Dramas I've finished this year

Jan 10, 2022 20:01

A few days ago I was tagged in a thing on tumblr to list 10 characters I fell in love with last year. I found that I really struggled to remember what I'd watched in 2021 vs 2020 because it all felt like one very long year.

So, I'm going to keep a list of what I've watched this year so that I can check back at the end of the year :D

1. Hawkeye - Started this last year but finished it last week because I was watching it with Jacqui so we left the last episode until we were both back from the holidays. It was fun. A nice mesh of the Fraction comics and the MCU version of Clint. Kate was awesome. This entry was originally posted at https://hils.dreamwidth.org/8804770.html.

dramas 2022

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