Title: My Best Gift...
Author: Hikaru Hime (me)
hikarueda .
Pairing: JunDa (Junnosuke / Ueda).
Rating: All ages.
Summary: No.
A / N: It's my first Drabble .///. and I dedicate to my girlfriend
mamushi_takki as a Christmas gift, I love you too my life, and thanks for help me to translated to english my drabble -//3//- ~♥
A / N: Sorry for my poor english Dx
My best gift...
I’m sitting and I just think that I’ll be another Christmas without you. I fix a simple dinner, no cake and with just a plate on the table. I look through the window to people walk holding hands for the crowded streets, being few minutes to December 25. I understood it was moment to be with your family, however I still feel alone. I make myself comfortable upon the sofa, turn on the T.V and watch the usual today’s programs, everybody happy, sharing with friends, eating, laughing and even dancing, with movies that talk about love and friendship. I look at my watch when are almost two minutes to midnight I sigh when I turn off the TV, I take my cup of finest red wine for the date. I raise my arm for a drink of it thinking that if is Santa Claus exist give me the gift that my heart needs, drink a bit of and just at 12 o'clock the bell rang in my apartment, surprised I stand up from the sofa where I sat. Leaving the cup of wine on the table for to see for the magic eye on the door and to my surprise was the most beautiful person that I could expect, without thinking twice I opened the door and I realized that this was my gift, the best gift. I throw myself into his arms protecting me, I kiss gently his lips and smile - “Taguchi... Santa Claus exists "-
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