Okay, this is the big one
So I woke up having only slept for about four hours as we had to make sure we all had enough bathroom time to make ourselves pretty for the boys ;)
First off was the breakfast and here we have Creation Complaint #3. We started off having a fairly good seat pretty close to the stage. However, before things got under way the Creation people realised they had miscalculated the numbers and were actually a table short. By the time they'd rearranged everything we had about three tables between us and the stage. I think
harper47 actually went and complained but to no avail. You think they'd have checked these things BEFORE everyone got sat down.
But I managed to get some okayish pictures so it wasn't all bad. I was way too nervous to eat though. I managed half a glass of orange juice and that was it.
Amusingly when the guy was setting up the microphones he put Jared's up as far as it would go and Misha's at about knee height. He was going to put them back to normal when everyone shouted not to. 'Okay,' he said, 'but if they get mad I'm blaming you guys'
So we were told that the boys were running a little late because they were having to avoid the Chicago marathon.
They arrived eventually though and as with everything else it mostly blurred into a singular squee. Like with the panels there's videos out there if you want the specifics.
Here's what I do remember:
Jared made a crack about Misha running the Chicago marathon before they arrived.
Someone asked Misha how to pronounce Amaximander. Misha said that they'd set up a website where their friends and family could suggest names and they chose that one because it made them laugh.
Jared quipped that Misha was used to suffering the pain of not being able to find his name on a keychain at Six Flags and wanted his son to suffer the same thing.
Someone thanked Jared for the workout scene of 6.03 and he actually blushed. Bless him!
There were a couple of service dogs in the room and Jared bounded off stage so he could pet them. Btw I TOTALLY get why he is characterised as a hyperactive puppy in J2 fic now.
Misha talked a little bit about Random Acts and asked if Lisa was in the room. I called out that she wasn't and he said good, it meant he could make fun of her. LOL.
Jared and Misha talked about doing promo shoots and said that a lot of the time they get pinned into their clothes and have to wear stuff that's really uncomfortable and then look all sexy. He did an impression of it which was pretty funny 'Oh, god, I am so uncomfortable *sex face followed by wincing*'
Jared then said that a bunch of clothes got stolen when they flew over to LA to do a photo shoot including Castiel's trenchcoat and Dean's leather jacket (of which there was only one). So sad :(
So, that's about all I can remember of that but have some photos
So straight after the breakfast I had to dash and get my Jared solo photo op
Creation complaint #4 - The Jared photo op clashed with the Misha meet and greet. On the schedule it said that if you had scheduling problems to tell a member of the crew and they would let you go to the front of the line. Well, you'd think I'd asked them to come up with the formula for world peace or something. It took ten minutes of me being shoved from crew member to crew member while they worked out what to do with me. Eventually I got shoved into the photo op and yelled at to hurry LIKE IT WAS MY FAULT OR SOMETHING. Seriously, I had to dash in, pose, literally run and grab my stuff and get into the meet and greet
And after all that I wasn't even the last to arrive :-s
I'm not sure I like this one. Jared looks kind of sad :(
So, when I got into the meet and greet
bindaroonie and
qthelights were already there and I felt better for having friends in the room.
Initially the chairs were arranged in a semi-circle with one in the front for Misha to sit on. As soon as he arrived Misha took one look at the seating arrangement and decided he didn't like it. So
bindaroonie went into teacher-mode and had us arrange the chairs in a circle which was much better.
Misha was very relaxed and laid back during the whole thing. Very different to his 'on stage' persona. I think part of it was tiredness to be honest. LOL. He said he'd been up seven times the night before changing diapers. He seemed genuinely surprised that out of the ten of us only one was a parent.
He said that Vicki had been in labor for three days (!) and after the birth he decided to go for a run but was so out of it he ran into oncoming traffic because he couldn't remember which direction the cars were coming from.
Someone asked if they had people helping them out and Misha said not at the moment because they were living in Vancouver. He said Jensen had been over to visit and that Jared was supposed to come over but had got drunk and called off (and there endeth my brief Jared/Misha RPS flirtation).
Someone asked him if Amaximander really literally translated to 'little overlord' and he said 'Oh, god, I hope not!' LOL
He talked a bit about Random Acts and said they were thinking of things to do in the future.
bindaroonie mentioned that a bunch of us had started fitness training because of him and I thanked him for inspiring me to get in shape again.
I'm really trying to remember everything here so I'm just writing stuff down as it occurs to me.
