Title: My Only!~ Tofuho Drabbles Pairing Tofuho/ Onho Genre: Romance, Angst and a little fluff A/n: Three drabbles for my lovely Tofuho pairing. My first time writing drabbles.
My comment make you happy? ^^eijifujiryomaMarch 21 2010, 13:54:28 UTC
Weee, first place spot twice in a row. *is so happy*
Ugh, my heart. >< So beautiful yet so painful at the same time, those first two. The last one made me lol.
1. Poor thing. Sounds terrified. T-T I'm glad Minho's so supportive. 2. *winces* Absolutely amazing with the simple lines that tell everything. Painful but my fav. <33 Was Minho the reason Jinki's in a wheelchair? 3. Ahahahaha. This line : "In the end Minho and Jinki became lovers." I dunno why but it made me rofl. xD It's just so definite and out of nowhere, lol. But the drabble was so sweet though. <3
All in all, very cute and great result of a first attempt at drabbles. God knows I fail at writing drabbles. >->
Re: My comment make you happy? ^^hikaritsubasaMarch 21 2010, 14:32:03 UTC
thank you for your comment. i didn't realize i can write drabbles too, until i wrote these three(i tend to make things long without notice)... hahaha!!!
i didn't realize that i wrote two angst drabbles and one fluff drabbles.
1) love suportive minho :) 2) Feeling terrible for making Jinki paralyze and it was not really minho's fault. 3) it was in inspired by watching hello baby where Jinki love to sleep with blanket over him...hahaha!!!
very glad you love it and i enjoy reading your fic too.
Comments 16
Ugh, my heart. >< So beautiful yet so painful at the same time, those first two. The last one made me lol.
1. Poor thing. Sounds terrified. T-T I'm glad Minho's so supportive.
2. *winces* Absolutely amazing with the simple lines that tell everything. Painful but my fav. <33 Was Minho the reason Jinki's in a wheelchair?
3. Ahahahaha. This line : "In the end Minho and Jinki became lovers." I dunno why but it made me rofl. xD It's just so definite and out of nowhere, lol. But the drabble was so sweet though. <3
All in all, very cute and great result of a first attempt at drabbles. God knows I fail at writing drabbles. >->
i didn't realize i can write drabbles too, until i wrote these three(i tend to make things long without notice)...
i didn't realize that i wrote two angst drabbles and one fluff drabbles.
1) love suportive minho :)
2) Feeling terrible for making Jinki paralyze and it was not really minho's fault.
3) it was in inspired by watching hello baby where Jinki love to sleep with blanket over him...hahaha!!!
very glad you love it and i enjoy reading your fic too.
but these were really cute 8D I loved the last one hehe~ blanket thief ♥
TofuHo is so cute~ ♥ :D
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thank you for reading...
didn't know that you were a fan of Onho too!!!
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i can't really pick one of them...T.T...
i was waiting for your fic too...
i love to write angst and fluff stories very much...
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