In which I went to a convention and then didn't really attend it

Nov 03, 2011 22:39


I am back from A7 and have finished my exchange trip with oddlyfamiliar so I finally have time to write up my report. Except I really don't have that much to report.

I can't remember if I mentioned it on here but a few weeks ago oddlyfamiliar and I decided it would be fun to do a Random Acts event at A7 so we spent most of the weekend randomly (and kindly) giving away Random Acts merchandise to passers by and having twitter contests with items signed by Misha as prizes. So that ended up taking up most of my time. Totally worth it though.

This is going to sound really weird but I actually found it more fun than the con itself. I got to meet loads of new people, chat to them and generally have fun while making people smile. It really reminded me why I wanted to be part of this org in the first place. I like making people happy.

I didn't ditch the con entirely. I went to both of Misha's panels, did a couple of photo ops and got autographs so I can at least talk about those and share my pics

Well, it started off with a bit of an adventure. I tried to get the Misha cookie pic printed off the Tuesday before the convention and got totally stuffed around. I eventually phoned the shop and explained that if I wasn't going to be able to get the photo by Friday they needed to tell me ASAP so I could get it printed elsewhere. The dude I spoke to PROMISED he'd call be back and then didn't, and when I phoned them for an update (on Thursday afternoon) they told me my pics wouldn't be ready until the weekend :Z

So, after freaking out about not having anything to sign, I eventually managed to get something printed in Doncaster where oddlyfamiliar was picking me up so we had to stop there before hitting the road.

Oh, and we also had to stop for booze and snacks. Very important :D

Amusingly we were about 20 mins out of Birmingham and just listening to music and chatting when oddlyfamiliar said 'We're being waved at'

I glanced over and absdax, steerpikesister and kaylbunny were in the lane next to us. Cue much flailing and waiting. LOL. Not even at the con and we were already having a fandom meetup ;)

So we arrived at the hotel at pretty much the same time and stood there flailing and hugging in the car park for about ten minutes. I could already tell this was going to be a fun weekend. As fun as meeting the guests is the best part, for me, is always hanging out with fellow fangirls (and fanboys).

So when we finally got inside our room wasn't ready so we headed straight for the bar. We used Cas!bear to identify ourselves to others

Slowly we gathered and then after about an hour (and a rum and coke) it was time to go and register.

Now, remember when I went to A5 last year? It was my first Rogue Events convention and I'd heard nothing but horror stories about how badly organised they are and how badly they treat their paying customers. I was then very pleasantly surprised when the whole convention was nothing but smooth running and everything went well.

That was clearly an exception.

Oh, God, it was awful. No exaggeration it took 4 hours for us to get registered and we had to queue in no less than 4 separate lines. Even then we didn't get everything we should have. Don't ever get an upgrade for one of their cons btw. Con is the appropriate word.

So we were in line for our passes, then in line again for our meet and greet tickets, then in line again for our upgrade packs (which then turned out they didn't have so we had to get in line again). Rogue wouldn't accept Chelle's confirmation email from them saying she'd purchased upgrade tickets and she had to log into her internet banking to prove to them that she'd paid for the tickets they'd emailed her to tell her she'd paid for. JFC!

So, on top of all that we were supposed to get individual 8x10 prints of all the guests that were attending the con so we can get them signed. First they didn't have enough, then they printed more which from what I can understand they then sold to other attendees rather than giving them to us, and finally we were given two 8x10 group shots and told that was it. Total ripoff.

So by the time we got through that ordeal I was too tired and hacked off to want to do anything but sit in my room and get drunk. So we had a room party and it was awesome. I can't even remember who was there now but it was a blast. I had way more fun there than I would have done if I'd attended the official party. And as well as all the booze we had goodies that Chelle's sister had baked for us

I'm pretty sure this is Chelle's attempt at an innocent face. Don't let it fool you.

Sparkly cupcakes FTW



Honestly? I'm too drunk to remember the bulk of the conversation but I'm sure it was hilarious. I do know that my bed squeaked which provided much amusement.

Saturday morning I had to deal with Rogue Events again. I'd arranged with the Director of the org to set up a table in the autograph room so we could put some free pens out for people. She asked me to find her on Friday night to arrange it but was then too busy and told me to come back on Sat morning. Sat morning came and she was nowhere to be found, and no one else knew anything about it :|

Luckily I managed to find a member of the crew who was lovely and took me all over the place until she had a concrete answer on what was happening (the answer was come back after Misha's panel but at least it was an answer). So that was that. We did, at least, manage to give out some lipbalm, badges and stickers while we were waiting. Brightened the days of the people who had been waiting in line for the first panel anyway.