Someone asked him if he'd ever considered doing improv because he has a good sense of humour and Misha said he'd done it a few times. I asked if doing cons was anything like doing improv because you never know what crazy questions you're going to get. Misha said not really, and that the crowd at a convention were more receptive and less judgemental than other comedians. At a con people will laugh even if what you say isn't funny.
At some point the gag reel came up and someone wanted to know why Marksha was the only one not to appear and did that mean he never messed up. Misha said that Marksha (and Sebastian) were more serious theatrical actors and that most TV actors pretend not to spend hours preparing for a role whereas Marksha and Sebastian made no effort to hide it. Someone told him Richard's story about how he'd tried to start a conversation with Marksha in craft but that Marksha was in character and didn't want to engage. Misha gave the impression he wasn't a big fan of that theatrical bs.
I'm really surprised he hasn't seen the gag reel but when we all gave a rendition of 'CONFETTI! IT'S A PARADE!' he seemed genuinely baffled. I don't know that he even remembered saying it. LOL.
At one point we talked about airport security. I can't remember why but
qthelights said she was going to have to go through one of the body scanners when she left and I added that I'd had finger printing and retinal scans when I'd arrived. Misha told her she could opt out of the body scan and Q replied that the only other option was getting vigorously felt up by a security guard 'Well, I know which one I'd pick' Misha quipped and then said that it might not leave you fully satisfied though. Q joked that she could always go back around and have another try. Misha's eyes lit up at this. Turns out he's making a short film about the TSA and he quickly whipped out his phone to take some notes. So look out for that ;)
The Japanese girl who had lunch with us on Friday was there and she'd said she'd been in hospital with food poisoning. She said the hospital she'd been in was nice though. Hope it wasn't the hotel lunch :-s
Misha talked about how he's going to be the laid back dad who lets his kids (yes, he wants another one) do whatever they like. He doesn't want baby West to be lonely and says he knows firsthand what it's like growing up with a brother.
Now, here is the weird thing. While we were waiting for the breakfast to start I was talking to
harper47 and I can't remember why but I asked her if Misha's parents were separated because he talks about his mum a lot but his dad not so much.
So at the meet and greet he said flat out that his parents are seperated and that when they were kids his mum used to put him and his brother on a bus to go and visit their dad. They'd make their own amusement (the example he gave was playing with a tube of toothpaste they found on the floor) but that Sasha would always win when they started fighting because he'd sit and scream and Misha had to stop so they didn't get kicked off the bus. He said that when they were old enough they'd pocket the bus money and hitchhike to their dad's. He's clearly always been a bit of a wild spirit.
And then he mentioned again in his panel that his parents are seperated. It was like the RL version of him logging onto Twitter just as I'm talking about him. Weird, but awesome. I wonder if he's psychic ;)
We then got onto show stuff. He said he's contracted for 17 episodes but, like last year, it might end up being less. He said that he wears his own underwear when he's playing Cas but everything else is provided by wardrobe. He did say that Cas used to wear dress shoes but that he got so cold filming in Vancouver that he 'lost them' and they got replaced with boots *g*
He told us that until fairly close to the end it was going to turn out that Cas was God. Misha said he'd already started working out how to play Cas as God but then the writers changed their minds because they wanted Cas back but not God.
rivercritter asked Misha about Castiel's manerisms and posture and how much of that was conscious. Misha said barely any at all. He said he deliberately plays a stiffness to Cas (which we all snickered at because we are five) but that most of the things like the head tilts just come naturally when he's acting. He also added that he has an entire backstory of Castiel in his head but likes to pretend he's not one of those theatrical types mentioned above. I may have to ask him about Castiel's backstory at A5
Oh, and he said he's still gunning for Sarah Palin on Twitter.
I think that was about it. OH! No, I forgot the most important part *g*
bindaroonie gave Misha a baby hat with kangaroos on it so Misha decided to wear it for half the meet and greet and during photos at the end too. LOL.
qthelights gave him a baby bib that said 'cuter than baby Jesus' which Misha found adorable. She also gave him a purse made from a
kangaroo scrotum because someone had mentioned it in Australia and Sam Ferris had said someone needed to give one to Misha. He seemed fascinated with it. He took it out of the packaging and stroked it and sniffed it and cracked jokes about it being a close shave.
Then during our photos he invited everyone to touch his ballsack and we all laughed a lot.
