
May 07, 2006 20:17

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/ Monday, 10 October / 2:45 PM
Location: corridor near the Great Hall
Open To: Avery
Currently Involving: Niamh

A much needed friendly run-in )


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averykellaway May 8 2006, 01:34:05 UTC
Avery was on her way out of the castle. It would be such a waste if the day had been spent inside, when it was clearly so beautiful out. For once, she had left all her books in her dorm, and her worries locked in her trunk, all ready to take in the beauty of nature.

As she was strolling along the corridors, she let her gaze wander, looking out the window at the beam of sunlight creeping in. She must've not been looking at where she was going, because the next thing she knew, something hard collided with her abdomen and she let out a strained yelp.

Stumbling for a moment, and then regaining her footing, she looked at the small figure in front of her. "Why, if it isn't Niamh Gannon," she said, smiling at the first year. "Are you alright?"

She bent down, picked up some of Niamh's books and handed them to her. "I don't seem to recall ever seeing you around these days. Does this mean I've lost all contact with the outside world, or have you been in hiding?" Avery, of course, meant that to be a joke, since she had really enjoyed their ( ... )


averykellaway May 11 2006, 17:19:57 UTC
"So you could just sit there for hours and read or do nothing? Well, I suppose it's like flying, just that the latter needs more concentration, and well, you can't really read up there," Avery said, sticking her tongue out just a tad, thinking how silly that must've sounded. Well, in actual fact, the two thing seemed similar, just that with flying, one was secure above a broom, and tree-climbing, well, you could slip and fall if you're not careful enough. Which wasn't a nice thought at all.

"Oh, I could see almost the whole world when I fly, too. Have you learnt flying yet?" she asked. In her first year, they had flying lessons within the first month, but she hadn't been paying close attention to the classes held outdoors this year to remember if she had seen the first years flying rather clumsily for the first time ( ... )


niamh_gannon May 12 2006, 22:03:38 UTC
Niamh nodded, though Avery probably couldn't have seen it since she was so high up, "I love to just sit and look around. There's so much to see and sometimes birds will come close and you can watch them. It's also a wonderful place to sit and think or be alone." She settled into a spot where the branches formed a sort of cradle that was just the right size for Niamh ( ... )


averykellaway May 13 2006, 00:16:58 UTC
At the mention of birds, Avery looked out into the skies and actually saw a number of them circling around. Such freedom was hard to come by. For humans, at least, but birds, they did get it all, didn't they?

She looked up at Niamh. "So what does our Niamh Gannon think about when she's up there?" She offered another smile, fingers still playing with the bark of the tree. "And I'm sure you'd love flying, if you like climbing that much. You get to move around and feel the wind in your hair. It's brilliant." That was exactly why she had liked flying so much, even though most of the time, she wasn't what someone would call terribly adventurous.

"Don't mention it. I was actually thinking of coming out myself, before I bumped into you. But don't think for a minute that you've intruded or anything, because I could really use some company today." She grinned up at the girl. It was the truth. Avery knew that if she had come out on her own, she would have let herself think too much, and that wouldn't be good.


niamh_gannon May 14 2006, 19:39:56 UTC
Niamh shrugged, "Oh, anything. Everything. Sometimes nothing. There's always lots of things to think about. Sometimes I think about classes, other times I think about home. I suppose I think about what anyone thinks about when they're alone. Trees are like my thinking spot, I guess. Do you have a thinking spot? I think everyone ought to. They're dead useful," she rambled on at high speed, completely at ease with Avery. Niamh considered the older girl a real friend now.

"Flying sounds absolutely wonderful! I can't wait to try it!" She imagined it was something like sitting in the top of a tree, only the tree moved. Which sounded amazing, really. She was eager for their first flying lesson.

Niamh blushed, but grinned, "I'm glad." She was glad to hear that because she really did hope Avery would consider her a good friend, too. It would be nice to not have to worry about bothering someone, for once. She hated being so much younger than everyone; she couldn't help but feel in the way every now and again.


averykellaway May 15 2006, 00:58:22 UTC
Avery nodded at Niamh's answer. "Well, sounds like me at some point. Sometimes I think too much, though, I suppose. It messes up your mind if you do that, and that's not good." She looked up at the little girl, hoping she had managed to get that message across, however subtly she had put it. She didn't want to scare her or anything.

"Thinking spot? I'm not sure if I do. I like to be alone sometimes, so I'll just hide in my room when noone's around. That's good enough for me," she replied, smiling up at her. She wasn't particulatly close to any of the other girls in her dorm, but Jesse was not one of them. Still, Jesse can get pretty intense sometimes, especially during her mood swings.

She leaned back against the tree and covered her nose, since she could feel a sneeze working its way up. "Ah-choo!" Oh dear. Please don't let her catch a cold.


niamh_gannon May 15 2006, 06:11:23 UTC
Niamh put her chin on her knees as she sat in the tree and was silent for a moment. "I suppose maybe you can, sometimes. But you can't exactly stop yourself, can you? I mean, you have to think. Else, wouldn't we all stop breathing or something? And I don't think you're messed up at all. I think you're brilliant," she said the compliment without even thinking, just rambling away.

"Oh, but you should find one! Everyone needs a place where they can always go, no matter what. Sometimes you just have to be alone and dormmates are terrible about staying away when you need them to, sometimes. Though, I guess maybe you've your broom. Probably not many people can bother you when you're flying, right?" she smiled down at the other girl.

When Avery sneezed, Niamh frowned. She started swinging down closer to the ground, "Maybe we ought to go inside, after all. I'd hate to make you sick just because I wanted to go climbing." She settled on a branch just above the older girl and looked down to study Avery, still frowning.


averykellaway May 15 2006, 06:27:56 UTC
"Me? Brilliant? Wow, that's..." Avery was quite possibly speechless, but wasn't one supposed to accept compliments gratefully? "I mean, thank you. You're not too bad yourself, missy." She winked at her.

