Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Season Begins' / Saturday 3 December / 6:55 PM
Location: Great Hall
Open To: Ana, Romey, Mason, Kier
Currently Involving: Jesse
Jesse sat in an chair at the front of the Great Hall, waiting for his victims students to come. He had taken time to make this detention extra-special to repay the kids not reminding him about their detention. Though he couldn't blame them. Pff. He did have a sort of reputation throughout the school for giving horrid detentions. Of course, on the contrary, he prided himself in thinking of creative situations.
He turned the page of the book he was holding. Well, he wasn't really reading it, just kind of staring at the words. It was a book about numbers or something anyway. Jesse checked the title - yep, Numerology 101. Like that would interest him.
Boredly throwing the book to the side, he relaxed slightly in his armchair and looked at the tables. They were all filthy. He had asked the house-elves not to clean the tables after dinner - confused, they had relented after he promised they'd be cleaned in a few hours.
And they would be, too. There were four of them, after all. One to each table! Unless they started to fight or something, they should be able to finish. Besides, Jesse wouldn't mind them fighting that much (unless he started throwing up slugs again) - he could just give them more detentions. Mwahaha.