By the time we'd got done running around the place it was almost time for Misha's panel to start anyway so we headed in and grabbed our seats (reserved seating FTW - the only good part of the upgrade).

The panel started well with Misha talking about how hungover he was, having spent the night before drinking with one of his oldest friends Darius. The story then naturally moved onto them having to share a bed and how Darius made sex noises all night. 'It was like having sex only without me having to actually do anything'

Someone asked Misha about Divine and Misha said that basically Ivan kept taking him out for drinks, paying for them all and then finally asked Misha to produce it when he was too drunk to know what was going on. Actually, a lot of Misha's stories centred around drinking in this panel now that I think about it ;)

When he was asked what classic movie he would like to have starred in he replied either Debbie Does Dallas or The Muppets but he wasn't entirely clear what constituted a classic movie ;)

Amusing question about whether angels need to breathe (in which all of fandom snickered, Misha also assumed this was for blowjob purposes when in fact the innocent questioner wanted to know whether Cas could survive the lake)

Someone asked Misha what he would wish for if he had three wishes and he snarkily replied 'no more stupid questions' and then turned it back on the person asking. She said she'd wish for Supernatural to never end to which Misha replied 'Right, yeah, I can see it now. Dean on a respirator and Sam with Parkinsons.'

He's definitely been uber-snarky the past couple of cons. I wonder if he's getting fed up of doing them? At any rate I'm glad I didn't get up and ask anything.

And once more there was the embarrassing fangirl question. Someone asked him 'Destiel or Wincest'. To which Misha replied we were a very 'out' crowd because the majority of people cheered whereas in cons past people used to get booed for asking those sorts of questions. He then launched into an explanation of the history of slash and what Destiel and Wincest were in case anyone didn't know.

Misha tweeted a link the night before 'for a friend' claiming that if she won he would post a photo of himself naked on a horse. Turns out the woman in question was Darius' wife and she won (I never saw what the contest was for - I was drunk when he tweeted). Misha said he'd already been sent a manipulated photo of himself naked on a horse.

Darius was given a microphone at this point and got up on stage so he could tell embarrassing stories about Misha, like how Misha had a paper round when he was a kid and used to just dump all the papers in a dumpster. Then his brother got a round too and he buried all his papers in the snow because there wasn't a dumpster nearby and they had to go back and burn them when the snow melted.

And apparently Misha breastfed until he was six and had no idea this wasn't normal until years later.

Misha said the vibe was weird when they were filming the future!Cas scene with the girls. They were giggling a lot and 'it felt like it could actually happen'.

Apparently the biggest lie Misha ever told was when he had to cut short a world trip because he was sick and when he got home he told his mother he was going to the Isle of Lesbos to film a documentary for National Geographic. He then got Darius to pick him up and they went to Misha's house. Darius told Misha's mother he needed to pick up some clothes for Misha and went up to Misha's room. Meanwhile Misha had snuck into the house and they switched clothes so Misha went downstairs dressed as Darius and started playing the piano. Darius then walked into the kitchen and his mother freaked out and almost had a heart attack.

To end the panel Misha auctioned off a sign that he'd taken from set, which he signed. The woman who won was sitting next to me and since she knew I worked for RA she just gave me the cash. Put that in a secure place ASAP!

And that was the panel over with, and it was the only one I did that day. I spent the rest of the morning running contests, giving stuff away and just chatting to people.

Oh, wait, another RE fail. LOL. I decided that I didn't want a solo photo op with Misha but I thought one with him and Rob together might be fun. It got delayed, and delayed and delayed. They really fail at correctly estimating how long things will take. 15 mins for Misha's photo ops IS NOT ENOUGH TIME. God, I could run a better convention than these people. I know mistakes happen and things go wrong but after 7 years of running these things you think they'd have it running like a well oiled machine by now. Instead the stewards were running around all over the place (one of them was nearly in tears before registration had even started on Friday) and it just felt like chaos.

But, eventually, I got my photo. It was the first time I'd seen Misha face to face since Nashville and he was nice. He said hi and asked me how things were going. I didn't want to take up his time and make things run even later than they already were so I just said I was good and we'd already arranged with his handler to have a short meeting later so I said I'd talk to him then and that was it.

It's a nice photo though.

There's a story about the holey t-shirt he's wearing but I'll get to that in a bit.

It's pretty bad that with the upgrade I got solo ops with all the guests and I kept forgetting so the only one I ended up with was Mitch. HE IS TALL! Do they make him look short on SPN or something? He has to be as tall as Jared.

