My English class is really sweet...i'm still mentally a little bit behind, but apparently she explained that that would be the case at the first class....nice
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Cast List is up now...i'll check it before film class
Here is Leila's quote of the day: "I see today with a newspring fray, my night is colored headache grey. Don't wake me with so much. Daysleeper." -- REM
I can't believe i woke up an hour ealier than i was suppposed to...because the fucking retro alarm clock i have is impossible to set...Oh no, i had the alarm set to the right time...i just somehow managed to set the hour back of the actual telling time part....oh lordy me...
Ewww...i smell like the's so gross...but we had an awesome snow fight outside after dinner...i feel bad tho, cause i pelted Bill and Sean in the ear with snow balls...and Sean in the face...and the crotch :-\ oopsy poopsy
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