[Oneshot] Look at Me

May 17, 2010 20:48

Title : Look at Me
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : One-shot
Pairings : JaeSu, YooMin, YooSu (past), HoSu
Rating : PG
Disclaimer : I don't own the boys at all, no matter how much I want them! XD This story is un-betaed and English is not my first language. Forgive any errors or grammar mistakes. This plot is mine, so if there's any similarities, it's only coincidence.


No answer. He called again, this time louder. "Su?"

Still no answer. Turning the door knob, he walked into the room quietly, searching for a person he loved so much.

Then, he found him. Wrapping his arms around himself, crying himself out. "Oh, Su. Why are you crying?" Without hesitating, he rushed towards his beloved and pulled him into his embrace.

With a hoarse voice, because of crying, he mumbled out, "I-I.. don-don't w-want to bre-ak up, hy-hyung.."

Seeing the younger man crying his heart out because of a break up, hurt him. Yet, he couldn't do anything.

"Su.. look at me." But the younger didn't move. Instead, he buried his face deeper on Jaejoong's chest.

"Su, please? Look at me." He tried again. But still, the smaller man didn't intend to move at all, moreover, looking at Jaejoong's face. His heart cringed when he thought of that. Why won't he look at me?

Having no heart to force Junsu, Jaejoong sighed, but tightened his hug. At least, this is the only thing I can do for him.


"A break up?! Why?!"

"I don't want to hurt him anymore, Min! I don't want to lie to him anymore!" Yoochun exclaimed as he stand up meeting Changmin's eyes.

Changmin's eyes softened when he looks at Yoochun's hurt eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's just that I was shocked to hear that. I know you can never choo-"

Yoochun cut Changmin's word. "No. I made up my mind. If I have to choose between him and you, I would choose you." There's a confidence in Yoochun's voice and that made Changmin relief and worry at the same time.

"But you hurt him by breaking up with him. You know that he loves you so much."

Yoochun nodded, agreeing with Changmin. "I know. But at least, I don't have to lie to him by saying that all of my heart belongs to him, since half of my heart-no, all of them already belongs to you, Min."

Changmin hugged Yoochun tightly and smiled. "My heart belongs to you too, Chun."

Yoochun smiled and hugged Changmin tighter. I hope you realize your true love soon, Junsu.


-A year later-


Jaejoong turned. He smiled at Junsu before gesturing him to sit down. "Do you want anything to drink?"

Shaking his head, he pulled Jaejoong's orange juice and drink from it. "I can always share with you." Then, he grinned cutely. A normal person may thought that Junsu is happy, but not Jaejoong.

Suddenly, Junsu's phone ringing. 'Su~! This is your beloved Yunho! Read the message, yea? Love you!' It's a text message from his new boyfriend, Yunho. Junsu give his full attention to his phone, replying the message.

Ever since Junsu-Yoochun break up, Junsu has been changing boyfriends for 4 times. The first guy was Eunhyuk. Yet, they didn't last for a month. After that, Siwon. Same case, only 20 days (and yes, Jaejoong was counting). The third guy was even worse. They didn't even last for a week since the guy is so perverted. Jaejoong had to kick his ass and threatened him to not get near Junsu anymore. The last guy, is Yunho. They lasted for 4 months already.
Jaejoong smiled sadly. "Please look at me." He whispered.

Junsu looked up, startled. "H-Huh? What did you say, Jae?"

Jaejoong smiled. "Nothing. Please return to your phone."

"Ah, no. I finished replying his message already. He said he want to meet me later. He said he wanted to introduce me to someone."

Jaejoong chuckled, trying to act normal. "You don't have to tell me, Su."

"I want you to know." Junsu replied shortly. He's so nervous right now. Should I tell or should I not? But what if Jae don't feel the same way?

Seeing Junsu playing with his finger, Jaejoong could tell that Junsu is nervous about something. "Something's wrong, Su?"

"Yes, I fell in love with someone." Junsu blurted out. After he realized what he was saying, he clasped his hand at his mouth and shaking his head furiously.

Acting calm, Jaejoong smiled. Another rival? "Who is it, Su?"

"So-Someone you know." Junsu looked down after he said that. He's blushing. Damn, I'm acting like a high school girl in front of her crush!

Someone I know? Who could it possibly be? Jaejoong thought hard. He wanted to know who his new rival is. Donghae? No. He's Eunhyuk's boyfriend, so he isn't the one. So who?

When he was about to ask again, Junsu stood up from his seat and hand Jaejoong a piece of paper. "Read this when you go home. And remember, read this in front of a mirror. You're going to regret if you don't follow what I said." Then he left.

Jaejoong examine the paper and wondered what is the content inside. He wanted to take a peek of it, but decided to not go against Junsu. He paid for the bills and head home.


Didn't bother to change his clothes, he ran towards his bathroom (since he only have one mirror and it's inside the bathroom), and took out the paper that Junsu gave him earlier.

Okay, now I'm in front of a mirror, I can read this already.

He opened it and found that it was a letter. Jaejoong chuckled. Junsu's neat hand writing never changed.

'Kim Jaejoong, I wanted to tell you the biggest secret in my life.'

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. First, he wrote my full name and then he wanted to tell me the biggest secret of his life? Curious, he read more.

'Yah! Don't interrupt me! I know what you're thinking! So don't do it again.'

Jaejoong could almost burst out laughing when he read this. Is Junsu a mind reader or what?

'And so, I repeat again. (Don't you dare interrupt me this time, or else, I'm gonna kill you.) And so, Jae-ah, there's something I've been wanting to tell you since a long time ago, but I don't have the courage to. I'm sorry.'

