Title: Rainbow Colored Romance
hikarijournal Pairings: Yamada X OC (
animejp )
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Love, Cuteness, Sweetness
Type: Chaptered
animejp Summary: They are not destined from each other but love really finds a way for them to be together. What fate will they have in the future then?
6th Spark of Light
♥The Rage after Twilight♥
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Comments 20
I was like "O/////O" when I read the
"I need to get you pregnant" part o///o
Thats not a bad idea and im kind of hoping she does get pregnant cause it doesnt seem like they'll get through to their parents unless something drastic happens.
thanks for the update!! :D I really appreciate it^^
Thank you for reading this!
You have a point there! He really have to get her pregnant to make an excuse from the arrange marriage (ooops!... spoiler)
Thanks for the comment too! I really love it!
Hai! gambaremasu!
haha xD no worries! I figured thats what Yamada would use a pregnancy for xD the parents just cant make Ryosuke ignore responsibility xD
I shall wait patiently for your return :D
I'm late! did LJ just have maintenance yesterday? I can't open it at all T_T
sorry for the late comment! the school is evil, and I'm already on my last year of senior highschool so... yeah T^T
btw, this chapter is too sad T_T I need to read the next one ASAP. *runs to the next chapter*
nb: I'm glad now I can put the comment!! 8DD
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