[Oneshot] You and I, Forever

Jul 16, 2010 21:09

Title: You and I, Forever
Authors: hime_lian92
Pairing: HoSu, hint of JaeMin
Length: Oneshot
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbetaed, Character death
Disclaimer: I only own them in my dreams. :(
Summary: Prequel and Sequel of Name.

A/N: Sucks title, I know. I just couldn't think of any other title! >.< Anyway, since I couldn't decide whether to write a pre/sequel, so I decided to write both. I hope it's not confusing. The italic are prequel (flashback), the normal fonts are sequel. I hope you enjoy! ^^ Comments are deeeeeeeply appreciated! :)

Junsu tiptoed to surprise his Yunho-hyung from behind. When he was about to tap his shoulder, Yunho turned, surprising both of them. Junsu lost his balance and fall forward, causing both of them to fall. Yunho fell on his back and Junsu on top of him. Their faces separated only an inch apart.

Junsu blushed hard. He tried to get up when Yunho pulled him down again. “Y-Yunho-h-hyung?” He stuttered.

Yunho smiled. He brushed away Junsu’s bangs that covering his cute face. “You’re so cute, Su.”

If there’s anything redder than a tomato, then it’ll be Junsu’s face. He looked away to hide his face. “I-I’m not, h-hyung.”

Yunho chuckled at Junsu’s red face. He leaned in and closed the gap between their faces. He pecked Junsu’s plump lips and smiled after that. “You are the cutest.”

Junsu’s mouth agape and his eyes widened. He stared at the man laying on the floor. “W-what?”

“I said that you are the cutest.”

Junsu shook his head. “No. T-that thing you did.”

“That was a kiss.” Yunho said, shrugging his shoulder.

“Why did you do that?” He asked, still not blinking. He placed his hands beside Yunho’s head.

Yunho smiled. “Because I love you.”

Junsu stayed frozen for a while before a grin plastered across his face. He didn’t care how awkward that situation was for a confession, because he got to know that his crush is in love with him too!


“Yunnie, are you well there?”

“I am, Su. Stop worrying about me and take care of yourself, all right?”

Junsu brought his free hand to cover his mouth. He can’t let Yunho hear his sobs. “I’m alright.” His voice cracked. Damn, why can’t his voice cooperate with him this time?


“I know what you’re going to say. I’m okay. I’m fine.” He wiped away the tears that escaped from his tadpole eyes.

“Do you know that my heart almost stopped beating when I heard from Jaejoong that you’re hospitalized? I’m worried about you, Su.”

“I promise I won’t do it again. So can I worry about you now?”

Junsu heard Yunho sighed on the other line. “I don’t want you to worry about me, Su. I’m perfectly fine here.”

“So that’s it? You can worry about me, but I can’t do the same to you? Is that what lovers do to each other, hyung?”


Junsu hang up.


Junsu stood in front of their apartment in Japan. It was raining, but Junsu didn’t care. He turned himself around, making circles. He always liked to play under the rain. Cursed Jaejoong and Yoochun for being so scared of getting sick and never play in the rain with him.

He closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling of rain touching his skin, drenching his body and let him wash away his worries and sadness.

He missed Yunho so bad. He wanted to meet him, but the situations didn’t allow him to do so. He blamed himself about the phone call last week. He didn’t want them to argue about little things like that.

Suddenly he felt that the rain had stopped wetting him. He opened his eyes and startled when he found someone’s covering him with an umbrella.

Junsu turned and shocked when he saw the person in front of him. “Yu-Yunnie?”

Yunho smiled. “It’s me.” Then he frowned. “Yah, why are you here in the rain? Didn’t you just recovered from your fever? You’ll get si-”

Yunho was cut off when Junsu abruptly hugged him tight until he lost grip of his umbrella. He felt that the younger’s body trembled against him. Yunho smiled. He didn’t care about the rain now because if Junsu is there with him, nothing else matters.

“I missed you.” Junsu’s said with his hoarse voice.

Yunho rubbed his lover’s back and nodded. “I missed you too.”

They decided it was best to talked inside the apartment and warm themselves up. It was great that they’re the only ones in the apartment because Jaejoong and Yoochun had schedules that afternoon and won’t be back until tomorrow.

Junsu came back with two towels and a mug on his hand. He handed Yunho the towel. Junsu was already in his clean and dry clothes. Yunho was topless, since he didn’t bring any extra clothes with him. He hung the wet clothes to dry.

Junsu sat on the couch and sip on his hot chocolate and stared at Yunho who was drying his hair. Yunho knew Junsu was watching him, so he turned his body around so that his front was facing Junsu. His bowed his head down to dry it. Junsu could almost drool seeing Yunho’s six packs.