'You know, after I broke up with Yoochun, I realized that I fell in love with someone.'

Jaejoong heart skipped a beat when he read this.

'Yet, I'm so scared to tell him. I changed boyfriends from time to time was because I wanted to avoid telling him that I like him so much. Tell me, Jae, what should I do?'

'But now, I think it's time for me to tell him. That I like him. Would you help me, Jae?'

Unconciously, he was crying. Why, Junsu? Why can't you look at me? I've always been by your side and yet, you never look at me.

'Since you're my best friend, please help me say that "Junsu like you so much" to the guy in front of you'

Best friend? Junsu only consider me as his best friend. But wai-

Realizing something, he read out loud the last sentence again.

"Junsu like you so much to the guy in front of me?" Then he looked up and gasped. It's him! He is the one who Junsu likes! He's looking at his own reflection and mentally slapped himself for crying like a baby.

He smiled, a real genuine smile from his heart. He washed his face and fix his hair before heading out to the place where the love of his life would be.


Junsu frowned. He didn't like waiting at all. Waiting means uncertainty.

"Yah, do you think he'll get the message?" Junsu asked the man who was cuddling with his lover, ignoring him who is nervously waiting to get accepted or rejected.

"Is that how you speak to your ex-boyfriend?" Yoochun asked and get slapped on his thigh by Changmin.

Changmin smiled at Junsu. "Junsu, don't worry. I'm sure he'll get the message. He's a smart man, isn't he?"

Junsu looked at Changmin and smiled. He felt relief after hearing Changmin's words.

"If I get rejected, I forbid you from coming to my house and cuddling with Changmin anymore, Yoochun." Junsu threatened Yoochun who ignored him and went back cuddling with Changmin.

Pitying Junsu, Changmin pushed Yoochun away slightly and turned to Junsu. "Don't worry Junsu. I doubt he'll reject you."

"What made you so sure?" Junsu asked, playing with his fingers.

Changmin pointed to the door and smiled. "Well, I'm 100% sure."

Junsu gasped, seeing Jaejoong standing there in front of his house. His hair is a mess and his clothes are wet because of running. But nevertheless, he still looks so cool.

Changmin pulled Yoochun up. "Okay, Chunnie. Now let's leave them alone, shall we?"

Yoochun pouted. "Why can't we have the house for ourselves? We can kick Junsu out!" Changmin stared at Yoochun in horror.

"Well, honey, do you know whose house is this?" Changmin asked his boyfriend sweetly. Yoochun nodded and pointed to Junsu with his mouth.

"That's why we can't kick him out of his own house, you stupid cutie mouse! Now let's go before I drag you out of here!" Changmin said as he pulled Yoochun out of the house.

When they passed Jaejoong, Changmin whispered in Jaejoong's ear. "Don't let us down, yeah?" He smiled.

Dumbfounded, Jaejoong nodded, not knowing who the guy is. Yoochun's new boyfriend?

"Close the door and sit down here, Jae." Junsu said. His back is facing Jaejoong. So Jaejoong did as he told and sit down in front of Junsu.

Silence. Awkward. This never happened before between them. So why now?

Ignoring the feeling, Jaejoong decided to break the silence. "So, why were Yoochun here? And who is that with him?"

"Yoochun's boyfriend. Changmin. They're my friend." Junsu looked anywhere except Jaejoong.

"I never knew you're still in contact with Yoochun." Jaejoong asked, keeping his gaze at Junsu. Junsu fidgeting in his seat, uncomfortable with the stare.

Junsu looked up meeting Jaejoong's gaze for the first time since he entered the house. "Are you here to interrogate me about Yoochun?"

"No. What is the meaning of this? I don't understand." Jaejoong put the letter/paper that Junsu gave to him in the cafe earlier on the table in front of him. Junsu stared at the paper then at Jaejoong.

"You don't understand?" Junsu asked in disbelieve. Jaejoong shook his head. "But Changmin said you're a smart man."

"Well, Changmin doesn't know me then. Since he guessed wrong." Jaejoong replied. Of course Jaejoong is not stupid. He understand perfectly what Junsu meant, but he wanted to tease Junsu a little bit more.

"B-but.." Junsu stuttered. What can he say now?

Jaejoong hide a smile. "Su, can you tell me what do you mean by [Since you're my best friend, please help me say that 'Junsu like you so much' to the guy in front of you]?"

Junsu looked down and play with his finger again. He cursed Yoochun for making the letter so complicated (that's what Junsu think) until Jaejoong can't understand the meaning of it!

"U-um.." He began. "I'm sorry to make it so complicated. It's just that.. um.. what I wanna say is.."

"Su, look at me." Jaejoong said. Slowly Junsu looked up.

Smiling widely, Jaejoong said, "I love you."

Junsu widened his eyes. His ears didn't play tricks on him, right? He heard right, right? Jaejoong said-

Without second thought, he launched himself at Jaejoong, hugging the older man. "I love you too, Jae!"

Jaejoong smiled (despite being 'crushed' between Junsu and the couch, and by the way, the couch is not soft at all!) at Junsu and hugged him even tighter. "I'm glad you finally able to say them to me."

Junsu pulled away enough to look at Jaejoong. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to tell you that! I love you so much, Jae!" He hugged Jaejoong again.

You don't know how long I've been waiting for you to tell me that. You don't know how long I've been looking at you. Jaejoong wanted to say all these. But seeing how happy Junsu is right now, those words can wait. After all, Junsu is finally looking at him and him only.


A/N : My first fanfic of DBSK~ I don't know if this is good or not, but since I'm so bored and have nothing to do, I decided to give it a try. =)

pairing: jaesu, fanfic

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