, Hannie. This one is Junsu. Junho, my first son is married already and living in America."

"Oh! I’m sorry! Nice to meet you, Junsu."

When I saw he bowed at me, I also bowed at him and turned to the other two, and bowed at them. I give them a smile and introduced myself.

"Good evening. My name is Junsu. I hope you’ll treat me kind."

The man in front of me smiled at me and then turned to my mother. "You have raise him great, Chullie."

My mother smiled at him. The other older man, who maybe the same age as my mom, stand up. "Hannie, dear. You should ask them to sit down first."

"Oh, I’m so sorry, Chullie-ah, Junsu-ah, please sit down."

[End of POV]

Junsu and his mother sit in front of the couple. Heechul turned to ask Siwon.

"Oh, by the way, where’s your son?"

Siwon answered. "Well, he said he’ll come a bit late because he had something to do."

Suddenly the room burst opened and revealed a beautiful young man who was panting because of running.

"I’m sorry I’m late."

Junsu widened his eyes and dropped the glass he was holding. He immediately stands up and shouted.

[Junsu’s POV]

I widened my eyes and dropped the glass I was holding. The older men immediately looked at me. I stood up and shouted.

"Jae?! What are you doing here?!"

[End of POV]

[Jaejoong’s POV]

I opened the door harshly and panting because of running. I bowed a bit.

"I’m sorry I’m late." I said.

I looked up and saw a familiar face in front of me. He dropped his glass as soon as I looked up.

"Jae?! What are you doing here?!"

What am I doing here? Of course I’m here for that stupid arranged marriage.. Wait! My parents and grandfather is here, that means I’m in the correct room. But how come Junsu is here?!


Junsu called me again as he didn’t get any respond from me. Well, forgive me for being shocked when I’m actually getting engaged with my best friend-Wait no, my long time crush!

"Actually, I think I should ask you the same question, Su. What are YOU doing here?"

I turned to my parents and gave them a what-is-going-on look.

Before they had a chance to speak, my grandfather has already stood up. I, of course understand that and immediately make my way to the nearest chair and drag Junsu to sit down as well.

Of course, at first, he was struggling, but what can I do? He HAS to sit down, especially when my grandfather is standing up.

"I see that Jaejoong is already here, why don’t we start our dinner?"

The parents are nodding, so I can’t help to nod as well. I take a glance on my right side and saw that Junsu was looking down and pouting. Oh, how I want to pinch that cute cheeks!

[End of POV]

The dinner was going on well with the elders chatting and everything. But there are two persons who are still awkward with each other, though they know each other for only-God-knows how many years.

When they were enjoying the dinner, suddenly there is an incoming call for Jaejoong. So he excused himself and walk towards the door before closing it again slowly.

Junsu saw that Jaejoong going out, so he decided to follow him. He excused himself by saying that he really needs to go to the toilet.

Once he’s outside the room, he was searching for Jaejoong. He saw Jaejoong was talking to his phone behind a pillar, so he decided to go to him.

When Jaejoong was finished with his phone call, Junsu decided to come up to Jaejoong.

[Jaejoong’s POV]

"Okay. Just do whatever you can for today. See you in the office tomorrow. Yes."

I hung up on one of my worker, Changmin, who is also my best friend. I sighed, thinking of the company problems, that Changmin had just told me.

I turned around, to go back to the room again, until I saw Junsu standing right in front of me. I was startled, so I took a few steps back while holding my chest.

"Junsu-ah. You startled me."

Junsu didn’t even bother to smile or laugh like he used to when he do something like this to me. Well, he likes to do this to me because he knows, I got surprised easily.

"Jae-ah. We need to talk. This is important."

Without Junsu telling me, I already know what he wanted to talk about. The MARRIAGE. Of course. Junsu walked away and sit on one of the couch in the lobby, so I just followed him and do the same.

There was a moment of silent as Junsu was looking down on his shoes. How envious I am to his shoes. Why can’t Junsu look at me like that?

Suddenly Junsu’s face turned to look at me. He was staring at my eyes. I felt like my heart beat faster and I can feel my cheeks are getting warm.

"Jae-ah. Did you know about this?"

I shook my head. "I never know. I mean, yes, I know that I’m going to an arranged marriage meeting. But they, I mean my parents and grandfather, never told me who I am going to get married to. And I never thought it was you, Su."

Junsu stopped looking at me and stared at his shoes again.

"Su-ah.. Are you upset, knowing the fact that we’re going to get married to each other?" I asked quietly.

Junsu didn’t turn around to look at me.

"I’m not upset. I just don’t like it. Why do I have to get married to my BEST friend when I have boyfriend?"

My heart hurt when Junsu emphasized the word ‘best friend’. I tried to force a smile at him.

"Jae, can we call off the marriage?" He asked me.

I shook my head again and sighed. "I don’t think we should, Su. Or else who knows what your parents and mine can do to both of us, especially our grandfathers."

"But I don’t want to leave Yunho, Jae. I love him too much to break up with him."

That’s when I saw those beautiful diamond liquid ran down his flawless cheek. So I made a decision. I don’t want to see his beautiful eyes let those tears flowing down ever again.

"You don’t have to break up with him, Su."

Junsu turned to look at me with a shocked expression on his face.

"What are talking about, Jae?"

"I said you don’t have to break up with him, Su."

I stood up and was about to walk away when Junsu pull my wrist slightly.

"Are you sure about that, Jae?"

I nodded and pat his head. I gave him a smile.

"Yes. I’ll take care of everything. The only thing you can do is not to break up with Yunho. I don’t want to take away your happiness, Su."

I walked away leaving Junsu who is looking at my back with a sad face, but I ignored it. I walked even faster, but I didn’t return to the room. Instead, I walked into the bathroom. I cried my heart out. I didn’t care if someone heard my cry. I just wanted Junsu to be happy, that’s all. I’ll be more than willing to give him happiness, even though the person he wants wasn’t me.

[End of POV]


A/N : Yay! A new one. =P I'll still continue Letting Go, don't worry. It's just that I suddenly wanted to write this so here it is! First time writing this kind of fic. Oh well, there's always a first time for everyone right? XD Comments are loved!

pairing: hosu, pairing: jaesu, fanfic

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