Fic: Worry

Jul 11, 2009 23:30

Title: Worry
Author: hihielmo
Characters: McCoy/Kirk, George Kirk/Pike (implied)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Star Trek doesn’t belong to me.
Word Count: 594
Warnings: Attempted non con is briefly mentioned in this fic.
Summary: George Kirk worries about his son. A lot.
Notes: Written for this prompt at st_xi_kink. Five things George Kirk's ghost saw that made him worry about his son. And one that filled him with relief.


The day that Winona marries Frank, George sits in the aisle, next to his two sons, invisible. He was happy that Winnie was finally moving on of course and his two boys did need a father figure around. After all, Sam was getting more rebellious everyday at the tender age of fifteen and Jim wasn’t much better.

But still, it’s the man’s eyes that make him worry. They are colder then George would have liked and they lingered on his sons for far too long.

It’s a stupid fear, but still he worries.


Sam hates school. Hates it. He refuses to go, screams at his brother, and locks himself in his room. This worries George

He knows how smart Sam is. He sees it every time Sam sits out in the garage, fixing things and doing equations in his head that baffle George. But some kids, he remembers, just aren’t made for school.

He knows Sam will be fine. Sam will figure everything out one day. But still, he worries.

Frank again

The vows are said, the celebrations pass, and George still keeps a watchful eye on the man. One night, Frank tries to open the door to the boy’s room while his (their) wife slept on.

George holds the door shut with a fury born from being a protective parent and does so often through out the years.

But still, even though he protects them, he still worries.


The day that Jim tears out of the drive way in that old red corvette of his, George sits shotgun. He is caught between stopping the car and urging it to go just a little faster.

He’s never seen his son this alive.

When the cop shows up, George’s stomach (which is nonexistent thank you very much) starts to churn. He’s sure Jim doesn’t realize exactly how much trouble he is in.

They head for the cliff. George panics and prays the whole way to a deity he has long since stopped believing in to save his son.

Jim may have survived his adventure but that attitude will get you killed. George should know after all.

While he is a bit proud of his boy, he still worries.

Bar Fight

Eight or so long years later and George is still watching over his youngest. As it happens, he watches him get into a fight with four cadets in a roadside bar. He watches him get beat up as a matter of fact.

As soon as he hears the whistle a smirk forms on George’s face. And then he sees him. Chris, looking as handsome as ever, if not a bit older, glares down at his son.

Jim is offered a place at Star Fleet. George wanders with him that night as his son tries to figure everything out.

George knows this is one of those decisions Jim will have to make himself. But still, he worries.


The doctor has got to be at least ten years older then Jim. He has a daughter, a drinking problem and an ex wife who is clearly batshit crazy.

By all means, George should be worrying like a mother hen when Leonard and Jim decide to try a new side of their relationship. But he’s not worried.

Because if there is anyone who loves his son more or worries more then him it’s Leonard McCoy.

star trek, fanfiction, kink meme, kirk, mccoy

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