[Oneshot] Jealous Jaejoongie

Jul 22, 2010 22:33

Title: Jealous Jaejoongie
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: JaeSu, HoMin, slight!YooSu
Length: Oneshot
Genre: Err.. Idk. Fluff? Crack? =.="
Rating: PG
Warnings: Unbetaed
Disclaimer: I don't own them irl, but can i own them in my dreams? =]
Summary: Jaejoong is jealous because of Yoosu hugging.

A/N: Inspired by some gif pics that I saw yesterday. And I only saw the part where they’re hugging. The rest is my imagination. XD Trust me, I’m DESPERATELY in need of some JaeSu TT^TT But there’s just too little of them, and I’m sad! Comments make me happy though!♥

“OMGsun! We won! Chunnie, we won!!” Junsu hugged the other boy and celebrated their victory by hugging each other.

“Oh yes, Su! We won!” Yoochun shouted happily and twirled Junsu in his arms.

Jaejoong frowned. If the cameras are not around, he will definitely pushed Yoochun away from hugging his baby.

Oh wait, he can actually do that. Who cares about the cameras? The fans need some JaeSu moment too, right?

Smirking with the thought, he walked to the hugging YooSu and opened his arms wide. “I wanna join the hug too~~”

Yoochun, who was oblivious with Jaejoong’s glares at him, welcomed Jaejoong with arms wide opened. “Sure, hyung. The more the merrier. After all, we won from HoMin couple!” He laughed.

Junsu was now stuck between Jaejoong and Yoochun. It was a little hard to breathe. So he started to push Jaejoong away. “Ja-Jae, can-can’t br-breathe.” He said, panting.

Jaejoong looked at his baby in his arms and smirked. “Wait for your punishment later, Su.” He whispered, only to Junsu.

Junsu widened his eyes. “W-what?”

Jaejoong quickly let go of Junsu and walked back to his seat, beside the sullen HoMin couple. He flashed his smile (though it was a smirk, to Junsu’s eyes) at the cameras.

The apartment was quiet. As in really quiet. No one dares to speak anything. Not a single word. At least not for the three members who currently were sitting on the dining table, watching Jaejoong who was chopping the vegetables in the kitchen.

Yunho nudged Junsu on the elbow. “Yah, Su. What did you do this time?” He whispered, afraid that Jaejoong will hear him.

“Don’t ask me.” Junsu sighed.

Changmin tapped Yunho’s arm and whispered to his ear. Yunho nodded in understanding. Then he turned at Junsu. “Maybe you should apologise to him. You know how scary Jaejoong can be when he’s angry.” Yunho emphasized on the word ‘scary’.

Yoochun suddenly came into the kitchen, fresh from shower. A towel still hanging on his shoulder, hair still wet. “Hmm~ Delicious smell~! What are you cooking tonight, Jae-hyung?” He asked Jaejoong who was now stirring the soup on the stove.

Jaejoong turned and smiled sweetly at him. “It’s really special tonight, since I’m so happy.”

Yoochun blinked. “Oh yeah? What is it?” He asked, curious.

“Park Yoochun’s meat.”

Yoochun widened his eyes. “Oh no. Don’t joke around, hyung.” He said, scared of Jaejoong’s attitude.

Jaejoong smirked evilly. “Why would I joke around?” He took a butcher knife from the counter and walked at Yoochun. “Now, which part of you that is most delicious? Legs? Or arms? Or maybe.. your chest, since everything is in the there. The heart, the lungs, the-”

Yoochun shrieked like a girl and ran for his life to his room, locked it up.

The trio sighed and shook their heads. Jaejoong turned at them. “Since the meat has just run away, which one of you wants to be the replacement?”

HoMin widened their eyes and decided it was best to run away from there, ASAP.

So now, there’s only Jaejoong and Junsu in the kitchen. Junsu sighed. He saw Jaejoong turned his back at him and resumed his work.

Junsu made his way to the beautiful man and slid his arms on Jaejoong’s waist. He placed his chin on Jaejoong’s shoulder, inhaling the alluring scent from Jaejoong’s neck. “Are you mad, hyung?”

Jaejoong didn’t answer as he put in some spices into the boiling soup.

Junsu sighed. His hyung is definitely mad at him. Wait, didn’t he said he’s going to punish Junsu or something?

“Hyung, about this afternoon, during the TV show-”

Jaejoong turned off the stove and sighed as he placed both of his hands on the counter. He turned around to face Junsu. Junsu let go of his hold on Jaejoong’s waist for a while, before attaching them to where they belong again. “What?” He asked, coldly.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hug Yoochun like that. I mean it was all-”

“-because I was too happy that we won. Isn’t that what you want to say?” Jaejoong speak in monotone.

Junsu nodded slowly. “Are you mad about that? That’s why you want to punish me?”

Jaejoong pushed Junsu’s hands away from his waist and walked to the kitchen counter, leaning his back against it. “You know what? This is all because of you that we, JaeSu couple, don’t have that many fans.”

Junsu pouted. He walked to Jaejoong and stopped in front of him. He placed both of his hands on the kitchen counter, beside Jaejoong’s arms. “And why is that?”

Jaejoong sighed. “Oh my God, you’re totally hopeless.”

Junsu smacked him playfully. “Yah! What do you mean by that?”

“I am angry and totally jealous because you are TOO damn fucking close with Yoochun!” Jaejoong replied angrily. “Please think before you act, Su. See what happens now? YooSu is more popular than us! But let me ask you, which one is real? Is it YooSu?”

“It’s JaeSu..” Junsu whispered.

“And what’s with ‘Chunnie, we won!’? ‘Chunnie’? Huh? CHUNNIE?!”Jaejoong said, imitating Junsu's voice when he called Yoochun that time.

Junsu shut his eyes tightly, expecting more nags from Jaejoong, but Jaejoong stop there. He opened his eyes and saw Jaejoong was rubbing his temples. “Omo, hyung, are you alright?”

“I’m not. Just.. just go, Su. I’m tired.” Jaejoong said, turning his back at Junsu.

Junsu looked at the back in front of him and sighed heavily. “Is there.. anything I can do to help you, hyung?”

Without Junsu knowing, Jaejoong was actually smirking. He was waiting for Junsu to ask him that. He changed back to his sad expression and turned at Junsu. “Really? There’s something I want you to do for me. Promise me you won’t complain?” He said with a puppy eyes.

Junsu nodded.

Junsu glanced at the man who’s sleeping soundly beside him. He traced his hand on the sleeping man’s face and smiled. What a flawless face you have there, Jae.

He rolled his body to the side, and tried to sit, leaning his back on the headboard. He cringed when he felt stinging pain on his lower back. He glared at the innocent looking sleeping man beside him.

“Liar. Gentle my ass.” He muttered, before walking to the bathroom, limping.

After the bathroom door being closed, Jaejoong opened his eyes and smirked. “That’s what you get for making me jealous, baby.” He said before snuggling into the thick blanket, continuing his sleep.

pairing: yoosu, pairing: jaesu, length: oneshot, pairing: homin, fanfic

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