
Oct 16, 2007 13:29

Week Name/Date/Time: 'This is Rather Not Good'/Friday, September 29th/ 7.27pm
Location: Grounds
Open to: Brinley
Currently Involving: Andrew

And nothing would be the same )

week-039, andrew-frazer, brinley-watson

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andyfraz October 16 2007, 23:39:23 UTC
That caused him to double take a little. Exceptions, hey? A part of Andy lept at the words (no prizes for guessing which part). The rest of him felt doubtful.

"Yeah, that's me. Pointless. Meaningless. I'm sure you were really considering me. I mean, who cares about the boyfriend who loves you, go against all your fucked up beliefs and sleep with a muggleborn. That makes a lot of sense. Merlin's beard, I'm not as stupid as I look ( ... )


andyfraz October 25 2007, 02:37:01 UTC
Brinley groaning, now that was a sound he could get used to. Or, much like the older boy, come to appreciate. Whether in pain or pleasure, it was the most exciting little sound. It made Andy think that maybe, just maybe, they were doing something right. Even though it still felt wrong. The good kind of wrong though, not the bad kind of wrong. The wrong kind would be the feeling Andy has in a little more than 24 hours as he contemplates the fact he's about to have sex with Louvika Hawkins ( ... )


brinley_watson October 29 2007, 19:33:33 UTC
Fuck Andy's father, Brinley couldn't imagine what his grandparents would say! They had come to accept the fact that he was gay.. in fact, at one point they said it was best. 'Couldn't have you mucking about a perfectly good lineage with your dirty blood, Grandson, the way your filthy father did.' But yeah, that whole 'getting involved with less-than-halfblood bit? They'd likely not approve. Not in the least bit.

Andy's tangled web was mighty fine and even if Brinley knew of it, on that lying little fact alone, he couldn't hold anything against him. Brinley was the near-Muggleborn-murdering bloke that told his boyfriend that he loved him and turned right around the next day, making a shag deal of some sort with the one person in the planet that said beloved would not be able to handle him messing around with. Honestly, Brinley and Andrew would probably never be a couple, but weren't they so perfect for one another ( ... )


andyfraz October 29 2007, 21:47:07 UTC
It was like he was drugged. His eyelids felt heavy, his lips were tingling and there was a throbbing euphoric feeling going on inside his head. Well, there was throbbing euphoria in various other places in his body, but it mostly just affected his head.

It was absolutely delightful which made it extremely hard to not kiss Brinley again. "Fuck," he groaned and with his free hand, he slapped the wall behind the snake's head in frustration. He wondered if the older boy could feel his pulse hammering in his wrist.

"You free on Sunday?" he asked hoarsely, still panting. Two days. Could he wait two days? Hell, he had waited all his life to kiss someone good (not that Lou wasn't good, but, you know...girl), surely two days wouldn't hurt. But then, he had never imagined kissing anyone so disgusting but omgsofuckinggood as Brinley Watson.


brinley_watson October 30 2007, 04:12:25 UTC
Well. Thank Merlin the need was mutual. Though the reaction was slightly different, as the bulk of Brinley's own tingling was more concentrated in areas beneath the neck, but yes. His mind was whirling about as well. It was in a calm way, though. A calm sort of tornado. Want and need and everything swirled around with logical thoughts, mainly ones that told him that it wasn't too late to leave the arrangement and my my, wasn't the pie at dinner lovely? Anyway, yes. Throbbing euphoria.

As Andy's hand hit the stone, the snake's head turned along with it. Temptation. Temptation to drag their parting out longer. Bring stone-swatting hand to mouth, run tongue along finger, tease horribly, oh. So tempting.

Right. Illiad was possibly waiting.

He groaned, not really willing to go on inside and part for the evening, but he knew he had to regardless. Bloody hell! Why did he care so much?! Andrew was this terrible forbidden fruit and Brinley was ready for a bite. He needed it ( ... )


andyfraz October 30 2007, 04:37:45 UTC
Andy shivered and his limbs buzzed a warning. Was that bastard trying to make this harder (figuratively and literally) than it should have been by saying things like that? The Slytherin's voice had always bugged Andy in previous years, but now it was low and menacing and a huge fucking turn on. He was beginning to wonder if it were possible to just get off on someone's voice alone. Hmm.

He'd be sure they gave that a try one day.

"Learn some fucking healing spells, I'm going to make you bleed next time, Watson," he said giving Brinley a slow smile, matching the cocky one that the older boy had on his face.

He didn't know who he turned into when he was around Brinley. It was someone completely different from the Andy around Lou or Fi. He didn't mind at all.


brinley_watson October 30 2007, 04:44:31 UTC
Oh, Brinley would be more then willing to help him test that theory. In fact, it would intrigue him. Someone getting off by his voice alone? Huh.

"Oh, I'm so scared, Frazer," he drawled in reply, smirk increasing as he gave Andy a slow, hard look over. It was almost as if he was undressing him with his eyes, even. By the time that Sunday came round, oh damn. He'd be worked up to the point that a long series of very fantastic things would surely happen, pent-up frustrations and all. "You can hardly land a punch, tosser. I doubt you could do anything more serious then that."

And if it helped any? Brinley didn't mind the person he turned into when he was around him at all either.


andyfraz October 30 2007, 05:04:12 UTC
There was that look over again, the one that stopped his lungs from letting air in properly. Goddamn it, that bastard was trying to make this harder. It only made Andy's smile (smirk) wider.

"I wasn't planning on punching you. In fact, I wasn't planning on using my hands," he said softly, leaning in to oh-so-gently nip the Snake's jaw. Yes, well, two could play that game, couldn't they? He mightn't be as good as Brinley but he'd get there one day.

Arrogantly, in a way that would have made normal Andy cringe, he patted the boy's cheek before heading back to the doors. He had definitely picked up a lot from Brinley. "You might want to wait a few minutes," he called. "Don't want it to look too suspicious, do we?"

He had a feeling he might be paying for this on Sunday.

He grinned as he walked inside.



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