
Apr 15, 2006 18:55

Week Name/Date/Time: Meeting of the Minds / Saturday 1st October / 2 pm
Location: Hogsmeade
Open To: Tobias
Currently Involving: Andra

Curse Lauren. )


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andraleigh April 16 2006, 01:06:51 UTC
Andra wasn't quite sure if the colour completely drained from her face, or if her cheeks only burned brighter. She was so far past caring at the moment, anyway, because all she could do was put two things together in her mind, two things that were causing her to breathe erratically and fidget uncontrollably.

She didn't tell you anything embarrassing that I'd prefer you find out on your own?


He's a good kisser.

Oh, she might as well just go out into the streets, paint a big red 'X' on her forehead, and declare it open season. Someone just kill her now.

She closed her eyes for a second, determined to not stutter when she spoke. She did quite well, if she did say so herself. "N-no, nothing embarassing," she replied, giving him a warm smile. "So no worries." She nodded, then busied herself with opening her own bottle.

As he asked what she'd like to do, she gave him a sheepish grin. "I'm out of Sugarquills," she confessed, taking a long sip and feeling the warmth spread. "I've been out all summer and have just been ( ... )


andraleigh April 16 2006, 16:00:36 UTC
Andra's expression slipped into a pleasantly surprised and bashful look. She smiled, looking down as she gave a small shrug and laugh. "I-- I wish," she replied, shaking her head. "Would make things so much easier. I mean, not just.. any guy, but yeah, the gist of it.."

She looked up, still grinning wide. She wasn't complimented often -- not at all, really, except by her parents, or Lauren -- and so it meant quite a bit to her. And coming from Tobias?

Well, the red cheeks were evidence enough.

"Thank you," she finally said, beaming wide. She didn't know where to go with it after that, so she cleared her throat and tried to at least keep the conversation moving. Difficult, for her; she wasn't used to leading the conversation.

"So, what do you like to do? Besides play Quidditch?"


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 16:06:42 UTC
"You're welcome," Tobias replied slowly, looking up just in time to catch her beaming face. He liked her smile, as he'd told her when they'd met. It lit up her face and made her eyes almost sparkle. Altogether a very pretty effect.

At that thought, his gaze dropped back to the table. Why had he thought that? No, no no no. She was pretty, yes, but he wasn't going to be thinking about her and pretty together. That would make for an awkward moment, seeing as she didn't think about him in that sense in the least.


A mixture of his thoughts and the ringing in his ears meant that he'd missed her question, something that embarrassed him to no end. He couldn't very well tell her what he'd been thinking, and he wasn't about to explain the ringing, so now it just looked like he'd not been paying attention.

"Sorry, I... was... got distracted." Oh, bollocks.


andraleigh April 16 2006, 16:12:12 UTC
Andra's brow furrowed, and she looked confused for a moment. She wondered if maybe she hadn't spoken up enough, and he just hadn't heard her. That would make sense; she was often soft-spoken, so--


No, he'd just been.. distracted.

She looked down, biting her lip gently. Agh, she was messing this up, wasn't she? She swallowed, then shrugged as if it were no big deal at all. "I just-- I was asking what you liked to do. Other than Quidditch, which I obviously, y'know, know about."


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 16:15:57 UTC
"I'm sorry, it's not..."

Tobias trailed off when she bit her lip. Ah, double bollocks. He'd completely messed that up, hadn't he? Most of the time he could recover from being distracted or missing what someone had said, so that he only looked like a dunce. But no, this was worse, because he'd said that he'd been distracted.

He'd had to say that, hadn't he. Bollocks.

He decided that he'd just answer her question, rather than trying to backpedal, which, as they'd already established, never worked. "I like to read," he replied slowly, looking up to her with a smile. "I read almost anything I can get my hands on, actually. Madam Pince actually yells at me sometimes, because I'll take ten books out of the library and I'll be reading them all at the same time."

Pausing for a second, his brows furrowed. "Well, not simultaneously at the same time, but... well, do you know what I mean?"


andraleigh April 16 2006, 16:22:01 UTC
She took a deep breath as he'd started to apologize, then moved on. It was better like that, right? After all, she surely didn't want to hear about.. whatever it was that was distracting him, right? What if he was thinking about the whole relationship thing? He was probably imagining who it was that would be the lucky girl she'd mentioned earlier. Nope, didn't want to know.

Thankfully, she just forgot all about it and listened as he told her that he liked to read. She smiled, nodding and giving a soft laugh as he mentioned checking out books from the library.

"Fiction?" she asked, curious. "I like a few classics, but I'm afraid I don't read much fiction; I'd rather read the same Potions book three times," she added, giving a snort of a laugh. "And yes, don't lie, you sit in your dorm, with three books open, reading a line from each before moving on, don't you?"

Ah, there was a bit of lightness. Good!


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 16:27:06 UTC
Tobias smiled as the tone lightened. Finally! It was definitely about time that they got back to their previous comfort level with each other. That whole rough patch had been rather uncomfortable.

"Fiction, yes. Some non-fiction as well, but I like to read the creative works. There's always something amazing about reading someone else's imagination. It gives you insight into the world."

