
Sep 09, 2007 14:41

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Something's Missing Here' / Wednesday, September 13, 2006 / 9.45 PM
Location: Trophy Room (3rd Floor)
Open To: Brinley
Currently Involving: Andy

Clean, clean, clean )

andrew-frazer, week-037, brinley-watson

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brinley_watson September 9 2007, 05:34:04 UTC
What an incredibly fucking boring ass day ( ... )


brinley_watson September 10 2007, 02:52:55 UTC
Oh, please. For every word Andy had, Brinley had ten. That was the benefit of being from the superior blood type: didn't matter what arsenal they had, Purebloods would always have it better.

Sneering, he took the time to actually slap the other boy again. "Idiot," he snorted, rolling his eyes as his hands then moved to pin Andy's shoulders down. The bloody hell was he on about, anyway? Accusing him of liking mudbloods or something? Mocking sarcasm dripping from his tone which, by the way, somehow gave his voice a much more feminine quality, he replied, "Oooooh, when you say 'Mudbloods', it sounds so dirty. Turns me on," which was backed by a strong, solid, "FUCK YOU." His eyes then traveled over Andy's face as the corner of his lip lifted. "You bloody wish I'd lower myself so far as to make a move on you. I'd be the purest thing you'd ever have in you."



andyfraz September 10 2007, 04:02:50 UTC
Andrew swiped his tongue across his bottom lip trying to get rid of the blood.

"You sound a bit touchy there Watson, sure I haven't hit a nerve?" The little voice inside his head spoke up. Umm what are you doing, retard?Just headbutt the bastard and get out of there! But Andrew wasn't listening. There was something about the Slytherin ponce that made Andrew want to push him, just to see how far he could take it. "I think you'd like nothing more than to take me, dirty blood and all."

Danger Will Robinson, danger, the voice screamed.

"Muggle lover," he spat.


brinley_watson September 10 2007, 04:13:42 UTC
Bloody fuck the fist-throwing, the spar of words was obviously more fitting for the two! Oh, how cutting could it get, eh? The thing that pissed Brinley off the most was.. well.. oh, bugger that, he'd never even admit to the fact that laying on Andy like that or whatever actually was a bit of a turn-on. He bloody hated Andrew's guts and really, tree limbs were more worthy of a rise in blood pressure then Andrew.

Shaking his head in a way that showed that he was obviously struggling there, trying his damnedest to not just up and strangle the tosser, he swiftly brought his knee up, but let it rest right against Andrew's crotch. "...I'd knee it," he then replied, glaring down at Andrew in sick amusement, "but from the feel of things, there's not much there to marr." There was then a cruel snort and the quiet murmuring of "Merlin, someone sure is stuck on the subject of me and shagging and youOh, he had to be kidding him ( ... )


andyfraz September 10 2007, 05:09:12 UTC
"I'm not the one trying to cop a feel," Andrew bit back. Despite Brinley's taunts about nothing to feel, Andy was beginning to become uncomfortably aware that things down south were beginning to move. A barely audible gasp escaped his lips.




This was Brinley Watson on top of him, not Brad Pitt. He was dangerous. Narcissistic. Probably a death eater. He gave gay people bad name for hell's sake, with all his prancing and flamboyancy.

Andrew was entering panic zone and if he didn't do something soon, all hell would break loose. Only problem was, his brain had decided to shut down. As it always did when Andrew had a problem.

With one leg now relatively free because Brinley had moved his own leg, Andrew quickly brought his knee and tried to kick Brinley's chest. Perhaps he could kick the boy off and gain the advantage back? At best, he was hoping to distract him with pain and get the Slytherin's knee away from his groin area.


brinley_watson September 10 2007, 05:23:28 UTC
Well, wasn't this the fun fight of the evening?

And what was this gasp?

Sure, Brinley was beyond evil and one messed up little boy. Right, he wasn't movie star handsome or even all that fabulous. And yes, he was flamboyant as hell and really cared about the sort of Prada boots his Pureblood Elitist circle treated themselves to.. and could even know what style they were.. by year. That didn't mean he was some worthless sort, though! In fact, Andy should have been proud to have someone as worthwhile as Brinley on him, he'd have thought ( ... )


andyfraz September 10 2007, 05:50:40 UTC
Well the kick had distracted Brinley, that was something. For the worse it seemed though because the boy moved in so close if Andrew strained his eyes he was pretty sure he could see right down the boy's throat and into his lungs. His breath was hot against Andy's face and he tried to squirm away but goddamn, Brinley had a tight grip ( ... )


brinley_watson September 10 2007, 20:54:12 UTC
Well. Brinley decided then and there that he was going to have to use physical contact with far more of these disgusting mudbloods. While yes, his magic was far more well-tuned, this whole grappling, fighting bit had added benefits. For one, he could break someone's nose. Fighting and breaking someone's nose was one thing, blasting someone's nose off meant you'd get expelled for using Dark Magic in the school. But if one broke a nose while fighting? It was passed off as 'being a trouble-making, rambunctious boy' and one only gained detention ( ... )


andyfraz September 10 2007, 21:14:29 UTC
"What? Nothing! I didn't do anything! That's rubbish. I just bit you, that's all!" All of these excuses tumbled out of Andrew's mouth before he could catch himself and form some sort of believable lie. The Slytherin's knee was still poised against him and he knew that Brinley knew that which he really did not want Brinley to know. Andy's heart sank. That's it, the game was up. By morning everyone at Hogwarts would know the truth about Andrew. His life was over.

