30-Day Anime Meme: Day Three

May 24, 2011 13:09

Day Three - Your First Anime Crush

Coming off the heels of my waxing poetic on my first contact with anime via Sailor Moon, I get to talk about my first anime crush. Now, if you know me, then you know I have a thing for big/muscular, stupid, hot-headed/nekketsu, and red-headed guys in anime that are secretly sweethearts deep (sometimes VERY DEEP) down inside. But after thinking about it and going back to the beginnings of my fandoms, I remembered who I lost my heart to first:

That's right, my 13-year-old heart fell HARD for Yamato "Matt" Ishida from the first (character design on the left) and second (character design on the right) seasons of Digimon as they were televised on American television starting in 1999. I seriously went *crazy* for this guy, and I just about DIED when I saw how he looked in the second season. 14-year-old me was like YES, PLEASE~ to that instance of maturation. Superficially, I LOVED his cool spiky haircut, intense blue eyes, his rebel-rebel attitude, and THAT VOICE. OH. EM. G~ I think hearing his English dub voice was the first instance of Audio Erotica I ever experienced as an anime fan. XD

But Matt was a character that I could really relate to, and I thought it was so sweet that he took such good care of his brother Takeru "T.K." even though they didn't live in the same home any more due to their parents' divorce. I loved that he was such a dependable and sweet guy, even if he tried so hard to hide it and failed miserably. XD

He is an emotionally volatile character, and I also really respected him for his strength of character, although he was quite stupid at times (but what adolescent/teenage boy isn't???). I was also impressed by his strength of character and his cool aloofness. Boy, I tell you, if at the time you'd asked me what I wanted in a boyfriend, Matt would have been *IT*! Especially after he ended up in a band. WIN~ As if he wasn't sexy enough, they just had to go there. XD

I still really like Matt, even though I have others that I love just as much if not more, but he will always have his place in my heart as my first anime crush.

The rest of the meme is as follows, and you can check out my responses to previous days:

Day 1 - Very first anime
Day 2 - Favorite anime you’ve watched so far
Day 3 - Your first anime crush
Day 4 - Anime you’re ashamed you enjoyed
Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)
Day 6 - Most annoying anime character
Day 7 - Favorite anime couple
Day 8 - Most epic scene ever
Day 9 - Saddest anime scene
Day 10 - Favorite slice of life anime
Day 11 - Favorite mecha series
Day 12 - An ecchi picture from your favorite series
Day 13 - Cosplay of your ‘waifu’ or 'husbando’
Day 14 - Current (or most recent) anime wallpaper
Day 15 - Post a cute Neko-girl
Day 16 - Post a kigurumi cosplay of your favorite anime character
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere
Day 18 - Something moe
Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime
Day 21 - Best yandere character
Day 22 - Favorite BL/yuri couple
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intriguing art
Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine
Day 25 - Best anime villian
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
Day 29 - Favorite school uniform
Day 30 - Favorite anime ending theme

Had fun seeing wingit909 (who should TOTALLY do the anime meme too!) yesterday. We had talks, and snacks, and games, and foods, and I unfortunately interjected a bit too much emo into the mix. ): I'm sorry. T-T But I'll be seeing her again, along with my other regular peeps on Friday when we gather for our bi-weekly ritual of geekery known as D&D: The Mercenary Campaign. XD

But for today, it's putting in more job applications and follow ups, possible food-getting with some friends later this evening, sewing myself a dice bag, and possibly getting a new set of dice from Alakazam! Comics since I will have need of more d10s and have had the misfortune to have lost *both* of my d20s recently. TT-TT

You see, they only rolled decently/fairly/nicely when I put them in my cleavage prior to rolling, but both times I'd forgotten that they were in there, only to find that they'd fallen out from between Sinistra & Dextera without me knowing, leaving me without a clue of where they might have rested. I just hope that whoever found them gives them a good home. >_<;;

Might also watch the last two episodes of the first season of Lost Girl or more Tiger & Bunny because I have sexy visions of shirtless Kotetsu dancing through my dreams at night. Either way, you'll probably hear about it. XD

Until next time~

digimon, tiger & bunny, lost girl season one, anime, geekery, friends, meme, jobs, d&d, bishounen, public post

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