(no subject)

Apr 09, 2006 16:50

Week Name/Date/Time: "Meeting of the Minds" / Monday, September 26th, 2005 / 3:15 pm
Location: Lake
Open To: Soren
Currently Involving: Cyrus

Cyrus sat on the ledge in his usual spot by the lake, his black shoes dangled a good foot above the water's surface. He banged them together sending bits of dirt down to distubed the glassy surface, he looked out over the lake it was dead silent. The water lapped slowly against the rocks and neigbouring shore, he picked up the small ball beside him and started tossing it from hand to hand. His mind was churning with random thoughts, some were important others were...well his usual random.

He sighed and flopped backwards onto the grass, he had told Soren where he would be during his spare and Soren had claimed that he would skip Study hall to meet him there. He shifted his chin upwards, observing the trees and what not that was behind him. No human movement, he sighed and looked back up, tossing the ball high into the air and catching it repeadetly.


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