I love Christmas, it is my favourite time of year and celebrating it is a long standing family tradition. So, with my festive mood I felt like doing something special - so I have three specially made gifts I'll share from today to the 25th to celebrate!
Today's gift is small, but it's something I've wanted for my game for a long time - a dress to resemble the dress Idris (aka Sexy or the TARDIS) wears in the episode of Doctor Who Series 6, 'The Doctor's Wife'. I've always thought the Sims 3 Movie Stuff Horror Bride dress is a good alternative (it's not quite the same, but it has the same vibe to it), so when
Rented-space converted it, I practically jumped over the moon.
So, here is three recolours of the dress, all inspired from the famous TARDIS blue. I used Anna's old colours as a base. The mesh by Rented-space is included.