Defense Against the Dark Arts - Week 005

Apr 29, 2006 16:55

Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace
Location: Dungeons
Open To: Anyone taking DADA
Currently Involving: Abel

Last week Abel had landed all the classes with a surprise quiz, though, according to its length, the word ‘test’ would probably be more appropriate. That had been the fourth week into the school year and personally, he felt that it was the best time to measure how much they had learned. Or how much they haven’t learned. If they were wise, they would be smart enough to expect another test in the next four weeks. Marking the papers had been a tedious job. There were a few remarkable papers from his favourites better students and quite many mediocre ones filled with a lot of... something that people referred to with the initials: b. s.

[ooc; Do remember that each year is separated into Ravenclaws+Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors+Slytherins, so do try to separate who you’re replying to. Unless noted. 8D

Test grades; If DADA is your best subject than you got either an Outstanding or an Exceeds Expectations. If DADA is your worst subject then you Failed. Hah! If DADA is neither your best nor worst than you got a satisfactory passing grade - or if you want, you can fail too. 8) ]

week-005, classroom-threads

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