(no subject)

May 07, 2006 08:11

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/ Tuesday, October 11th/ 3pm
Location: Quidditch pitch
Open To: Grady, Phillip, and any Gryffindor quidditch teammates
Currently Involving: Jackie, Grady, Phillip

Jackie clapped her hands together, the sound of her gloves making a quiet thump against each other. Just having finished a short warm-up, she stretched and felt ready to get to the real practice. She eyed the quidditch chest, took a deep breath, and opened it. The Quaffle beckoned at her, but she ignored it. What she wanted was the Bludger. Suicide? Maybe if she released both of them. But she was only going to practice with one; that is, practice avoiding one, and just by doing that, she should be able to increase her agility, and perhaps her speed.

She tucked a bat under her arm, figuring she'd need it in case she couldn't avoid the Bludger, and unclasped the restraint. The Bludger zoomed out of the chest, and knowing it would pick up and home in on her energy, she quickly mounted her broom and took off. She knew it was coming after her; she could hear it zipping through the sky. Just as it approached, she quickly dived and ducked from its path. Suicide? Nah. Besides, if she was actually hit, she'd figure one of her teammates would eventually find her and drag her bloody body to the Hospital Wing.

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