Title: 5 pranks Hikaru wishes he never pulled
Author: hikaru_is_love
Pairings: InooBu, implied HikaNoo and YabuHika + a surprise one at the end :)
Rating: i suck at these...probably PG-13
Disclaimer: damn you, johnny!
Summary: i think the title pretty much sums it up
Warning: me + comedy = epic fail
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Comments 34
this made my day. and i've been having a very bad and stressful week. this helped me a lot. thanks!
now off to my 3 exams, 2 projects and 1 homework...
you seem to be under A LOT of stress. i hope this week goes smoother for you and good luck with your exams =]
XD this was my first attempt at something funny it makes me feel good that it didn't fail THANK YOU!
I love Takaki's part!!!!!! Bwahaahah..
Can't imagine at all that Takaki become BALD!!! ROFL
Takaki's part was just too fun to write, so i had to make two with him XD
Really this is worth reading~!!!
I love all of them!!
OMG did I spot OhnoChii??? <333
I still don't understand why Ohno-kun didn't recognize Hikaru, but... Oh well, I got the whole part :D
hehe, yes you certainly DID spot OhnoChii
oh right, i can explain the last part. it's because it was dark in the room...i dont know i couldnt think of anything better XD
thank you so much for reading!
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