Letting Go (7/13)

Jun 01, 2010 00:21

TItle : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, 2U, KiMin, slight YooSu
Rating : PG
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the character above except the plot. If there're any similarities, it's
only a coincidences.

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

“Are you sure you don’t want to go back with me, Junsu-ah?”

Junsu nodded. He patted Yoochun’s shoulder. “Hyung, you asked me that question for so many times and the answer is still yes. You can go back first and make up with Yunho-hyung. I’ll come back later. I just need a time for myself.”

Yoochun looked hesitant to release Junsu’s hand from his. “But what if something happen to you? Who’ll protect you? You’re preg-”

“Hyung! You sounded like an old man!” Junsu chuckled. Yoochun pouted.

“Who cares if I sounded like an old man? I just want my dongsaeng to be safe back home when he’s pregnant. That’s all.”

Junsu nodded and smiled gratefully at Yoochun. He hugged Yoochun lightly. “I know. I thank you for that. But I’m really okay, hyung. I won’t be long. I just needed some time. Okay?”

After a few minutes thinking, Yoochun finally decided to go back alone. Now that Junsu’s left alone in the park, he sighed weakly. He took out his phone from his jacket pocket and dialed a familiar number.

“Hello? Seoul Hospital? Yes. I’m Kim Junsu. No, it’s okay, you don’t have to pick me up. I’m on my way there.”


“I’m home.”

Yoochun entered the house. He felt odd when he received no reply from his wife. He tried to look for Yunho in the kitchen, but there’s no Yunho there. He tried again in the living room, but there’s no one there. Last chance, he walked to their bedroom. He stood in front of the door and raised his hand to knock.

He knocked once, no answer.

He tried again, but yet, still no answer.

Finally, after the fourth knocks, he gave up on knocking and turned the door knob instead. He slowly opened the door. After the door finally opened wide, Yoochun smiled when he saw his wife sleeping on their bed with his back facing him. He walked towards him and planning on giving Yunho a kiss on his cheek.

But his track stopped when he saw a broken glass and scattered pills on the floor. He turned his head at Yunho and saw Yunho wasn’t sleeping, but unconscious. He ran to his side and shook his shoulders.

“Yunho! Wake up! Yunho!”

But, no reply from Yunho.

Without wasting anymore time, he picked Yunho up in bridal style and ran to his car. He stepped on the gas pedal and speed to the nearest hospital.

‘Yunho, I’m sorry.’



Yoochun turned to see Changmin and Kibum ran towards him. After Yunho was taken by the doctors inside the emergency room, Yoochun immediately call Junsu. But Junsu is not picking up. So Yoochun called Changmin and asked him to come to the hospital immediately.

Kibum sat beside Yoochun. “Is Yunho-hyung okay?”

Yoochun shook his head weakly. “I don’t know yet. Kibum-ah, what should I do?”

Changmin and Kibum exchanged looks before turning at the poor man again. “Hyung, you should be strong at least for Yunho-hyung.”

Yoochun shed a tear. “I shouldn’t be the one he married. I’m cruel, bad and a monster for him. He deserved someone better. If he didn’t marry me, he won’t get through this!” Yoochun yelled in frustration.

“But if he didn’t marry you, then you won’t open your eyes and still be in love with Junsu!” Changmin yelled back. Kibum held Changmin’s hand to calm him down and whispered that this is a hospital, not a suitable place to yell.

Yoochun looked up to see the pair in front of him. “What? How did you know that?”

“Junsu told me everything. He said that you’re in love with him. But nowadays he saw how you look at Yunho-hyung. And he saw love. You know that Junsu always can see through people right? He cares for people more than himself.” Changmin didn’t realize he was crying until Kibum’s finger wipe away his tears. Kibum squeezed Changmin’s hand lightly and smiled. It was as if he’s saying that he’ll be always beside Changmin, no matter what.

Yoochun nodded. “Yeah, maybe you’re right, Changmin. I should be glad I married Yunho, right?” He smiled at the couple. The couple smiled back at him. “Now, I hope Yunho is okay.”

“I’m sure he’ll be alright, hyung. Yunho-hyung is strong, right?”

The doctor came out of the room and the trio rushed to him. Yoochun was the first one to speak. “Doctor, how’s he? Is he alright?”

“Are you his husband?” Yoochun nodded. “Yes, he’s very lucky to have survived. If you bring him here another two or three hours, he’ll be in coma. He’s in a depression right now, that’s why he took those pills. He’s still asleep now, but I suggest you not to make him sad or depress after he wakes up later.”

Yoochun hugged Changmin tight (since he’s beside him) and cried. Kibum thanked the doctor then circling his arms around Changmin and Yoochun to join the hug.


“Kim Junsu-shii?”

Junsu turned his head to the door and saw a nurse standing by the doorway. “Yes?” He closed the magazine on his lap and gave his full attention to the nurse.

The nurse bowed slightly and smiled. “I’m your personal nurse from now on. Please call me Sunny.”

Junsu nodded. “Thank you, Sunny. May I know when is the doctor going to come?”

“Oh, he’s attending a patient in the ICU now. So, I’m not sure.”

Junsu smiled. “It’s okay. Oh, what’s wrong with the patient?”

Sunny sat on the chair beside Junsu’s bed and sighed. “I heard from my colleague, he’s unconscious because of overdose of sleeping pills.”

Junsu widened his eyes. “What? Overdose? Does he have family?”

Sunny nodded. “Yes. I saw a man waiting outside, but I’m not sure who he is. He looks young. Probably his boyfriend or brother. I hope the patient is okay.”

Junsu nodded. “Yeah, I hope that too.”


“Hyunjoong, let me call him.”

“No! You’ll end up hurting yourself!”

Jaejoong glared at Hyunjoong before snatching the phone from Hyunjoong’s hand. “I don’t care. It’s better to hurt myself than living in hell without hearing his voice.”

Hyunjoong sighed. He saw Jaejoong furiously punched the number that he knows so well. Junsu’s phone number.

After a few minutes, Jaejoong gave up. He sighed tiredly. “He didn’t pick up.”

“Try his cousin.” Hyunjoong said quietly.

Jaejoong smiled widely. “You’re right! Changmin must know where he is!”

Hyunjoong smiled looking at Jaejoong. For him, Jaejoong is like a little brother. Seeing him happy makes him happy too. So he lets Jaejoong call Junsu because he knows, he’ll protect Jaejoong when he breaking down again.

His thought were interrupted when Jaejoong suddenly stood up and bang his fist to the table. “You’re in the hospital?! I’ll meet you there as soon as possible.” Then he hung up.

Jaejoong turned to look at Hyunjoong. “Changmin said that they’re in the hospital. I need to go.”

Without waiting for Hyunjoong’s reply, Jaejoong dashed out of the room and took his jacket and car keys with him.

Hyunjoong saw Jaejoong’s car speed up to the main road and couldn’t help but pray for Jaejoong’s happiness.


A/N : It's been a while. Gosh, I hate college. Sorry if this chapter is boring or sucks and short. Comments and critics are very much appreciated. =)

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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