(no subject)

Nov 12, 2007 17:19

Week Name/Date/Time: 'False Imprisonment' / Tuesday, October 3rd, 2007 / 7:47 AM
Location: Great Hall
Open to: Chen and anyone else who'd like to join ^^
Currently Involving: Illiad

It was a very precise science, being a bitch.

For one thing, you had to have timing down precisely perfect. For another, the attention of the unwanted party had to be upon you at exactly the moment you needed it to. And for a third, you had to be good with animals.

The moment the morning owls swooped in, Illiad prepared himself. Telemakos always came, every morning, whether he had a note or not. Part of the time, he came to Illiad's table, where he knew he would get whatever Illiad decided not to eat from his breakfast plate. On days when Illiad either decided not to eat, or ate everything on his palte, he would swoop off to the Gryffindor table to be fed by his owner's more affectionate cousin.

Today, Illiad made sure to reserve two strips of bacon and a whole stack of eggs on the side of his plate, right in view of all the owls passing overhead. Sure enough, Tele saw it and came fluttering down to greet his owner with a nip of the beak.

Enter phase two.

With the littlest of glances back to the Raveclaw table, Illiad made sure that his target was, indeed, at breakfast. Otherwise it would do no good. He then pulled from his pocket a long, slightly tattered scarlet ribbon and waved it with a bit of a flourish.

"Look what I've got for you, Tele," he said, with a great deal more affection than he usually had for the animal.

week-040, illiad-hawkins, chen-takurai

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