(no subject)

May 04, 2006 18:24

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Moment's Peace' / Saturday, 8 October / 9:00 am
Location: Corridor outside Arithmancy room going to Dai's CURRENTLY VAGUE OFFICE LOCATION (+ windows).
Open to: Dai
Currently involving: Juhi and Dai

There really was something to be said for empty castle corridors. This one was especially nice; drafty and very nearly silent, as Juhi was the only occupant, and she was shuffling along quietly in her slippers, looking for an empty classroom to read her weekly letter from her parents in. Humming softly, and somewhat tunelessly, she headed toward the door of the Arithmancy room. Something soft collided with the toe of her slipper, and she let out a yelp.

Puffskein. Correction. Puffskeins.

Juhi hesitated, wondering what to do. Leaving them seemed a waste, after all. On a whim, she tucked her letter away for later and stooped to pick them up. Uhm. She straightened back up, pulled the sleeves of her sweater down over her hands, and THEN stooped to pick them up.

Trotting up to the door of Professor Gwyn's office, she shifted the two fuzzy animals around in her arms, trying to free up a hand. After leaning toward and away from the door a few times, Juhi sighed and kicked it twice (very lightly!) in rapid succession, wondering what on Earth she was going to do if he WASN'T in.


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