"Yes, I guess you're right. I'm not all that close to my dormmates, well, except for Jesseca, but she's rather quiet herself. Flying's good, but you've to be careful when you're so high up. I hide out in the library sometimes, as you can probably tell, since we did meet in the library and all." She paused to think for a moment. "Maybe I should start looking for a hiding place," she concluded, laughing.

She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand as she saw Niamh moving down. "No, no it's perfectly fine! Ah-ah-choo!" She sniffled, and shook her head. "Well, maybe not so. It's getting rather cold here. But I don't want to ruin your fun. We could stay here for a while longer if you want." She frowned in return, stuffing her hands in her pockets again.

((OOC: Laura! Are you still awake?))


niamh_gannon May 15 2006, 16:21:47 UTC
Niamh grinned and nodded before colouring a bit, herself, at Avery's compliment back, "Er, t-thanks," ever the awkward Ravenclaw ( ... )


averykellaway May 16 2006, 00:29:16 UTC
Avery didn't answer Niamh as she muttered her 'Thanks', but merely nodded.

"The Quidditch pitch. That's a very good idea, actually. We shall go look around the place one day, shan't we?" she asked, smiling. She had been around the pitch a few times, being an avid flyer herself, but she had not looked around the stands much, possibly because she hadn't thought they were of much use unless you were watching a Quidditch game.

She smiled at the younger girl and reached over to ruffle her hair again as she jumped down next to her. "Alright, then, if you say so. But we'll find another time to climb trees again, okay? I'll even consider joining you, but only hte lower branches, when I'm feeling better."

((OOC: I figured. Lol. Poor Niamh, being neglected for the likes of Phil. Pbfft))


niamh_gannon May 16 2006, 01:57:17 UTC
Niamh grinned, "Okay! I'd love to go with you. The pitch is so interesting. I bet there's all kinds of lovely hiding places there."

Niamh's nose wrinkled as she laughed, delighted at the way Avery ruffled her hair. "Okay! I'd like that a lot," she grinned up at the older girl, "And I hope you feel better soon, too."

((OOC: I know, right? Sodding prat! *shakes fist at him* XD))


averykellaway May 16 2006, 02:27:25 UTC
"Great! That's settled then." Avery grinned at her happily, trying to ignore the fact that her nose was protesting them being out here for much longer than it could take.

She put an arm lightly on Niamh's shoulders and guided her towards the entrance to the castle. Many other students were still walking around, enjoying the sun and the breeze, but it was getting rather cold for her. "Let's get back in there, shall we?"

((OOC: Wanna wrap up soon? XD))


niamh_gannon May 16 2006, 19:18:49 UTC
Niamh smiled, nodding to Avery. She felt much better than she had in days, and it was all thanks to her Gryffindor friend. She slung her bag onto her shoulder and grinned up at her friend.

She followed Avery's guidance contently toward the door, already planning the next time she might find a reason to come and climb in the courtyard again. Niamh nodded, "Okay, let's go!" she moved a bit faster, eager to get Avery inside, worrying that the older girl might get sick if they didn't hurry.

((OOC: I think we've no choice. XD We can end it here, or you can do another tag if you'd like. Either works for me.))


averykellaway May 17 2006, 16:42:33 UTC
They moved back into the castle pretty quickly, where Avery heaved a sigh of relief at the warmth it provided. She really had to do something about her impending cold.

She gave Niamh's shoulders another light squeeze before releasing her, rubbing her nose gently. "It's been great hanging out with you today, Niamh. I'm afraid I've to go though, but I can walk you back to your tower if you want to. I've nothing on today, anyway," she offered, smiling warmly at the younger girl. It was about time for her to get started on her Transfig essay, anyway.

((OOC: Somehow I think she needs to bring Niamh back safely first ;) You can finish it up now, yeah? *hugs Laura*))


niamh_gannon May 17 2006, 20:51:23 UTC
Niamh gave the older girl a smile, "It's always nice to spend time with you, Avery. You're fun. If you wouldn't mind," she looked down shyly, just slightly embarrassed, "I'd like the company. Er." She didn't really want to admit it was because she was afraid, so she just blushed and left it at that.

She fell into step beside the older girl, walking along the corridors. She frowned, glancing up at Avery. She was sure that the older girl might have caught a chill and she would feel awful if it were because of her.

As they arrived outside the entrance to Ravenclaw Tower, Niamh smiled, "Thanks, Avery. For everything!" Impuslively, she wrapped her arms around the older girl for a quick hug before letting go and looking down awkwardly. "Er, and I hope you don't get sick 'cause of me."

((OOC: HA! I'm an idiot. That makes a lot more sense. *facedesk* Ignore my previous OOC comment, kthnx. Stupid Phil and his distracting me from Niamh's threads. GAH. So you can go again if you want, seeing as my head's not on right. *facedesks again*))


averykellaway May 18 2006, 01:47:25 UTC
Avery returned Niamh's smile and nodded at her. "Not at all, why would I mind spending some time with you, when you're so cute and sweet. And brilliant, in your own word," she said, winking at the younger girl.

As they reached the Ravenclaw Tower, she stopped to let Niamh hug her, and patted her on the back. "No, don't go blaming yourself for it, you hear me. And remember what I said about not thinking too much, it won't do you much good," she reminded the little girl and gave her a small wave. "I should be off, then. See you around!"

She watched until Niamh had gone up the staircase before turning around and making her way back to the Gryffindor Tower.

((OOC: Avery, out! NO! Don't facedesk! Poor Laura's face *weeps*))


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