[Drabble] Memory

Sep 29, 2010 22:02

Title: Memory
Pairing: YunJae
Length: Drabble
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Character death, Unbetaed
Disclaimer: Own the plot only,not the characters
Summary: They say people can have two deaths.

A/N: Just in the mood to write angst; sorry if it doesn't make any sense. It's been a while since I write anything. =.=" anyway, comments are always ♥

I remember it was raining.

As we were soaking wet, we went on making love for the last time. I chuckled when you said that. How can this be the last time; I asked you.

You smiled, didn’t bother to reply. You pulled me in your embrace as you continued touching me with your gentle touches.

I looked over your shoulder and saw it was still raining from outside of my window. I’m glad it’s raining; I told you. You agreed with me, and kissed me tenderly.

You’ve always treated me as if I’m some kind of precious thing that can be broken if you don’t handle it with care. I was upset then, but you told me that I was your most important person in the world. I smiled, loving how important I meant to you.

Suddenly you asked me; do you know that a person can have two deaths?

I stopped breathing for a moment, before I looked deep into your dark brown orbs.

You explained to me; the first death is one’s body, and the second is the death of one’s existence. When I wanted to say something, you continued on; to let someone slip away from your memory is the same as murder.

I shuddered. I sat properly still facing you as I leaned my head against your shoulder. You won't experience both, I promise you; I said.

You smiled and held my face in between your palms. Your hands were trembling, there was still water dropping from your hair as you face me. You touched me and said; Jae, you’re very important to me, even more important than my life.

It was no longer raining when I feel your cold hand letting go of mine. As I look at you, you were no longer the same.

Your body heat had turned cold, and your face no longer had smile painted on it. Your lips turned blue, you really looked so kissable then. I kissed you, I twitched when that cold lips touching mine. My lips stayed there for a few seconds, before letting you go. I brushed away the bangs that covering your face. I asked you; you look so handsome like this, do you know that?

But there's no answer from you.

A tear escaped from eyes as I let my feet lead me to the door. Just before I touched the doorknob, I turned to look at you and said; to die is to be forgotten, but don’t worry, you didn't die the second death, because I’ll never forget you, ever.

I could never kill you, Yunho ah. At least not from my memory.

pairing: yunjae, length: drabble, fanfic

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