Title: Stockholm Syndrome Author: hikaru_is_love Pairing: Yabu Kota/OC Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU, a little action, a darker genre Summary: What do you do when you begin to fall for the one holding you hostage?
and here i am reading and loving your fic...this fic makes me excited every time!
i ♥ it as always. thanks you for updating and do update soon as you said the next ones are going to be exciting! (by reading that statement, numerous idea runs to my head that i know that what's going to happen isn't gonna be one of them XD)
XD awwwwww!!!! thank you so much for reading it (even though you were sick!) im so happy that you still love it...im losing quite a lot of readers and i think its because i update really slow lol but i will continue to write it hehe what kind of ideas are running through your mind :P
ohohoho that's okay. i think i'll be sicker if i knew you updated and i didn't get a chance to read it XD
oh i think my ideas are surreal like Hikaru is with the 7 now (seeing how you made the story exciting adding them as a rival turf) or Chief Nakajima got Hikaru and is now telling them that BEST got Mizuki or somewhere along those lines LOL *i think i want the OOC Hikaru that bad in this story that most of my ideas revolve around him*
i will be posting some new chapters up VERY soon :D like 2 or 3 days soon so i am quite excited the last couple of chapters have been a little uneventful, but i promise the next chapters will be full of action :D
Comments 17
im sorry for the wait though, school is very time consuming >.<
thank you so much for reading!
and here i am reading and loving your fic...this fic makes me excited every time!
i ♥ it as always. thanks you for updating and do update soon as you said the next ones are going to be exciting! (by reading that statement, numerous idea runs to my head that i know that what's going to happen isn't gonna be one of them XD)
im so happy that you still love it...im losing quite a lot of readers and i think its because i update really slow lol but i will continue to write it
hehe what kind of ideas are running through your mind :P
oh i think my ideas are surreal like Hikaru is with the 7 now (seeing how you made the story exciting adding them as a rival turf) or Chief Nakajima got Hikaru and is now telling them that BEST got Mizuki or somewhere along those lines LOL *i think i want the OOC Hikaru that bad in this story that most of my ideas revolve around him*
amazing chappie as always xD
ne, i was going to say happy birthday to you because i got an email..but...i forgot...
GOMEN! ;-; but for now:
happy belated birthday~! xD
and thank you for the birthday wishes, dont worry about forgetting XD
awesome fic!
the last couple of chapters have been a little uneventful, but i promise the next chapters will be full of action :D
thank you so much for reading XD
you're welcome ^^
I loved every part of this series and I absolutely cannot wait til the next chapter! =D
thank you so much for reading and new chapter is coming out VERY soon ;)
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