Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Season Begins' / Tuesday 29 November / 12:15PM
Location: Great Hall
Open To: Annabelle
Currently Involving: Simon, Annabelle
Exactly a week!
Not that he'd been counting or anything... no, of course not. See, there was just this little thing that... helped him remember. Yep. That was it! Not that it mattered, as no one knew about it, but that was BESIDE the point. The point WAS, of course, that he'd been grinning for a WEEK STRAIGHT, with no intention of stopping for some lame little thing like a lunch.
Oohhh, lunch.
It smelled GOOD, too. He didn't have any idea what it WAS, but when he went bounding into the Great Hall, he fully intended on getting himself a FULL plate of whatever.
Oops. He hadn't meant to knock over that jug of pumpkin juice when he sat down, but OH WELL. Too late to fix it now, so he just glanced around to make sure no one saw it, then scooted down a couple feet. Nope, he'd not done that. Not him.
Mmmmm. Fooooood!