(no subject)

Jun 20, 2006 23:08

Week Name / Date / Time: 'Trick or Treat' / Tuesday, November 1st / 3 p.m.
Location: Seventh Floor, near the Room of Requirement
Open To: Anyone passing through
Currently Involving: Will

Thankful as he was for the dreamless sleep he'd been offered the night before, the world seemed no brighter upon waking. It was so strange...something so significant happens, right there under their noses, and they get up. Get dressed. Go to class and meals and carry on as though none of it had really happened.

Oh sure, it was discussed...some were more privy to the details of the matter than others, but everyone was just about as confused as everyone else.

Except for Will. He couldn't bring himself to care, to listen in on all the buzz going on around him. He kept seeing her eyes...glassy, unseeing, staring. He hated that look...more than anything on Earth, he hated seeing those eyes that way.

Brought back memories best left in the past...

And that rather clinched it. Now, if ever, he needed solace. Someplace comforting. That room he and Liesl had stumbled upon had yet to reappear, but now he was determined to find a way in. He scoured every inch of the wall, of the floor in front of the wall where the door had appeared the last time. He cast every unlocking charm he knew. And then he threw down his wand and struck the stone wall with his fist in frustration, an uncharacteristic show of violence from the normally timid young man.

In retrospect, perhaps not the wisest move he could have made.

He fell back, panting slightly, holding his now throbbing hand and staring bewildered at the blank stone. Why? Why was it gone, NOW, when he needed it?! He just wanted to clear the images from his mind, wanted to forget what he'd seen, wanted to pretend that today was just another day, with another tender bit of gossip that meant nothing, in the end.

Why did all of this have to happen, anyway?


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