DVD commentary: Thinking of You

Sep 14, 2008 14:19

Title: Thinking of You
Author: elandrialore
Fandom: Smallville
Commentator: hils

This was the third time that Clark had attended one of Lex's weddings, and interestingly, though it didn't involve the same wives, it was the third time Lex had almost been killed during the honeymoon.

"You should stop marrying those kinds of women, Lex," Clark said helpfully.

Hehe! Gotta love Clark trying to dispatch useful advice after the event

He had a broken wrist and fractured ribs, but he refused to be flown to the hospital, instead, waiting at the abandoned airfield for his security to show up.

"The last time I tried," Lex said stiffly, cradling his arm against his body, his suit in ruins, "You stopped it before we were married a week."

The wind was picking up and whipping Clark cape around his body, the snap of it suiting his mood. "You didn't love Lana," he said, jaw clenched, wondering why he was waiting with Lex instead of leaving.

"I didn't know your superpowers extended to empathy, Clark," he said, his eyes edging on silver in the twilight, lethal as an ice pick. "You've never shown any proclivity for it before."

"You were lying to her and using her," Clark said venomously. "That's not love, even in the Luthor world."

Lex laughed. "Especially in the Luthor world," he said, resting his head back on the corrugated aluminum of the hangar and closing his eyes. "Besides, I used to lie to you too."

I love that almost straight away Lex has indirectly told Clark that he loves him. He can't help himself

It was only a split second, but Lex whole body froze momentarily, before he look an even breath and then relaxed all of his muscles. It didn't happen very often, but Clark had learned to look for it because it always meant that Lex had said more than he meant to.

Pain, he thought, as he x-rayed Lex again to make sure that everything was as okay as it could be. It was the only reason would've let something like that slip. Lex was notoriously…

Clark's eyes shot up to Lex's face: calm and serene, a smudge of dirt along his cheekbone. "What do you mean you used to lie to me too," he demanded.

Lazily, like a cat awoken from its nap, Lex opened his eyes and gazed at him dispassionately. "You've accused me of it many times, Clark, I would think you'd remember."

"Stop being an ass," he snapped, "You just implied…"

Lex raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" he drawled.

Clark's face hardened. "You implied that you loved her by implying that you loved me even though you lied to me."

For a reporter Clark doesn't have a very good way with words. Hehe! I'm sure it's because he's flustered being around Lex

"That's an awful lot of implication on my part, though I'd like to point out that of the two of us, you're more apt to implicate than I."

"Don't play games with me, Lex."

"Why?" Lex smirked. "I've gotten so good at them."

It's so true! Lex is better at this than anyone

Clark stepped close just as headlights pierced the deepening dark. "This isn't finished," he said when Lex sidestepped him to walk towards the cars.

"No, of course it isn't," Lex said, stopping and turning to him, just before he slid into the vehicle. "I'll be sure to invite you to the next wedding."

And damned if he didn't.

Of course he did. Lex needs to have Clark around both for protection and because he loves him

"We've got to stop meeting like this," Lex said, a cut on his eyebrow, one on his leg, and soot all over his suit. "People will talk."

"Glib is not an appropriate response," Clark said, watching the flames die down. The firemen had it under control now and the only injuries had been minor. Wife number five had been taken away fifteen minutes before.

"Glib is the only response," Lex rebutted. "My wife just tried to blow me up." He turned to Clark, eyes critical before he said, "You looked better in the other suit," then walked away.

I can't think of any other suitable response

Clark looked down at himself in his pristine blue, yellow, and red, and then back at Lex's retreating form. "Next time buy a dog," he called out, earning him confused looks from the city workers and rapid-fire questions from the slew of reporters.

Lex didn't even turn around.

He also didn't buy a dog.

Instead he started dating men.

Poor Lex! Trying so hard to find someone who won't try to kill him

"Well I could have told you that was a bad idea," Clark said, but when Lex moaned and curled into a ball on the bed, Clark twined his fingers with Lex's and held on. The drugs in Lex's system would probably last another good six hours, and though Clark had patrol and a column due, and Mercy kept giving him the evil eye, he decided to stay. "Just for a little bit."


After that it was better. Lex had apparently stopped looking for a wife-or boyfriend-and Clark didn't keep getting invited to weddings only to have his suit ruined. Except that it seemed that Lex had stopped dating entirely, which couldn't possibly be the case, so Clark ending up swinging by the Penthouse every night under the guise of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

The other shoe turned out to be a woman pinning Lex against the wall one night, holding him aloft, one hand closed around his throat. It took Clark about thirty seconds to realize she wasn't human and then another ten to put a hole the size of his fist through her head.

