Jun 21, 2006 12:25

Week / Date / Time: "Trick or Treat" / Monday, Oct. 31st / 9:00pm - dawn
Location: Slytherin first year girl's dormitories
Open To: All Slytherins (unless the boys can't get in the girl's dormitories)
Currently Involving: Gabriella, Jeannie, Liesl

When times were difficult, having fun was even more important. This was a fundamental truth that Gabriella understood, and it was the reason she was currently lugging piles of treats down the stairs to the dorm room she and Jeannie shared. So far, she had quite an impressive stack of food, drinks, candy, and books. The house elves, of course, had been delighted to help out and had offered to simply spirit all the food to her quarters, but she didn't want to take more time away from their other responsibilities than was absolutely necessary. She set a sterling silver platter down and picked up one of the books. With the news of a death in the house, she knew many of her housemates would not be in a partying mood. Some of them might want to eat and then go straight to bed, a possibility she had planned for. She carefully set aside the items she had prepared for them, sweets and a pot of hot tea that would magically soothe them to sleep, since she doubted many of them would be sleeping well in the aftermath of such horrible news.

Horrible to them. Gabriella had barely even known Niki, so she couldn't have cared less. The girl's absence left no changes in her life. Was that horrible of her? In a distant way, she knew it was. She should be affected by death, even the death of someone she didn't know. But as far as she was concerned, death was a natural consequence of life, and sooner or later made very little difference in the grand scheme of things. Of course, it was frightening - frightening to have your own mortality proven to you, frightening to go into that great unknown - but fear was something to be conquered. In the meantime, she wasn't very good at comforting words or gestures, so all she could do was try her best to take care of the people who were suffering.

She caught sight of her diary lying on her bedside table. She trusted Jeannie relatively, so she never charmed or hid it, and it didn't have a lock. But for the party, she probably should, so she slipped it under her mattress.

She flopped onto the edge of her bed with a large book and cracked it open, flipping through its pages until she found what she was looking for. She practiced the wand motion a few times, carefully enunciated the verbal componant, then took a deep breath, swished, and said "Festivicus!" while picturing strongly in her mind the decorations she wanted for the sleepover party. Streamers burst from the tip of her wand and affixed themselves to the walls, draping the room in orange and black, and a few green and silver balloons danced upward to dangle from the ceiling. She performed the charm a few more times, conjuring paper skeletons, chocolate cupcake bats with paper wings that actually flapped around the ceiling, and licorice spiders that crawled along the walls. She had retrieved pumpkins from the school patch with permission earlier, and now used a cutting charm and a scouring charm to remove the innards and carve faces into them. She set in candles and lit them, placing them all around the room. She dumped a bushell of apples into a bucket and conjured it full of water. And now, things were ready.

All she needed now was Jeannie.

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