Title: Growth Spurt Genre: smutty... Rating: Light R Pairing: Riza/Winry Warnings: Yuri, touching, ripping/tight clothes Notes: Done as a request from ZaKai as a surprise for m_s_fuery .
Nice! Everyone needs a little yuri now and then. ^^ I really like how your draw women. I can't get female proportions right for the life of me for some reason. >.>
There are lots of circles involved in female anatomy...
Though, if you read Blue Eyes (which i HATE btw) you'll see that proportions aren't necessary in hentai/yuri... because there is NO WAY those chicks can stand upright with the size racks they're drawn with.
I recommend flipping thru life drawing books, or even the 'drawing bishojo' How to Draw Manga books. and practice, lots of practice.
Comments 21
Though, if you read Blue Eyes (which i HATE btw) you'll see that proportions aren't necessary in hentai/yuri... because there is NO WAY those chicks can stand upright with the size racks they're drawn with.
I recommend flipping thru life drawing books, or even the 'drawing bishojo' How to Draw Manga books. and practice, lots of practice.
But! I just signed up for a claim on fanart100 so I'll be getting plenty of that. XD
And they're in the right positions, too.
Did I mention Riza/Winry makes me hot as the deserts?
I envy Winry so much right now.
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