Term XXVIII Quiz #05: ABC Puzzle

Mar 09, 2014 20:02

Activity: ABC Puzzle
Participation Points: Participation Only. 10pts/5kts. (+ 5 bonus points if you own a Subscription to the Daily Prophet).
Deadline: Saturday, March 22nd, 11:59pm UTC
Details: Solve an ABC Path Puzzle.

Solve the puzzle so that the letters A through Y occupy a square in the grid. Each letter must be next to the previous letter either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. (That means if you traced the path from A to Y, you should have one continuous line. The clues around the edge will tell you which row, column or diagonal each letter is in. For a more detailed walkthrough, check this out.

Submit your answers using this form


Bonus items: http://hogwartsishome.com/check/check_img.php?style=1&item_number=205&username=USERNAME" src="http://hogwartsishome.com/check/check_img.php?style=1&item_number=205&username=USERNAME">

Questions or comments, let me know!

term xxviii, contests

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