So then it was time for photos and Misha suggested that whoevers camera is was should get to snuggle him. Brilliant idea! And by a happy perk after I had mine done I got to stand next to him for the rest. At one point Misha was bending down and being silly and his ass was pressed right up against me and
qthelights. It is pert! If I had less shame it would have been frighteningly easy for me to goose him during a couple of photos but as it was I just opted for doing bunny ears with my fingers behind his head (can't wait to see whosever picture that was)
We all swapped e mail addresses so we could share our pics. Only seen one other so far but here's mine in the meantime
After that I had to go straight into the J2 photo op.
Let me disclaim this now: What happened in my photo op was not intentional or even a conscious choice. It just sort of happened.
I don't think I even made eye contact with Jensen when I went up to them but I really had no idea I'd cuddled up to Jared like that until I got the photo back. Um...oops?
So, yeah, it's kind of obvious which J I like best ;)
After that it was time for the Jared/Misha panel with surprise!Jensen. I don't really have anything to say about it. You've seen the videos I posted already. It was very funny and the boys were very switched on but it was definitely their stage personas rather than them. I enjoyed it though and laughed a lot.
Before I started taking video I took some pics. They all turned out like crap, except the ones of Misha. Clearly he is a wizard of some kind who manages to still the camera or something.
Then it was time for autographs. Creation complaint #...whatever. I've lost track.
Now, I appreciate that Creation has a schedule to stick to. Misha was literally only in Chicago for a few hours and flew home straight after the con. HOWEVER having paid a ridiculous amount of money on this con and flying over from the UK for it I was not impressed with the way we were all herded like cattle through the autographs. I just about managed to thank Jared for coming and when I got to Misha
harper47 was teasing him about dissing theatrical types so Misha involved me in the conversation and was all 'come on, you know that's not what I said'
So then I mentioned I would be seeing him in Birmingham and Misha was all 'Birmingham? They told me it was in London.' So joked and said they had lied to get him to come. 'Those bastards!' he replied. He then started to tell me that getting to Birmingham was going to be pretty hard for him as he had made London plans. Unfortunately before we could get any further the security guy all but threw me out because I was holding up the line. I stepped to one side so people could get past me as Misha was still talking to me at this point but they flat out told me I had to leave.
Dude! Now, I was not the one making conversation here. Misha was talking to me, not the other way around. It was just bloody rude! He made a joke about it of course to avoid any awkwardness but it was still there and I was really pissed off about it!
So after sitting and stewing for a while I went for a sit down and ran into
borgmama1of5 on the way. I should apologise for being crappy company at this point. I was still a bit annoyed about the whole Misha thing and then when I sat down I had an e mail from someone dropping out of
deancasbigbang the day before they were due to post so I had to sort that out too. So, sorry :(
Luckily I had calmed down by the time I got to my Jared/Misha photo op which was next. I'd decided that I wanted a proper sandwich with my two faves so I wanted Misha hugging me from one side and Jared from the other.
So, I had my arms around Misha and I was explaining what I wanted Jared to do and Misha chimed in 'Yeah, Jared, come on, take her from behind' How I didn't just lose my shit I will never know.
Anyway, apparently Jared didn't like my idea and he was all 'No, you guys just stay there'. I had no idea what he had done until I got my photo back
So, thank you Jared for completely ignoring my idea because this is made of epic win!
And to end the day I had my Misha solo op. I knew exactly what I wanted to do as soon as I'd seen 6.03
I had no idea he'd gone into character for it though. LOL! Oh, Misha, how are you so awesome?
So after my photo I thanked him and he grinned and winked at me. Perfect way to end the day.
Well, the end of the con at least. After it was over I went for dinner with
qthelights and
While we were waiting for a cab we all saw this and commented that we were thinking of Timothy Oliphant
When we got back from the restaurant we headed up to Lisa's room and just hung out for a few hours. People came and went.
brihana25 joined us at one point and I was able to introduce her to tea made the way God intended (ie with hot water and no sugar). She liked it \o/
Finally it was just me and Lisa left and we chatted a while longer before I eventually had to leave. She was so sweet and said hanging out with me had been one of her favourite parts of the weekend. The feeling is mutual I assure you!
And that was it. Chicon over and done with.
Yes, I have aired a few complaints during my reports but for the most part I enjoyed myself. I have to say it was largely due to my fandom friends though who were epic and awesome and whom I miss dearly already.