Although admittedly I am wearing flat shoes in this one.

One cool thing that happened was that someone came up to me in the afternoon and said she wrote the SFX article that I tweeted about (the one where my response got published in the magazine) and she just wanted to say thanks. Really, I love this fandom. She's @kakapojayne if anyone wants to follow her and she obv has amazing taste ;)

So after that it was time for the meet and greet. I was pretty sure it wasn't going to measure up to the one at A5 and it didn't but it was still fun. If nothing else it totally sold me on Julian Richings (Death). He was fabulous.

When all the guests arrived none of them knew which tables they were supposed to be going to first (it was a sit down event this time not a stand up like A5) so they were all milling around in the middle of the room not really sure what to do. Julian took charge of the situation and got everyone singing 'My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean' and sitting down and standing up in time to the song. It got everyone singing and laughing and by the time it was over order had been restored.

Misha came to our table first and before he'd even sat down he apologised for the impromptu singalong. I said that it had been fun. Misha then commented on the 'food' that had been set out in front of us. There were two small plates of crisps (chips, Americans) and a small plate of sweets. Misha's comment? 'Well, that's just pathetic'

Then in true British style we all griped about how much time we've spent queueing.

Someone asked Misha if he'd seen the S6 gag reel yet and he thought about it for a moment and then said yes. He said that the wormstache bit and the dancing around with Jared and Jensen were the same night. I asked him if it had been cold and he said yes and asked me if I'd missed the fact that you could see their breath misting (I had). When he was asked about the worm and why he'd picked it up he replied 'it was big! Why wouldn't I pick it up?' which made us all snicker about fantastic out of context quotes.

Someone asked Misha if his t-shirt was designed to have holes in it or if it was just worn. He replied that it's one of his favourites and it's really old but he can't bring himself to throw it away. When asked if it had a pattern or a picture on it he unbuttoned his overshirt and said 'no, it's just plain. And you can see my nipples'

And at that point everyone on the table looked like this O.O

Unfortunately that was the point where our time was over.

Katie (Fate) came to our table next and she was really sweet. Again we chatted about true British things like the weather. It was her first convention and she said she was having a lot of fun. Nothing major to report really. She's a big Whedon fan so we talked about Firefly some and shows getting cancelled before their time.

Okay, I can't actually remember the order in which people came to us so I'll just write them down as I remember.

Lyndsey (Tessa) was also awesome and got us whooping, cheering and banging the table when she sat down which then kicked off a contest (started by Misha natch) where all the tables were competing to scream the loudest. Misha also started throwing sweets at people (this seems to be the norm for him as he did it at A5 during the meet and greet too). Apparently the RE staff told him off for doing this after one of the sweets hit miss_mcelroy at our table.

Julian (Death), as I've already said, was amazing. I was already massively impressed with him as an actor (the scene with Dean and Death in Chicago eating pizza still gives me the chills) and he's so different in person. He really warm and bright and was chattering away about the correct way to drink tea and about whether we thought Death had an English accent. He was happily involving us in stories about his wife and kids and I left the room with hearts in my eyes. I would absolutely love to meet him again.

Rob was just Rob. He was cute and adorable and pocket-sized and was asking us about Bonfire Night because he didn't really know what it was. We also talked about the differences between Halloween in the UK and Halloween in the US. He seemed quite shocked that over here it's mostly used by teenagers as an excuse to egg houses.

I am probably going to get lynched by everyone in Stargate and X-Files fandom but I wasn't that impressed with Mitch really. He was pleasant enough but quite srs bsns. He compared the SPN fandom to the X-Files fandoms and talked about X-Files cons a lot which was of zero interest to me.

Amy (Young Mary) came to our table last and again she was a total sweetheart. We got talking about Matt (Cohen) and the wacky shenanigans he gets up to at cons. We talked about owling and planking and someone mentioned batmanning which she had never heard of. After we'd described it she insisted we all tweet Matt and tell him to do it at his next con. We did but whether he saw or will do it remains to be seen.

After that we retreated to our room and had another room party where we drank (soft drinks because Chelle was getting a migraine) and just sat up chatting. Mostly akadougal and I were convincing Chelle and isarae that BSG was the best show in the world ever. And then isarae and I in turn talked about the epic gay lovefest that is Merlin.

It was fun.

Now, I was going to cover the whole con in one post but this is kind of long so I'll leave this, take a break, and do Sunday in a separate post.

misha collins, conventions

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