want u back (exo au drabble)

Jun 02, 2013 00:09

title: want u back
author: himawarixxsandz
rating: pg-13
pairing(s): xiuhan
summary: they're better apart
a/n: just something short and sweet bc 100%'s new song has been nipping at me for a while now and felt like writing exo now that they're out and about again :3

It’s been one year and seven months and Minseok sees him again tonight at the new club Baekhyun and Kyungsoo take him to. Luhan is at the bar when Minseok walks up to him because they’d parted on a good note, and even though they haven’t really spoken since Yixing’s birthday party, and it’d be nice to catch up. Baekhyun is the one who catches sight of Luhan first and points him out to Minseok, and rolls his eyes good-naturedly when Minseok opts out of the first round of drinks to join Luhan at the other side of the bar.

Kyungsoo just gives a knowing smile around the rim of his glass.

Luhan looks as good as he always does, hair dyed lighter than the last time Minseok saw him, dark linen shirt rolled up to his elbows as he leans against the bar. He’s about to take a sip of his beer when Minseok steps up to him, casually and easily grabbing the bottle out of his hand and taking in a small mouthful. Luhan’s eyes watch him in familiar amusement as Minseok puts the bottle down. “Hi,” Luhan says, eyebrows raised and lips smiling.

“D’you want to talk somewhere else?” Minseok asks, and grins back. He motions to the side with his eyes.

Luhan follows Minseok’s gaze and comprehension sweeps his expression, laughter leaking from his lips. “Baekhyunie over there?”

Minseok takes another sip from Luhan’s beer. “Mm-Kyungsoo too.”

“I got a new car,” Luhan says, tilting his head.

Their thighs brush.

“I want to see it,” Minseok says, and smiles.

They broke up on good, mutual, agreeable terms but the moments leading up to the break up were everything but. All of their friends think that they’re better apart, and Minseok can’t fault them on that. Kyungsoo and Baekhyun especially are in that category, as well as Wufan and Junmyeon, and while none of them have a problem with Minseok and Luhan sharing friendly words, all four of them would have bones to pick with what Minseok had in mind the moment he saw Luhan at the bar tonight.

Minseok can’t just leave his ex with friendly words when Luhan looks that good.

They have sex in Luhan’s new car, the seats pulled back, the front windows open because it’s kind of stuffy inside, and Luhan yanks condoms out from behind the dashboard. Minseok loops his arms around Luhan’s neck and presses their mouths together, thighs framing Luhan’s thin waist as Luhan grinds Minseok down into the leather seats. Luhan smiles easy and languid into the kiss, lips curving against Minseok’s and Minseok pulls away just long enough to return it with a grin full of tiny teeth and pink gums.

“Sex with you is still the best,” Minseok says airily, as Luhan’s fingers pull Minseok’s shirttails out of his waistband. Luhan’s lips find Minseok’s throat, collarbone, chest-Minseok’s fingers find Luhan’s hair, cheeks, shoulders.


“Comparatively,” Minseok shrugs and smiles, all mock sweetness and wickedly playful, as Luhan laughs and presses a terribly chaste kiss to Minseok’s forehead. Minseok cups Luhan’s face with one hand and redirects Luhan’s lips down to somewhere less terribly chaste, and Luhan obliges-follows the trail down and down and down until he’s settled between Minseok’s thighs.

“Kyungsoo and Baekhyunie are waiting on you,” Luhan says, chin resting against Minseok’s hip as he unbuttons and unzips Minseok’s black jeans, “so I have to go fast.”

Minseok tugs lightly at Luhan’s hair.

Luhan smirks. “Hold on tight.”

They have sex in a rush but it isn’t rushed. It’s still everything Minseok remembers with a few surprises because he can’t possibly remember everything. Heat still pools warm and low in his stomach when Luhan drags kiss-swollen lips along the insides of Minseok’s thighs. Luhan still muffles his moans against the crook of Minseok’s shoulder when he first slides into the other man. It still pushes Luhan to go faster whenever Minseok locks his ankles against the arch of Luhan’s back. Luhan still has no qualms about bending Minseok right in half, pressing in until Minseok’s ankles are nearly above his own head.

If Minseok had left right after the sex, he would have made it back to Baekhyun and Kyungsoo without even a risk of raising suspicions. The sex was quick enough, but somewhere between biting into Luhan’s neck as he came and Luhan collapsing with a breathless laugh on top of him, Minseok forgets to slip back into his clothes right away. Instead, he curls up into Luhan’s side, perspiration sticky between his skin and the leather of the seats they’re lying upon. Luhan’s arm wraps around Minseok’s waist, pulling him in close.

They lie in silence like that for a moment. Luhan presses his cheek down against Minseok’s heartbeat and Minseok cradles Luhan’s head in his arms, breathing breathless puffs into Luhan’s hair. Luhan tilts his head up at the same time that Minseok turns his head to the side and when their eyes meet, Minseok knows he misses Luhan.

“So,” Luhan says, breaking the quiet, “how’ve you been?”

Minseok raises his eyebrows, and Luhan laughs.

“Your new car’s christened,” Minseok says. “You’re welcome.”

Luhan slaps Minseok’s shoulder.

They meet eyes again and fall into another long moment of simply looking at each other, wordless and still. Minseok is the one who eventually breaks this second silence, closing the distance between their mouths for a swift kiss. “Have to head back,” he says, and pulls himself slowly out of Luhan’s arms.

Luhan sits up to watch Minseok pull his clothes on, an amusing struggle even to Minseok because of the car’s limited space. The confines send Minseok stumbling back into Luhan’s lap when he tries to yank his jeans back on, and Luhan’s arms curl around Minseok’s waist, tugging him all the way back against Luhan’s body. They stay like that for another moment (maybe for several), slow kisses and lingering touches, before Luhan lets go of Minseok and Minseok continues dressing.

Minseok steps out of the car to put his shoes on and by that time, Luhan’s dressed enough to come out of the car with him. “I’ll see you around?” Luhan asks, and Minseok wonders why it’s a question when they have the same friends-the same circles-and they always see each other in passing at gatherings. Luhan’s hands cup Minseok’s cheeks.

“Always,” Minseok wrinkles his nose, tugs his mouth into a grin, and tips his face upward for a kiss.

Luhan gives him one that’s soft and sweet and Minseok misses him, but they’re better off apart than together. He’ll just have to be satisfied with chance encounters like this until one of them falls in love with someone else. For all Minseok knows though, Luhan could already be in love with someone else. Luhan might miss him, but that doesn’t mean Luhan wants him back.

“That was a while,” Kyungsoo says with practiced nonchalance.

Minseok brushes fingers through his hair, combing it back into place as he takes a seat in between his dongsaengs.“Was it?” he echoes with a small smile, one arm waving to motion the bartender over.

xiumin, d.o., exo, baekhyun, xiuhan, luhan

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