(no subject)

Jun 12, 2006 17:25

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Countdown to Darkness'/Friday, October 28/ 08:15 PM
Location: Slytherin Common Room
Open To: Anyone!
Currently Involving: Gwyn

Gwyn was curled up on the couch in the common room with her bare feet tucked under as she doodled aimlessly in her notebook. She was supposed to be drafting an essay for Potions, but instead she had crafted a very bad stick figure drawing of Trefor dangling off his broom over a pit of snakes. Quill stuck in her mouth in a very un-Gwyn way she sighed.

Tomorrow was Hogsmeade and she still had no plans. More then likely she would end up spending the trip spying on people for the next gossip column of the paper. The other option of staying in and doing homework was less appealing.

Bored she looked around for someone to keep her attention since Potions wasn't.


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