[Oneshot] Facebook

May 18, 2010 19:45

Title : Facebook
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : One-shot
Pairings : YunChun, JaeSu (slight)
Rating : PG
Genre : Romance, Comedy
Disclaimer : Don't own the boys. Un-betaed. Forgive any mistakes and grammar errors. This plot is mine, if there's any similarities, it's only coincidences. And I know they don't have facebook, this is only for the sake of the story. Also in this story, Facebook is still in English only. *bow*
Summary : When Yoochun is so busy with facebook, what can Yunho do?


*Poke* *Poke*

"Yah, stop it!"

Yunho pouted. "No. Why are you ignoring me?" He asked, looking over Yoochun's shoulder to see his so called rival.

Yunho's jaw dropped when he saw what is inside the computer screen. Facebook!

"Chunnie-ah! Why are you ignoring me for this.. this.. Fesbuk?!" Yunho yelled as he stand up looking down at Yoochun's eyes.

Yoochun turned his head around for the first time ever since Yunho entered the room. "It's Facebook, Yunnie. You pronounced it wrong." Ignoring Yunho's question, Yoochun corrected Yunho's pronounciation.

"What?" Yunho asked, dumbfounded. "Fa-Facebuk?"

Turning his head to the computer screen again, Yoochun said. "Nope. It's Facebook. Now, if you please, don't disturb me, because I need to reply those comments from my friends in America."

Seeing his lover giving his full attention to the computer screen again, he sighed. If Yoochun won't give him his attention, then Yunho will make him. Smiling happily, Yunho marched to his room and closed the door with a loud bang.

Yoochun turned to the door. Was I too much?
“Oh, new post!”

Yoochun smiled to himself as he clicked open the post. Park Yunchun? A Korean boy?

‘Yoochun-oppa! You look so cool~!! Saranghae!’

Yoochun could swear he was shivering when he read the post. A boy? Call me ‘oppa’? And then.. he said ‘saranghae’?

He likes guy, obviously, but not just any guys. There’s only Yunho in his heart.

He’s debating on whether he should reply the post or not. Deciding to reply it later, he got up and walked into the kitchen. He saw Junsu and Jaejoong there.

“Oh, what are you guys doing here? Have you guys seen Yunho?” He asked as he walked to the refrigerator to take out a bottle of water.

“Yah, Chun-ah. I think you should check on Yunho. He’s been staying in his room for who knows long and I even heard he’s giggling by himself!” Junsu exclaimed with his dolphin voice.

Jaejoong nodded. “Yes, Chun. I think you should go to him, before he went crazy.”

“Are you guys sure?” They both nodded. Yoochun sighed. “Alright. I’ll go check on him.” He said as he makes his way to their (Yunho and Yoochun's) shared bedroom.

Stopping in front of the room, he’s hesitating whether he should go in or not. Maybe Yunho’s is mad at him because of earlier? Or maybe he just wanted to have sometime alone?

When he was about to knock on the door, he heard Yunho’s voice from inside.

“Alright. I get it.” A pause. “Okay. Seriously? Of course I won’t tell him I’m meeting you! Alright, then. Sure. Thanks a lot. I love you!”

Yoochun frozen. Did he heard right? Is Yunho cheating on him?

Suddenly the door opened and Yunho come out from the room. Didn’t realized that someone’s standing in front of him, they ended up bumped each other. Fortunately, Yunho had a fast reaction and catch Yoochun by his waist. After realizing it was Yoochun, he let go of him and help Yoochun to stand by himself.

“Chunnie? What are you doing in front of the room?” Yunho asked, fixing Yunho’s hair lovingly.

Yoochun stared at Yunho. If he’s in love with someone else, he shouldn’t act like this in front of me. Why is he still treating me with such kindness?

“I was just about to ask you if you want to go out for dinner.” Yoochun said, didn’t tell Yunho the real reason why he was standing in front of their room in the first place.

“Oh.” Yunho looked shocked when Yoochun asked him that. “You aren't busy with Facebook?"

Yoochun blinked. Facebook? "Of course not. I need to spend my time with my boyfriend too, right?"

Yunho looked confused and shocked. It made Yoochun more suspicious of him. "Um, sorry, Chunnie. But I really need to go somewh-”

“To meet your other boyfriend?” Yoochun asked. His eyes were already filled with tears. Yunho was shocked. He wanted to hold Yoochun’s face, but Yoochun backed away from him.

“Don’t come near me.” Yoochun hissed. Crying in front of Yunho is the last thing he wanted to do in this life. But when the thought of Yunho having another boyfriend, make him forget everything and cry.

Yunho looked hurt and confused. “Chunnie, what are you saying? What other boyfriend?”

“Jung Yunho, I hate you.” Just like that, Yoochun ran. Ran to the study room and locked himself inside. He ignored Yunho’s pleading for him to open the door. He cried and cried.

