First Evolution

Aug 30, 2009 00:17

If anyone sees a large white cat with purple markings and huge blue eyes wandering around, don't worry. She's a resident ( Read more... )

sneaks out of nowhere, "those eyes rahr hit", cats are solitary predators solitary i s, sure took the mun long enough, scars, oh great not again, been through a bit, still uneasy

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Comments 31

lone_w0lf August 30 2009, 08:17:44 UTC
My name is Wolf. I'm sorry, I don't believe you sound familiar. But I don't think that's cause for too much worry, as everyone who comes to the Sphere starts out in a similar manner.

As for the feeling of loss, that is fairly normal. We've all lost our memories, and adjustment takes a little time.

And if you need gloves, I'd recommend a visit to the marketplace, where I'm sure you'll find a variety of clothing shops.


hik_ari_gato August 30 2009, 14:58:11 UTC
I still thought it might be worth asking, in case anyone I used to know is here and remembers more than I do. Thanks anyway, of course.

Even ones that would work for me? Though it's probably my own fault for not having checked yet.


lone_w0lf August 30 2009, 22:48:00 UTC
It's no trouble, and you're absolutely right; it is a valid question.

And I can't say that I've looked for gloves that would fit a cat, but I am fairly certain that you'll find something that will work. If not, then maybe someone could sew you a pair.


hik_ari_gato August 31 2009, 02:57:42 UTC
Thanks again, then. If I don't find anything, my next question ought to be who can sew.


Uaaaa Tailmon!! I want to bring Taichi here but I'm not ready yet. shiroi_memory August 30 2009, 13:49:33 UTC
I could go look for gloves for you, miss. Its a miss, right? I wouldn't want to misread the handwriting, I think.

I'm Sora and I spend a lot of time searching for things... so I could look for gloves for you if you want.


<333 Another approval I'm happy to hear. X3 That'd be nice, but take yer own sweet time~ hik_ari_gato August 30 2009, 15:04:21 UTC
Ha, yes, I'm a miss, thanks.

I'm not asking you to.

[Itty bitty pause.] Are you sure you can find something?


:) It'll be fun to play him and its always nice to have canon mates--something I lack in many rps. shiroi_memory August 30 2009, 15:10:21 UTC
I can look, yeah. You're welcome to come with me if you wanted to. I wanna find ones that would fit you--but when you go to the place I search, apparently you have ways of finding things that belong to you anyways... or so I'm told.


I can relate. X_X I always end up playing some obscure characters in most places. XD hik_ari_gato August 30 2009, 15:32:52 UTC
Fine. That makes sense anyway.

What place is that?


D: Back-scarred one here! saleskitten August 30 2009, 14:04:22 UTC
Hi there, Ari!

I know what you mean by scars. There's got to be some way to make them fade a little bit. I'll ask around!

Until then, my name is Kitty. It may be a little late, but would you like a birthday cake?


...Scarred kitties. TT_TT Oh dear. hik_ari_gato August 30 2009, 15:15:50 UTC

They're deep, red scars on the backs of my paws. Some crossing or overlapping. I don't think there are any anywhere else on me, but where they are still makes them hard not to look at. I'd really appreciate that.

...That really wouldn't be any trouble this late?


saleskitten August 30 2009, 15:41:36 UTC
Mine are a rather deep pink, over one of my shoulder blades. Mountain lion. Kind of a long story!

It looks like there's a kind of cream that helps them fade a little, but certain scars won't disappear completely, like ones that have been on the body for a long time. It's worth a shot to lighten them up a little, right?

It's no trouble at all! I haven't made any birthday cakes lately in this lull of cocoon hatchings, and I've got today to myself. I'll either deliver it to you, or you can come to my shop in the Marketplace!


hik_ari_gato August 31 2009, 04:06:19 UTC
Are you saying you were attacked by a mountain lion? I've seen signs of it already, but this world really isn't as relaxed as it first seems.

I know a couple of ways I could find some gloves by now, but I'm willing to try things. I'm guessing that would be at Medical Island, or is it sold somewhere in the Marketplace?

If you really don't mind, thank you! I wouldn't mind finding you to get it as long as you give me a general idea of where your shop is. I might as well try to memorize my way around the Sphere on my own.


heretic_hamlet August 30 2009, 14:22:31 UTC
You'll oft feel your own thoughts take leave before they bear the fruit of memory. It's bothersome, but you'll find them in full with due time for better or wor

Nonetheless, I am Reed. I hope you find what you seek, one way or another.


hik_ari_gato August 30 2009, 15:19:04 UTC
It's not just my memories, though. I feel like I've actually lost something irreplaceable that no good can come out of me not finding again. But again, it could be anything, and if it doesn't come back on its own, I can only hope I at least remember what it was.

Hello and thank you, Reed.


heretic_hamlet August 30 2009, 22:40:22 UTC
Then the gloves would at least be a start; you may even find surcease to your sorrow. I'd accept Sora's offer; his would be a fine service.


handy_psychic August 30 2009, 14:24:37 UTC
Hi, Ari! I'm Bridge! ^_^

You don't sound familiar to me, but you still sound like a pretty cool person. Or cat.


hik_ari_gato August 30 2009, 15:25:11 UTC
Hello, Bridge.

I haven't sounded familiar to anyone yet, but the chance of that was probably low to start with when people here can be from absolutely anywhere.

From that, it sounds like stranger things have come out of the cocoons than talking cats.


handy_psychic August 30 2009, 16:05:37 UTC
Yeah, true. I hope you get lucky and find someone you know, though.

Oh, yeah, we have a little orange lizard with a fire on his tail named Lampwick living here, and then there was our friend Scales (who's no longer here); he was a gigantic green lizard!


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