
Aug 14, 2008 10:17

Week Name/Date/Time: "Duelly Noted" / Saturday, Decemeber 2, 2006 / 8.11pm
Location: Gryffindor Common Room
Open To: Baccypoo
Currently Involving: Andykins

Mondays is for drinking to the seldom seen kid )

week-048, bacchus-donovan, andrew-frazer

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godofwines August 14 2008, 06:01:45 UTC
The incident Andy was recalling involved a fourth-year Bacchus, a pock-marked seventh-year Hufflepuff girl, a can of peanut butter, and about tweleve dozen Forget-Me-Nots.

Needless to say, it was an incident Andy might've forgotten, and Bacchus only wished he could.

And no, by the way, Bacchus had not seen the crowds of people milling around him. He'd heard them ask questions about the encounter and about Malfoy and his behavior ("Bacchus, he putting you in Azkaban?" "Did he use an Unforgivable?" "Did he take away our win, Donovan?!"). He'd given short replies, but hadn't cared to elaborate, his eyes searching around the room unrelenting in looking for wherever Andy had gone off to. Once it was clear to the rest of the gryffindors that he wasn't about to get up and tell a fantastic story about how Malfoy had attempted the Avada Kadavra on him, and how he'd deflected it using Tom Paddock's lifeless (they knew it to be lifeless, of course, because how could a Ravenclaw survive a beating from Bacchus Donovan?!) body as a human shield, ( ... )


loopdeelou August 19 2008, 18:03:34 UTC
And Bacchus? He would gladly pay (if he had the money) Andy to do this for as long as he wanted, it felt so good. Maybe this would be a better career than the military for Andy to look in to?

It really was amazing what they had in the infirmary. And it all only let Bacchus to further believe that Madame Pomfrey was a kinky bitch.

Or maybe she just knew teenagers too well.

Bacchus sort of liked the begging. It was actually kinda cute and it was all he could do to hold himself back from coddling Andy right there for it. Instead, once he was positive the boy's teeth were far gone from his crotch, he gave him a very hearty push backwards into the bedding, before mounting him like a lion catching it's prey.

But he didn't enter him. Not yet.

He brought his mouth to Andy's collarbone and licked it, his eyes having traced and his gums having tingled it for so long. Next came Andy's ribs. He trailed his tongue along each and every one in turn, his mouth prsactically singing in joy of Andy's sharp angles.


sunny_charles August 20 2008, 00:11:17 UTC
Pomfrey did happen to know teenagers rather well although Andy was of the opinion condoms and lubricant were Dumbledore's idea, wacky old man that he was. Now there was someone who'd be into the kinky stuff!

Bacchus straddled Andy and although the younger man wanted to be fucked, it wasn't as if he was going to complain about this extra attention. In the worst case scenario it gave him a chance to calm down, which was definitely a good thing for the both of them. It would have been sort of an anti-climax to have Andy shoot his load after Bach had just entered him. Also embarrassing, although he had the suspicion Bacchus was just as worked up as he was.

He watched the boy, with eyes almost reflecting affection, as he made his way down Andy's abdomen. He liked the colour of Bach's tongue, he decided, as his friend licked the outline of his second rib. He discovered he was ticklish on rib number five. Number seven actually made him gasp a little.


loopdeelou August 21 2008, 05:21:49 UTC
...Yeeeah now that he thought about it more, the idea of Dumbledore storing that sort of stuff there was more likely than Pomfrey. Although that made him wonder whjy they had yet to be removed, seeing how Dumbledore was gone and it wasn't verly likely that underage sex was something Malfoy would support.

Even if something in that man's eyes pleased something in Bacchus' loins at a bizarre level.


But there was no time to think about that right now. Bacchus' mouth, which was in some weird way connected directly to his groin, was being extremely satisfied by Andy's hard angles and weird curves in unexpected places.

He liked rib number seven. So, he went for it a second time, the pink of his tongue lapping at the skin affectionately and warmly. He liked the salt of Andy's sweat. It almost made him wonder how the boy's tears tasted...