Jung Yunho, why do I love you so much?
Knock Knock

“Hyung, this is Junsu. Yunho-hyung is out so, can you please go out and eat your breakfast now?”

Yoochun could imagine Junsu’s sad face when he said this. Getting up from the couch (inside the study room), he walked towards the door and open it. He swears he saw Junsu sighed in relief when he opened the door.

“Let’s go to the kitchen, hyung? Joongie cooked the best breakfast today!” Junsu dragged Yoochun to the kitchen. Yoochun wanted to laugh at Junsu’s childishness, but he couldn’t. He just.. can’t.

Entering the kitchen, he was greeted by delicious looking foods in the table. “Finally you’re here.” Jaejoong said. Junsu run towards Jaejoong and kissed the older man’s cheek. “The food is getting cold.” Jaejoong turned to Yoochun and give him a smile.

Yoochun nodded and sit on the nearest chair in front of him. “Thank you for the food.” He said quietly and began eating.

Junsu and Jaejoong exchanged looks. “By the way, Chun, did you check your Facebook the past week? I saw your profile and got a lot of comments saying why you won’t reply their posts.” Jaejoong asked as he put some of the meat on Junsu's bowl.

Yoochun looked up, shocked written in his face. His first expression after a week of being expressionless. “Really?”

Jaejoong nodded. “Especially this guy, Park.. um.. what was his name, Su?” Jaejoong asked his lover beside him.

“Park Yunchun.” Junsu replied. Jaejoong nodded. “Ah, yes. Him. His posted every day, asking how are you and are you alright. He’s really care about you, Chun. You should reply his posts.”

Him. Park Yunchun. The boy who said oppa and saranghae to him.

For the first time after a week, Yoochun is finally smiling again.
“I can’t believe this! 99 new notifications?”

Yoochun decided to open his Facebook profile and shocked when he saw there are 99 new notifications. Lazy to open one by one, he opened his wall.

All the recent wall posts in his page are from Park Yunchun. He smiled again. This Park Yunchun really cares about me. Suddenly his eyes caught something from one of Park Yunchun’s post.

‘Chunnie-oppa, are you okay? Are you feeling sad? Did you eat? Please take care of your health. Do you know that I’ve always been waiting for you here? I will always love you. Yunnie.’

Yoochun’s eyes widened when he read that. “Yunnie? As in Yunho?”

“Yup. Park Yunchun is Yunho, you know.” Yoochun turned his head around when he heard the voice. The voice that he love so much.

“But, I thought.. you don’t like Facebook?” Yoochun asked, still shocked because first, Yunho is standing in front of him. Second, he found out that Park Yunchun is Yunho.

Yunho scratched his non-itchy head and smiled sheepishly. “Well, I don’t. I asked for Changmin’s help, since he can understand English. He refused to help at first, but I bribed him with food.” Then he chuckled.

“B-but..” Yoochun is lost of words. He didn’t know what to say. This feeling is just too overwhelming.

“Chunnie-oppa. Do you know that I have no other boyfriend beside Chunnie-oppa?” Yunho asked him, using a girl’s voice.

Yoochun smiled, but his eyes are still wet with tears. Happy tears. “Really?”

Yunho nodded, acting cute. “In this world, I only love Chunnie-oppa. Does Chunnie-oppa loves me too?” He asked still using girl’s voice.

Yoochun nodded. He ran into Yunho’s welcoming embrace. “I’m so sorry for misunderstanding, Yunnie.”

Yunho smiled. Pulling away, he caressed Yoochun’s face gently. “It’s okay, Chunnie. At least now you understand right? I can’t love anyone beside you.”

“One question, though, Yun.” Yoochun said, showing his index finger in front of Yunho’s face. Yunho nodded and mouthed ‘ask me’. “Who was it? The one you said ‘I love you’ to?”

Yunho burst out laughing when Yoochun asked the question. Yoochun frowned, what’s so funny with his question? Yunho stopped immediately when he felt death glare from Yoochun.

“Sorry, Chun-ah. It was Changmin actually.” Yoochun’s jaw dropped. “I was so happy that time when Changmin finally agreed to help me on Facebook. So it just slipped out. But it doesn’t mean anything. I could never love a food monster like him anyway.” He shuddered of the thought of having Changmin as a lover.

Yoochun smiled. “Really? You’re honest, right?”

Yunho nodded furiously. “I swear with the name of Park Yunchun!” He showed his two fingers, making a peace sign.

Yoochun laughed. “Where did you get that name, anyway?”

Yunho pulled Yoochun closer and whispered in his ear. “It’s our name, baby. Yunho and Yoochun.”

A/N : First YunChun story! *grin* I never know I could write a YunChun before, but well.. because of SOMEONE (If you're reading this, I hope you know who you are! =D), I'm beginning to fall in love with YunChun! And this idea come out from nowhere, so forgive me! XD Please comment and thanks! =)

pairing: yunchun, pairing: jaesu, fanfic

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