Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Season Begins' / Tuesday, November 9th / 4:45 PM
Location: History of Magic classroom
Open To: Atticus OMG
Currently Involving: Sean and Atticus
The novelty of snow had not yet worn off.
So when History of Magic was being as confusing and difficult to follow as usual (and he'd gotten off on the wrong foot to begin with, bringing his notes from Transfiguration and staring at them for a full twenty minutes before he realised they did not apply to the class at hand), the fact that it was snowing outside was not helping his attention span at all.
Would've been grand, actually, if they'd been learning about the history of playing in the snow. But he didn't think they had been. Woe.
As the other students filed out of the room, Sean hung around, hoisting his books up awkwardly underneath his arm. Watching Atticus, he wondered if centaurs played in the snow. Well, they must have, mustn't they, what with living in the forest and the forest being snowed on every so often and really, how could anyone manage to be surrounded by snow without playing in it?
Er. But that wasn't the question for now. Lingering about Atticus' desk, Sean scratched the back of his neck and offered the professor a sheepish grin. Best own up to the fact that he hadn't been paying attention.
"So," he said awkwardly. "Uh. How 'bout that History of Magic, aye?"