With a -FWUMP!-, he flipped the boy over and went for-- oddest of all-- the curve in the boy's foot, sucking hard on it and seemign to enjoy it very much.


sunny_charles August 21 2008, 05:52:51 UTC
Andy would be deeply, deeply disturbed to hear that Bacchus had a thing for the Minister/Headmaster. Deeply.

Thank goodness Bach knew well enough to keep his mouth shut because that could have possibly destroyed the mood he was so sucessfully creating with this rib licking business. Number seven was definitely something to remember for the future. Yes, you heard correctly, Andy hoped they had a future. He didn't think about it too much because then he'd have to decide what kind of future he wanted and like Bacchus and his unthinkable thoughts, he concluded now was not the time.

When he was flipped over he expected Bacchus to be inside him almost immediately, but the boy continued to surprise him. Andy burst out laughing and kicked his foot without meaning too. "That tickles, watch the teeth!"


godofwines August 21 2008, 06:49:38 UTC
Right when Andy demanded he watch the teeth, Bacchus bit in to the slender curve, ducking his face in case there was a kick (it happened).

Maybe he did it just to be impetuous, or maybe he had given up on listening to Andy. It didn't matter much, because Bacchus' gums were screaming in delight at the feeling of this new spot of Andy's against them. He could even feel his cock growing harder between his thighs at the pleasure enveloping his highly-sensitive mouth.

He didn't want to release the boy from his mouth, but he knew it had to happen soon. He had bigger fish to fry. Smirking as he crawled along the length of Andy's body, having dropped his foot most unceremoniously, he pinned the boy back to the sheets, getting ready to position himself.

He spread his legs over the top of the other's and with a devious look in his eyes, thurst himself harder than ever before into Andy, cock dripping with lubrication.


sunny_charles August 21 2008, 07:22:54 UTC
Andy cried out as Bacchus slammed into him. There was pain again, but mostly a release of finally getting what he had wanted since it had happened last time. Like the time before, Andy wanted him to immediately keep still, just so he could get used to the feeling and localise the pain (which at first seemed to spread like fire over his body), but his need for Bacchus greatly overwhelemed any cause of concern he had for his own well being. Actually, screw that, this was his well being. Bacchus inside him? Absolutely his number one priority ( ... )


godofwines August 22 2008, 17:31:28 UTC
This time, unlike last, Bacchus had no intention of remaining completely still the moment he entered his pretty little lover. And when he was this blazed in such a heat, Andy had little chance of getting what he wanted out of the boy.

The first slam, the initial pain of Bacchus' entering, was followed by a quick and just as hearty second one, and then a third, and then a fourth, and so on. Bacchus breathed harder, even moaning out on the third, so great was his ectasy.


The noise echoed around the room, seeming somehow, for Bacchus, a very vunerable sound. He himself grimaced when he heard it and pushed himself harder back into Andy to let him know that the boy wasn't to push it.

His left hand, by the way, had curved under Andy's body and was slowly pushing its way through bedspread and hot flesh, trying to get to Andy's center and give it a good rub. Once he caught hold of the warm organ he wanted, Bacchus started, being, by no means, gentle.


andyfraz August 22 2008, 23:13:37 UTC
It was damn lucky then that Andy didn't want him to stop. Possibly ever. The feeling was too great, the smells were intense, the sounds? Amazing. Andy was quite vocal when it came to it but Bacchus didn't seem to be as such. He certainly couldn't remember any kind of noise last time, except when the boy had come. This one cut straight through him, making everything feel electric ( ... )


godofwines August 23 2008, 08:02:39 UTC
Talk and have sex at the same time...? That was.... hard!! Typical guy, Bacchus definitely had a one-track mind. While he was fucking Andy, he was thinking about fucking Andy. He was not thinking about talking to Andy, he was not thinking about the color of Andy's hair, he was not thinking about food (hard to believe, but it was true).

And so as Andy mumbled and fumbled or whatever the hell he was doing down there, Bacchus simply continued to push in and out, enjoying every second of it. He grunted, as he always did (hard not to), he moaned a couple of times. His lips even grew a little wet with saliva he didn't want to lick away just yet.

What seemed a more ideal way of dispelling said spit was by setting his mouth to as far on Andy as he could reach (the side of his delicious neck, by the way) and biting and licking it as furiously as he could. Each nip came with a thrust and each thrust was followed by a hearty kiss.