His thoughts were interrupted when Yunho chuckled. “Enjoying the view?”

Junsu blushed. He got caught red-handed. “I’m not enjoying anything.” He said, looking away.

Yunho snorted. “Yeah, right. You are drooling over my hot body. Literally.” Yunho said, pointing to Junsu’s corner of mouth. Junsu gasped and wiped away the imaginary drools, earning laughter from Yunho. “I can’t believe you fall for that!”

Junsu huffed in annoyance and glared at his lover. “You’re so annoying.”

Yunho grinned. “But you missed me, right?” He said, teasingly.

Junsu pouted. “I do.” He paused. “And I hate it that I love you so much.”

Yunho walked to his pouting lover and pecked his lips. “I love you so much too. And I’m sorry about last time.”

Junsu shook his head. “No. I’m sorry too. I’m just-”

“Shall we worry about each other from now on then?” Yunho suggested.

Junsu nodded. “We shall. That’s what lovers are for, Yun.” He smiled sweetly at his lover.

Yunho looked around the room and found his wet umbrella laying on the floor. He picked it up and grabbed a marker pen from the table.

“Yun, what are you doing?” Junsu asked, but only to be answered with a smile.

Yunho opened the marker pen’s cap and wrote something on the metal of the umbrella. He grinned at his works and showed it in front of Junsu. Junsu smiled at the words. “Cheesy, but I like.”

Yunho pulled Junsu into his embrace. “Forever, Su. We’ll be forever.”


Junsu stopped breathing when he heard the news. He couldn’t hear anyone’s voices. Not Jaejoong’s who was asking him how he was doing. Not Yoochun’s who was asking him whether he was fine. Not Changmin’s who was asking him.. Junsu didn’t know what he asked.

He just couldn’t believe it. He refused to believe it. It can’t be. It’s impossible.

Junsu was beginning to feel dizzy. He wobbly walked to the couch. Before he could even reach the couch, he fainted. The rest of the members caught him before his head meet with the hard floor.

They put Junsu to sleep and gathered around in the living room.

Jaejoong was crying on Changmin’s chest. Changmin was comforting his lover, though he wanted to cry so badly. Yoochun cried hard. He was a crybaby after all.

“Why?” Jaejoong’s hoarse voice was heard. Both Changmin and Yoochun focused on him. “Why does it have to be our Yunho? Our leader? When we’re finally allowed to sing as 5 again?”

Jaejoong broke into tears after he said that. Changmin hugged Jaejoong tighter.

Both Changmin and Yoochun couldn’t answer Jaejoong’s question as if it was the most difficult question on earth.


Junsu saw him. There, in his dream.

He was wearing all white from head to toe. How dazzling he looked that time.

Junsu tried to approach him, but as he got nearer, Yunho keep on getting further.

He reached out his hand to touch Yunho, but he can’t touch him.

“Yunnie? Why can’t I touch you?” Junsu whispered.

Yunho smiled. He pointed to his heart, gesturing Junsu to do the same as him.

Junsu touched his chest where his heart beating, and smiled. “Are you in here, Yunnie?”

Yunho nodded.

“It’s warm. Because you’re in here. In my heart.” Junsu said as he clutched his chest to feel the warmth in it.

Yunho smiled. He stepped forward to Junsu but didn’t touch him. He whispered. “Forever, Su. We’ll be forever.”

Then he vanished.


Jaejoong looked around his dongsaeng’s room to call him for dinner. He knitted his eyebrows when he found that the bed was empty.

How unusual. Usually, Junsu would still be in bed until Jaejoong called him out for dinner.

Jaejoong stepped into the room further and all of sudden his heart beating so fast. Odd. This is not a good sign, Jaejoong told himself.

It was dark, Jaejoong could barely see anything. His only source of light would be the moonlight, though it’s not shining brightly tonight.

He bumped into something soft. Soft? He tried to flick on the switch. When the lights were on, Jaejoong gasped.

Junsu hung himself.


The news about Junsu was spread out to media and fans just as soon as they called the cops and medics.

Jaejoong was crying badly in Changmin’s arms and God knows what Yoochun was doing in his room.

Their apartment was flooded with people. Media, crying fans, police, doctors..

The paramedics brought Junsu’s lifeless body to the floor. Jaejoong and Changmin walked to the body.

When Jaejoong saw Junsu’s face, he couldn’t help but wail louder and buried his face to Changmin’s chest. Junsu was smiling.

Changmin rubbed Jaejoong’s back gently. He whispered into Jaejoong’s ear.

“Forever, Jae. They’re forever together now.”

pairing: hosu, pairing: jaemin, length: oneshot, fanfic

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