(no subject)

Apr 05, 2006 14:13

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Under Your Spell' /Friday, 23 September, 2005 / Five in the afternoon
Location: Hallway/DADA office
Open To: Riane
Currently Involving: Abel

Thank goodness for Friday. That was a phrase that Abel didn’t use much but lately, he found himself using it more often. Despite what he might let on, he enjoyed teaching, he really did. It wasn't his fault there were just one or two students that he just wished some large boulder would come crushing down upon sometime, he didn’t really mean it that way, of course not. Still, Fridays meant the end of the week. It meant that right now marked his free period and that he would have no need to bother himself with any students until Tuesday. Or Monday, if he counted study hall which he didn’t.

He was making his way back to his office, at the end of the hallway. It was slightly annoying how his sleeping quarters were situated at a completely different level compared to his office, but considering how large the office was, he couldn't complain.


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