Ouch! LOL!

Lex was on the floor coughing and holding his throat, and by the time Clark made it over to him to ask if he was okay, Lex snapped, "Do you realize how expensive that prototype was?"

Stunned, Clark watched Lex stand, his throat red and swollen and his voice raw. "You mean you built her?"

"Yes," he said, straightening his clothes, "She was-"

"You built a sexbot?"

Hee! That is so Lex! Men and women all try to kill him and then even his robot does too

Affronted, Lex's spine stiffened. "She was no such thing," he said, walking over to the crumpled form. "She was a complex and highly developed robotic system that would have been revolutionary." He stuck his hands in his pockets and cocked his head. "Now she's junk metal."

"She looked pretty human, Lex," Clark said walking up beside him. "And kind of hot. Are you sure-"

"She's not a sexbot," he growled, then winced at the strain on his throat.

"You should put some ice on that," Clark offered.

"Thank you Dr. Kent," he said walking towards the kitchen. "I wasn't aware you made house-calls."

"I'll send you the bill," Clark said, wandering after him.

Lex eyed him levelly. "Seeing as you just broke my patio doors and my prototype, I think it's safe to say that I should be billing you."

"Except that I also saved your life," Clark pointed out with a winning grin, his elbows resting on the countertop. "That's got to be worth something."

I really love the banter between these two. They really know how to push each other's buttons

"Dead or alive I'm worth something apparently."

"You're not telling me that thing was after your money," he said, cocking a thumb back to the other room.

Lex gingerly swallowed his water and shook his head. "Malfunction, which I likely won't find," he said pointedly, "Now that she's missing most of her head. Why are you here, anyway?" he continued.

Clark shrugged. "Just flying by."

Lovely that Clark's lame excuses haven't got any better now that he's older

"Uh huh. Useful tip: You're not much better at lying than you were at sixteen."

Oh, and then Lex said it. LOL!

Clark grimaced. "I was checking, making sure, you know-"

"That I didn't have any collateral damage when my newest fling went south?"

"You didn't used to be able to joke about this."

Lex's mouth quirked up at the corners, his fingers idly tapping against his water bottle. "Neither did you."

Except that it wasn't very funny the next time, when Clark was pressing his hand against Lex's chest and Lex's blood was staining his hand red. "Just a little bit longer," he said over the wail of the siren. "Just hold on."

And he didn't laugh when Lex said with a gasping voice, "I didn't even sleep with this one this time," and then passed out.

He was released the next day and Clark knew that it probably wouldn't even leave a scar, but that was no reason for Lex to just continue to let things like that happen. And he had to be letting it happen, because Clark knew for a fact that Mercy was a better bodyguard than that.

"It's not a death wish," he said, and Lex went still in the doorway. Someone had brought him another suit at the hospital and if Clark hadn't known he'd been shot he might never have guessed.

"What are you doing here?" Lex asked, his body going fluid again. Lex's eyes narrowed when they saw that Clark hadn't changed, the blood on his shirt having gone stiff and dark.

"I know you don't want to die, Lex, so why? Why do you let them do this to you?"

Lex was standing above him now, looking down at him curiously. "Why do you care?" he asked, sticking his hands in his pockets.

"I asked first."

A smile flirted at Lex's mouth, but his eyes were serious when he said, "I don't want to be alone."

Aww! I love that he can openly say this to Clark. I doubt he'd ever admit it to anyone else

And Lex was the only person Clark knew that could make a strength seem like a weakness and a weakness seem like a strength.

Clark closed his eyes for a long moment and took a deep breath before opening them up to Lex. "I fly by because I want to make sure you're safe. I want to make sure you're safe because I care about you. I care about you because I can't stop." He stood awkwardly, bumping against Lex when Lex didn't step away. "Mom said once that loving someone meant never being able to stop thinking about them. Even when you were angry or hurt or scared, because you couldn't imagine your life without them." He touched Lex's sleeve, dragging his hand down until he touched the skin of his wrist. "I thought at the time she meant Lana, but I don't think about her anymore. I haven't for a long time."

"I'm certain she didn't mean me," Lex said, his voice coolly amused even if his fingers had curled around Clark's.

"Maybe she did," Clark said softly, his other hand touching Lex's cheek. Cupping his face. "And maybe this is a mistake. But at least you know I won't kill you."

"How do I know that?" Lex asked, whisper soft.

"Because I can't imagine my life without you," he said. And then kissed him with his eyes open.

This is such a lovely little fic! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy every time I read it
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