Oh Merlin, he loved the feeling of this boy around him. it was greater than any other ectasy he knew.


andyfraz August 23 2008, 08:41:44 UTC
It wasn't like he wanted to have a conversation! He just wanted to be told he was pretty or something, maybe some reassurance that the older boy was enjoying himself. He knew he must be though, Bacchus was the one who was getting the room with a view after all, so to speak. All Andy could stare at was the bedspread and curtains underneath him.

But if Bacchus didn't want to do it, the younger boy wasn't going to force the issue. At least the boy was talking to him in general, he supposed he couldn't ask for more. I don't really deserve any more, he told himself and he returned to focusing on the task at hand.

He tilted his neck to an awkward angle, trying like hell to reach the boy's mouth but it was no use. The neck biting thing turned out pretty good though and he bit down into the doona, anxious to muffle the increasing pitch of his moans.


godofwines August 24 2008, 04:38:37 UTC
Just tell him he was pretty? Damn, if only Bacchus could hear what was going on inside this boy's head! Andy, think Bacchus didn't think him pretty...! The nerve! Bacchus figured actions spoke louder than words and right now, Andy was fuckin' Miss Universe, tits and all. Not that Bacchus was a tits man, but hey. Andy was a fuckin' sunshine.


That was all the beauty queen was going to get right now, though. But seriously? Bacchus thought him the most brilliant beam of sunlight right now, such was Andy's sweet beauty.


Okay, Andy could have that noise too. It was more of a rutting noise than an affectionate one, but still, it was just as powerful. It was followed by a quick couple of gasps as the older boy pumped Andy with his hand and himself with Andy's sweet little ass.

He was so close right now.


andyfraz August 24 2008, 05:28:02 UTC
The noises went over rather beautifully with Andy, who appreciated the shivers that were brought about by the low voice of Bacchus. Each gasp the older boy emitted sent a shock through Andy, from his ears all the way to his groin.

Bacchus wasn't the only one close. Andy could have come after just a couple of thrusts, if he had no self restraint. He had held back though, forced himself to wait for his friend because he knew the reward would be great; to feel Bacchus let go inside of him. To was, he was sure, bound to become an addiction. There was a reason he didn't drink, smoke or do drugs to the point of addiction. He was saving himself up for something more powerful than those three combined.

As Bach pulled back from his most recent thrust, Andy clenched, making himself extra tight for Bacchus' pleasure. He relaxed on the thrust in and then clenched again on the pull out.


godofwines August 25 2008, 23:52:23 UTC
Andy's fantastic ass clenching was driving Bacchus batty with pleasure. Usually he longed for the thrust in, liking to feel himself push past all the tight muscles and feel the smooth flesh beneath him. But now he was getting more and more eager for the pull out, the feeling that almost seemed to him to be like Andy didn't want to let go of this piece of Bacchus. It was driving him mad with desire and pleasure ( ... )


andyfraz August 26 2008, 01:33:28 UTC
That wasn't why Andy was doing the ass clench, but of course he didn't want to let go of Bacchus anyway. He rather thought that this feeling, the boy's cock rubbing against every sensitive nerve ending inside that part of him, was pretty much perfect ( ... )


godofwines August 26 2008, 01:45:40 UTC
Wait, what did he say?

And what did Andy say?

The ingrained response Bacchus had from not only his mother, but nearly every other authority character came first, without Bacchus' real consent on the matter.

"Don't tell me what to do," he said, sharply, before realizing it was on his lips. Didn't matter much, anyway, it seemed to be what Andy was expecting. And why shouldn't he? Andy had Bacchus' character down pat.

"I mean... what? What do you mean?" he asked, looking a little sheepish. He was, in all honesty, trying to find a cover-up for his first set of words. He hadn't meant to say them! He didn't even think he meant them! He searched over the preivous couple seconds looking for some way to escape.

"I said, 'fuck you', which I was doing, so I think I can fuckin' say it, Frazer!" he growled, pulling himself free of Andy with more mental difficulty than physical difficulty.

"Don't be a pussy-ass bitch."


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