SGA Episode Summary

Jun 14, 2010 12:31

limonatafic: [re fic] I clicked over only from the Bones tag, so I spent the majority of this being majorly confused.
hihoplastic: Which is WHY you need to watch Stargate Atlantis and become hooked on the awesomest ship EVER that is John/Elizabeth. Seriously. They have epic gorgeous romance! And honor defending! And alien-induced kissing! and flirting! and red shirts! and unnecessary carrying! and gift-giving! and and and! Pretty pretty pleaseeeeeee? :D

K. SO. It goes like this: John Sheppard is the military commander of Atlantis (which is a really really pretty city in another galaxy). He works very closely with Elizabeth Weir who's the really hot civilian leader of the entire expedition (she's the Boss Boss).

So, one day, they're being all awesome exploring their awesome galaxy, when they find two pods drifting in space. Being curious and kind of stupid, they take one back to Atlantis and open and it up. And surprise! It's a really really really old chick. They think she might be Ancient (human predecessors and builders of Atlantis), so they call Elizabeth (who's the master of all things Ancient). And Lizabeth, who's really cute and kind of fangirls the Ancients, steps a wee bit too close to the pod and then there's a BURST OF LIGHT! and she faints backwards into her military commander's arms (awwww).

And now all her boys (Rodney (scientist), Carson (doctor), Caldwell (commander of a warship)) rush her to the infirmary, where she wakes up a while later, acting decidedly not Elizabeth-like. 'Cause her consciousness has been taken over by the really really really old chick, whose name is Phoebus. John is really worried about his super sekrit girlfriend. And Lizabeth's boys are all, Uhhh, can we have our leader back plz? And Phoebus is all, sure no probs! brb. And then "Elizabeth" wakes up and gushes over the Ancients and how Phoebus and the dude in the other pod (Thalan) were in a huge battle hundreds of years ago and are the last of their kinds, blah blah blah, they were lovers, blah blah blah, OH HEY JOHN, YOU SHOULD BECOME POSSESSED BY THALAN SO THEY CAN HAVE LAST SEXYTIMES IN OUR BODIES SAY GOODBYE. John, because he's super!protective/in love with Elizabeth/would do anything she asks of him ever/wants to get in her pants, says yes.

AND THEN THEY MAKE OUT. And Caldwell is all, I see nothing and Carson is all, O.O! and Rodney is a hopeless romantic who sekritly ships John/Elizabeth.

...but then it turns out they weren't actually BFF-lovers. It was actually Phoebus who pretended to be Elizabeth, asking John to play the part of Thalan. In actuality, they hated each other's guts, were at war with one another and want the other dead. So they spend the remainder of the episode running around Atlantis trying to kill each other. AND IT'S REALLY BADASS. Torri Higginson (Elizabeth) is so creepy and psychotic, it's awesome. She tries to kill the entire expedition. And almost succeeds! Except that Team Rodney is super awesome, and they manage to knock them / both out.

Eventually Thalan and Phoebus's consciousness die ('cause they were really really really old) and John and Elizabeth are back to normal! Caldwell swings by the infirmary to tell them that everything's hunkey dory, save for the fact that there's going to be a lot of paperwork on this.

Especially that kiss.

AND IT IS BADASS. I am not generally a fan of the AMTDI Genre (Aliens Made Them Do It) but I looooove this episode and TORRI HIGGINSON IS SO FUCKING AWESOME, OKAY. Elizabeth is a diplomat, abhors violence, always prefers to negotiate, feels horribly guilty whenever any of her team members are hurt, etc etc., and so to get to see Torri totally flip that around and be a psychopath is AWESOME. 'Cause she nails it. AND LOOKS REALLY HOT WHILE DOING SO.

And then the episode ends and John and Elizabeth have awkward times and then eventually go make out. 'Cause I said so.

AND OH. HOW CONVENIENT. IT'S ON YOUTUBE. :D part one | part two | part three | part four

Shit. I really need to go read about just war now. Damn you, limonatafic! :P

can i jump?: joe flanigan, can i jump?: torri higginson, actor: torri higginson, spam: pics, tv: stargate atlantis, actor: joe flanigan, flist: limonatafic

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