Laughing as she joked, he nodded, adopting a very serious expression. "That just furthers my opinion that you are stalking me, Andra. See, only someone who stalks me would know that fact."

He'd completely forgotten about the butterbeer next to his hand, so when he shifted his seat, he accidentally hit it, knocking it over into her lap. "Oh!! Bollocks! I am... so sorry!!" He immediately reached over to grab a napkin and attempt to mop up her lap.


andraleigh April 16 2006, 16:31:53 UTC
Andra laughed lightly, nodding in agreement. Their joke about her stalking him had been quite fun, and now that it was back in full swing she was relaxing a bit more. "Of course! I thought we already established this? I know all about you ( ... )


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 16:52:06 UTC
Oh, bloody Merlin.

This was one of the times when Tobias wished that he swore, or perhaps just had a hole to crawl in and die. Anything than this incredible embarrassment of having just completely drenched her in butterbeer.

"Oh, I am... so... sorry," he muttered, before realized that he had his hands in her lap.

Mind you, they were on the napkin, but it was the principle of the thing, wasn't it. Blushing fiercely, he cleared his throat and pulled back from her, murmuring sorry as many times as he could. "I am... oh Merlin, I..."

Really. That hole would be great right about now.


andraleigh April 16 2006, 17:00:09 UTC
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.

Now he was embarassed, too! Merlin, it was bad enough that she was positively on the brink of death, but he was stammering and apologizing and blushing, too!

She quickly pressed the napkins into her lap, soaking up as much as possible, before trying to discreetly place them on the table. Oh, that looked disgusting; all crumpled and wet! She then moved them to rest on the other side of her, on the seat. At least it was out of sight.

She swallowed hard, then turned and placed her hand on his arm lightly. "It's okay," she reassured him, nodding. It was hard to push her embarassment aside, but she was only the unfortunate target for the drink; poor Tobias was the one who spilled it, and then proceeded to mop it up. He was far more embarassed.

"See? I'm fine!"


tobias_kingston April 17 2006, 03:00:10 UTC
The wad of wet napkins stood out quite horrendously on the table, and Tobias blushed a fiercer red. Oh, he'd really screwed things up, hadn't he. He really wished that there was some kind of catastrophy outside right then, so that their attention could turn to that.

Of course, he'd never really wish for a catastrophy, but it was a better thought than having to sit there, knowing he'd just spilled an entire bottle of butterbeer on a very lovely girl.

"...okay, but Merlin, I am so sorry," he said again, shaking his head slowly as he fiddled with his hands on the tabletop. Anything to keep him from running away as he so wanted to do right at the moment.


andraleigh April 17 2006, 03:12:32 UTC
"It's fine," she insisted, grinning wide despite the flush in her cheeks. Finally, a look of utter realization passed over her face, and she triumphantly pulled out her wand to cast a hot air charm over her lap.

A slight twinge of a stain was fast appearing, but she was at least drying the fabric. Before she could think, she'd spoken again.

"Please don't.. I don't want you to be embarassed on account of me," she said quietly, grabbing his hand and giving him a sincere look. "Honestly, I'm okay, and things were going so well!"

She gave him a hopeful smile.


tobias_kingston April 17 2006, 04:51:07 UTC

Tobias continued to look down at the table for a moment, feeling like a right idiot. She must have thought him to be a clumsy oaf now, something that he'd hoped he would be able to get away from, in terms of impressions.

"As long as you're sure it's all right. I honestly... didn't mean to do that." Of course, as soon as he said that, he felt like hitting his head on the desk. That much was obvious; if he'd meant to drop his drink on her, that would just be.. wrong.

His blush lessened slightly as he finally looked back up at her with a sheepish grin. "I'm not usually that... klutzy. So.. now that I've stained your clothes... what do you like to do, in your free time?" He was now trying to get back on topic. After all, when one couldn't backpedal, one just moved forward.


andraleigh April 17 2006, 04:57:42 UTC
She didn't bother with telling him for the millionth time that it was okay. He had to have known that by now! Instead, the relaxed back against the booth, and offered some of her untouched butterbeer.

"I opened it, but I haven't drank out of it yet," she said softly, gesturing. "I could pour some of it into yours if you like."

After all, he'd just lost nearly all of his! And that was no good, now was it? She smiled warmly, then listened as he tried to get them back onto normal ground. Good, things had been going well.

What did she like to do in her free time? She couldn't blame him for not knowing; most people didn't. "Besides stalk one Tobias Kingston and obsess over Potions?" she teased, grinning. "I dance."

She nodded, then gave a small shrug. "I've taken lessons since I was five."


tobias_kingston April 17 2006, 13:50:21 UTC
Tobias was surprised that she offered to let him have some of her butterbeer. He had been expecting something more along the lines of her standing and leaving, in all actuality. Knowing that people didn't generally like to get things spilled on them, it surprised him that she was willing to still sit there, say nothing of grinning and continuing their conversation.

She was very nice -- in addition to being pretty ( ... )


andraleigh April 17 2006, 18:46:30 UTC
Andra nodded as he agreed, and carefully picked up the two bottles. She hesitated, knowing that there was every bit of a chance that she'd do little more than make a dribbling mess ( ... )


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