
Apr 15, 2006 18:55

Week Name/Date/Time: Meeting of the Minds / Saturday 1st October / 2 pm
Location: Hogsmeade
Open To: Tobias
Currently Involving: Andra

Curse Lauren. )


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tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 00:01:38 UTC
Tobias didn't generally go to Hogsmeade. There wasn't anything in particular that he needed to buy, and the novelty had worn off a bit as he'd grown older. However, this weekend was a different story. He'd told Andra that he'd catch up with her in the town, so he now found himself on the street, glancing around slightly uncomfortably as he looked for her.

Had they planned on where they would meet? He didn't recall actually picking a place; no, as far as he knew, he'd merely said that he would see her there. Curse him, really.

Glancing about, he saw the sign for the Three Broomsticks. Ah, well that would be as good a place as any to sit and wait. The windows had a nice view of the street, so he'd be able to see her if she passed by. Pushing the door open, he stepped inside, immediately grinning as he caught sight of her.

"It appears we have the same mindset," he said as he stepped up to the table that she was sitting at. "Mind if I sit?"


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 01:21:21 UTC
Merlin, something was clearly very wrong, but Tobias had no clue whatsoever what that something could be. He was completely clueless when it came to the possible way that females felt over him, so he couldn't even fathom why she was looking so nervous and taking deep breaths and such of that sort.

Maybe it was something that she'd eaten.

"Ah, well, the Shrieking Shack's always on my list when I actually come to Hogsmeade, so we'll put that at the end, yes? I always like to visit it as it's getting dark outside. It makes it feel like it's haunted again, if only for that one moment."

Shrugging as he took another sip of the butterbeer, he added, "Even though it's quite obvious that the 'ghost' is gone now."


andraleigh April 16 2006, 01:26:04 UTC
"Okay," she replied softly, nodding. It was nice that he expected to spend the day with her, she had to admit; she didn't think she'd keep him entertained enough to spend so much time together. But knowing that it was only midday and he planned to go near dark? That was something.

"Too bad it's not snowing," she said absently, gesturing outside. "I always like coming here when it's snowing. Makes the butterbeer better, I think." She laughed lightly, trying her best to regain that easy banter between them.

It was hard. And she didn't like that.

"Er, how was your week?" she asked, attempting again.


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 14:55:23 UTC
Tobias smiled faintly at mention of the snow. He wouldn't know how the snow affected the butterbeer, really, but it was a rather nice thought. It might even have actually happened; the chill making the butterbeer taste smoother or something. "I bet it does. It would make sense anyway, seeing as the weather affects so many other things."

He took another sip, shrugging lightly. "But I won't get into another babble about the weather. I'm sure I've quite exhausted you on that topic."

Ah, so she did want him to talk after all. When she asked how his week had been, he took another drink from the cool liquid, thinking about it. "Well-- it was quite good, overall. I got an owl back from Mum, which was nice, but she was telling me that I've got too many female friends. That was a bit baffling, but I owled her back saying that I tend to just get on easier with girls, so I hope that will ease her mind. Other than that, it was completely uneventful."

Eyeing her with that same faint smile on his lips, he raised an eyebrow. "And how was your


andraleigh April 16 2006, 15:02:43 UTC
Andra smiled, nodding as he told her about his week. At the mention of his mum's concern over all his female friends, her brow quirked. She wasn't sure whether to wonder if he had so many female friends because he was so good with the girls or if--

She blinked, then shook her head of any thoughts like that. He'd dated Lauren. That was good enough proof for her. She really didn't want to think that he might not be interested in... well, girls.


She looked to him with a smile, then shrugged. "It was okay!" she replied. "I was pretty down earlier in the week, as you knew, but then.. well, things started looking up, I suppose." Her smile was a bit more shy, and she looked back down to her drink with a happy smile. "She was concerned with the amount of female friends?" she asked, grinning as she looked back at him.


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 15:07:16 UTC
"Well, that's good, then."

Leaning forward slightly, almost conspiritorily, he lowered his voice. Glancing around to make sure that no one would hear him, he smiled brightly and asked, "And I hope that I had something to do with that cheering?"

It would literally make his day to know that he'd picked up Andra's week. He loved being able to make people happier; it made him feel like he had more of a purpose being in this form, in Hogwarts, on the earth.

Grinning as the conversation shifted back to his Mum's concern, he nodded. "Yes. She thinks I don't have enough proper male influence in my life. She's probably worried that I'm -- not interested -- in girls, because I have so many of them as friends."

Shaking his head, he chuckled, drinking some more of the smooth drink in his hand. It was almost gone; he'd need to get another one. "I've never been able to shake her concern."


andraleigh April 16 2006, 15:15:15 UTC
Andra's smile turned more and more genuine, and her cheeks pinkened. "Well.. yeah, you did," she replied sheepishly, picking at the label on her butterbeer bottle. "If you must know."

She grinned, then leaned back, relaxing as he talked about his mum's concern. Her eyes widened slightly, and she gave a rather nervous, sputtering laugh. "Well, that's silly!" she replied, before looking to him, still smiling despite the fact that she'd just wondered the same thing. "Isn't it?"

She had half a mind to say that he should date a bit to prove her wrong; but that couldn't go well. So, instead, she shrugged. "Well, maybe you're just too busy, huh?"


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 15:20:42 UTC
Tobias couldn't help but burst out laughing (something that he very rarely did) when Andra asked him if it was silly. She sounded almost as concerned as his Mum did!