But wait! He was a Gryffindor! Lions didn't give up, they didn't surrender. They lied their arse off or threatened their problem until it disappeared. That was the Gryffindor way!

"What the hell is wrong with you? I just bit you but you apparently take that as an invitation to make out?"

At his mention of the kiss his eyes fell on Brinley's lips. He could see where he'd bitten, it was red and looked a little swollen already. Andrew licked his own lips.

Focus, Andy, FOCUS!


brinley_watson September 10 2007, 21:31:06 UTC
Well, wasn't this interesting? Rather dramatic turn of events as well, he'd say, as he never foresaw Andrew Frazer bloody snogging him. Oh, and now he was trying to turn the tables, was he? Did he really think Brinley to be that daft?! Brinley sighed and rolled his eyes, giving Andrew a look that clearly said 'come ON now'. He didn't want to do it, but he had to. His knee pressed on That Which Andrew Wished Wasn't There and in a biting tone, he replied "Right, and I suppose I'm responsible for that as well then ( ... )


andyfraz September 10 2007, 21:54:33 UTC
Andrew had to bit his own lip to keep from making a sound as Brinley pressed his knee down. And it took every ounce of control he had not to move his hips as his body was screaming for him to do ( ... )


brinley_watson September 10 2007, 22:49:52 UTC
Well honestly, Brinley himself hardly kissed like that. He normally at least felt something for the person he made out with.. this was completely different. This was kissing despite someone. This was kissing as if it were some form of revenge. It was hard and nearly painful and Brinley moved a hand up to wind Andy's dark locks of hair around his fingers and pulled hard, trying to jerk his head up and further into the kiss ( ... )


andyfraz September 11 2007, 02:27:34 UTC
Andy was very annoyed that his body wasn't listening to his brains' cry of 'get the hell out of there'. Not only was he kissing Brinley (oh god, Brinley fucking Watson), they were making out in a fairly public place. Not that the trophy room got visited a lot but still, Andy was pretty sure it was after curfew, sooner or later an auror or a professor were bound to come along. But apparently that didn't bother him because still he kept kissing. And kissing. And kissing until, finally, Brinley broke away.

Andy didn't want to open his eyes and face the reality but then he didn't have a choice because instead of just shutting up for one goddamn second, the asshole had to go and open his mouth. The Gryffindor heard the smirk in the boy's voice before he saw it on his lips.

"You didn't discover anything," Andy growled and wished he could sink into the floor. All that bloody caution over the years only to have this jerk discover his secret! I must have inhaled the fumes from the cleaning products way too deeply.


brinley_watson September 11 2007, 04:15:07 UTC
Pffth. Brinley fucking Watson only shut up when he deemed it necessary. That was not one of those times, not in the least bit. There was far too much mocking to do and all of it had to be done before Andy up and ran. Well that combined with the fact that Brin was terribly out of breath (a clear sign that he was as into it as Andy was) and figured that if he covered up the gasping with raspy, mean words, it might be less noticeable.

"Oh, yes I did," he replied as he, wishing to further prove that the other boy was a flaming homo (because he'd not be doing it for his own benefit, nonono), ran his tongue along Andy's jaw. He relaxed on top of him, body curving with Andrew's, but did he ever keep that hand tangled up in the other boy's hair! He had to be prepared, should Andy decide to surprise him with another punch or some rubbish like that. "Either you're gay or you've just got a thing for me," he then added with words pouring out between nips and bites. "Considering that I hate your bloody fucking guts Frazer, and you've ( ... )


andyfraz September 11 2007, 04:44:27 UTC
Andy tried to squirm away from Brinley's mouth, he really did, but it seemed the boy was determined not to let him move. He gasped a little as Brinley bit down on a particularly sensitive spot near his ear. And still he kept talking! There was really only one way to silence him and so, even though he was sure some of his hairs were ripped out in the process, Andy tilted his head and captured the boy's lips in another kiss. He ran his tongue along Brinley's bottom lip taking special care to poke the same spot he'd bitten earlier.

"Pathetic?" he said, pulling away and slyly smiling, though the smile didn't reach his eyes. "Seems like I'm not the only one who's patheic here."

He blew a kiss to Brinley as if challenging him. Daring him to either stop and prove Andy wrong or to continue and see how much worse Andy could take. And he was prepared to take a lot.


brinley_watson September 11 2007, 05:19:05 UTC
Well. That confirmed it.

Andrew Frazer was a bloody damn poofer.

Perhaps somewhere deep inside, Brinley was slightly proud. Bringing a male out was, well, one of his specialities. Sure, he'd prefer to not do it with disease-ridden Mudbloods, but.. well, he couldn't exactly change the past. There came a point in which logic told him that he needed to walk away before he got in too deep, but everything else screamed that if there was no turning back and no room for regret, he might as well just go on and get as much from a bad situation as he could.

Only problem here was that no one one called Brinley pathetic and got away with it. It was one of those key triggering words that his grandparents had used on him, saying that he and his brothers were all pathetic, disgusting creatures for half of their blood running pure and the rest, dirty as the ground they spat upon. It triggered this part of him that wanted to scream 'LOOK AT ME! I'M NOT PATHETIC AT ALL!' but since that was hardly appropriate, it just further riled him up ( ... )


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