"Yes, it's silly. I'm..." He forced himself to trail off for a moment, thinking about how to word what he wanted to say. He couldn't very well just say that he was very interested in girls, because he specifically meditated half the time to get girls off his mind ( ... )


andraleigh April 16 2006, 15:24:15 UTC

That was a load off her mind, to be sure.

She was smiling more freely now, listening to him with interest. This was something she could talk about all day! She wasn't being specific or really saying that she might think of him as more than a friend and definitely not a freak. It was all very general.

"You never know until you try, right?" she offered, shrugging. "I mean... some girls might be too shy to come out and say anything. But maybe you are too? I don't know.." She trailed off, then gave a shrug.

She looked down, finally peeling the label completely off as she continued. "Some people are just more difficult with relationshippy stuff." Like me.


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 15:28:23 UTC
"In that sense, I'd have to say that I agree completely."

The barmaid came over and he ordered another butterbeer for both of them. He wasn't sure how much more she had in her bottle, but if she still had plenty, then she'd just have another one ready for her.

"Lauren was actually the only girlfriend I've ever had, and I was not the one to initiate anything." Tobias wasn't sure if that was the best thing to admit, but it was him, so it wasn't something that he could just lie about. Besides, he didn't want to lie anyway.

Tracing a finger along the grain of the table so that he wouldn't exactly have to meet Andra's eyes, he continued, "So I guess I'm stuck with a bunch of girl friends until I find someone who'll just come out and tell me she likes me. Either that, or until I find someone who I can just be forward with."


andraleigh April 16 2006, 15:34:04 UTC
Agh, that wasn't good.

She watched him, grateful that he was looking down and not at her; had he been, he'd have been able to see her look of complete defeat.

Andra looked down, too, thanking him softly for ordering her drink. Her mind was still wrapping around what he'd said, and it was unnerving. He was stuck with a bunch of girl friends until he found someone who could just come out and tell him that she likes him.


That was not her. At all.

Of course, she hadn't even pondered whether or not she was someone he could be forward with. She doubted it, though; they'd just started being friends not that long ago.

"She'll be lucky," she offered, smiling as she looked back at him. "So here's hoping .." What? Here's hoping you find her? Here's hoping she finds you? Nope, just that. Here's hoping. "Cheers!"


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 15:37:53 UTC
"She'll be lucky."

That, perhaps, made Tobias blush more than the adorable grin comment had before. That was saying that he was worth that kind of affection from a girl, and while he knew that he was a good person, to hear that he was worth it from someone else?

Well, suffice it to say, he blushed.

"Thanks," he murmured, shifting in his seat and thanking the barmaid as well when she brought the drinks. He assumed that they'd be leaving the Three Broomsticks soon, but another drink wouldn't hurt.

Taking a sip, he cleared his throat. "What about you, Andra? What kind of a... relationship are you in right now?"


andraleigh April 16 2006, 15:42:18 UTC
"You're welcome," she replied, always of the opinion that a compliment was only sincere as the way one received gratitude. To bat her hand and say that it's nothing, or to just shrug and be like, 'Well, it's the truth' would only lessen what she'd said.

She quickly finished her first butterbeer before sliding the glass bottle across the table and gingerly taking the second. She couldn't recall ever having taken the time here to have more than one drink. Usually, she came to Hogsmeade to pick up something, and only stopped to grab one on the way in or out. She rarely sat and socialized; it was nice.

As he asked about her, she sputtered lightly with a laugh. "Me?" she asked, as if completely baffled as to why he'd even ask. She looked up, shaking her head. "I'm not... Definitely not in any kind of relationship," she replied, shrugging. "I've not really been interested in it before... Or rather, the boys that I have been interested in either didn't know or... didn't reciprocate. You know."


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 15:56:05 UTC

Tobias sounded incredibly surprised as he looked up at her with a curious and wide-eyed expression. He couldn't believe that, so for a moment, he wondered if she was just kidding around. But no, she looked quite serious about that fact.

"I would've thought that any guy would snap you up in an instant, honestly."

Shrugging as he traced the table once more, he realized that he was probably blushing again. He wasn't used to just complimenting someone, because he wasn't sure how she'd take his words.


andraleigh April 16 2006, 16:00:36 UTC
Andra's expression slipped into a pleasantly surprised and bashful look. She smiled, looking down as she gave a small shrug and laugh. "I-- I wish," she replied, shaking her head. "Would make things so much easier. I mean, not just.. any guy, but yeah, the gist of it.."

She looked up, still grinning wide. She wasn't complimented often -- not at all, really, except by her parents, or Lauren -- and so it meant quite a bit to her. And coming from Tobias?

Well, the red cheeks were evidence enough.

"Thank you," she finally said, beaming wide. She didn't know where to go with it after that, so she cleared her throat and tried to at least keep the conversation moving. Difficult, for her; she wasn't used to leading the conversation.

"So, what do you like to do? Besides play Quidditch?"


tobias_kingston April 16 2006, 16:06:42 UTC
"You're welcome," Tobias replied slowly, looking up just in time to catch her beaming face. He liked her smile, as he'd told her when they'd met. It lit up her face and made her eyes almost sparkle. Altogether a very pretty effect.

At that thought, his gaze dropped back to the table. Why had he thought that? No, no no no. She was pretty, yes, but he wasn't going to be thinking about her and pretty together. That would make for an awkward moment, seeing as she didn't think about him in that sense in the least.


A mixture of his thoughts and the ringing in his ears meant that he'd missed her question, something that embarrassed him to no end. He couldn't very well tell her what he'd been thinking, and he wasn't about to explain the ringing, so now it just looked like he'd not been paying attention.

"Sorry, I... was... got distracted." Oh, bollocks.


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