
May 23, 2006 23:21

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books of Mystery' / Tuesday, October 18th / 4:00 pm
Location: Corridors
Open To: Chamberlayne
Currently Involving: Genie

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chamberlayne May 24 2006, 04:32:09 UTC
Honestly, Chamberlayne didn't care how he treated people. Besides, Genie didn't like him anyway, nor did he like her, so why would he offer to meet her somewhere nice for a spot of tea or something? No, this wasn't going to be a particularly social call. He just wanted to know if she was going to be playing out this bloody engagement as though it had actually been something real.

If she was?

He might just have to go against the Dark Lord's wishes and find a way to get rid of her. He didn't think that he could stand having to be all lovey-dovey with her.

His arms were crossed over his chest as he saw her come into his view. "Genevieve," he greeted, not even letting one of his fake smirks onto his face.


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 07:56:09 UTC
Snort. He didn't say anything on that little quip of hers about his knickers. She would know better than he about matters of keeping knickers on, but rather than take the cheap shot, he took the high road. He liked to think that he did that, after all.

"Aww, sweets," he replied, stepping up to her and slipping an arm around her waist. "I'd really prefer to spend a bit of time with you. So I think I'll be tagging along with you, love. Unless--"

He put a completely concerned expression on his face, holding the hand that wasn't around her waist up to his heart. "Unless you'd rather me not be around you."


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 14:27:02 UTC
Genie smiled the sweetest, softest smile as she let out a soothing, gentle "Awwwww." A hand moved up, brushing fingertips over his cheek and she leaned in to give him a nice, slow, delicate kiss.

But when she pulled back, the false sympathy was gone.

"I'd rather you not be around me," she replied with smooth venom in her tone. "I'm going to marry you, Chamberlayne. We're going to live together forever, love, and have a million little children. But that doesn't mean I actually want you around."

With that, she pressed her hands against his chest firmly as she slipped out of his grasp, then brought a hand up to run through long, curly red locks.


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 14:31:20 UTC
There was the Genie that he knew and expected. Chamberlayne's smirk was back full force as he slipped his hands into his pockets, shrugging nonchalantly as though it were beyond his control.

"Oh, I don't care, really... I'm sorry that you took that to be a request. I suppose I just worded it as such to make it sound a bit nicer. No, I think I'll be tagging along with you, whether you like it or not, Genie dear."

Because while she knew that she could get to him by actually going through with this marriage and all that talk of children? He knew that he could get to her by being around her. She probably didn't hate him more than he did her, but it was about equal, and he had the feeling that he could stand her a bit more than she could him.


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 14:44:22 UTC
Well, he might be able to tag along with her..

...if he could catch up.

She had the severe advantage of doing it first on her side. A delay before he'd even be able to do it himself, plus the fact that she was quite fast?

Really, he'd have to catch her if he wanted to join.

With a mischevious gleam in her eyes, she shot off, transfiguring mid-air then completely skittering off with the speed of a starving cat chasing a mouse.

((OOC: ... hee, I'm thinking we should open this thread up so that someone can witness the upcoming catfight XD))


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 14:56:50 UTC

Perhaps she did have a slight advantage, but Chamberlayne didn't ever let little things like advantages slow him down. Oh no, that just made victory all the sweeter, really.

He dashed after her, transfiguring himself as she had and bounding after her. He had slightly longer legs than she did in cat form, so he caught up to her as she turned a corridor, and promptly pounced her.

He didn't really care whether it stopped her or not. It was all the thrill of the chase, wasn't it?


liesl_jacobs May 24 2006, 17:19:07 UTC
Alright. So. It was the second time in a week Liesl had decided to skiv off of Study Hall. She tried, she honestly tried to sit still, but after about an hour of useless, restless foot-tapping, the girl bolted. But honestly -- she was skiving off to go to the Library?! What kind of rebel was she?

Liesl couldn't help it, she had been looking for that Advanced Healing Potions text in order to do the nurse's assignment for TWO DAYS and had found nothing. She was getting desperate, and thought another search party might be in order. But as she turned the corner after mounting the steps to the Fourth Floor... she saw a most curious event take place.

Two adult figures, whom she recognized to be one Divinations Professor and... well who was that? She couldn't quite make out as his back was turned -- but they were both speaking one minute... and the next they had turned and started chasing after one another--

--Transfiguring into cats in the process!Liesl stared, wide-eyed and dumbstruck, as the two felines bounded in her direction. Was ( ... )


prof_odwyer May 25 2006, 04:55:29 UTC
Genie let out a hiss as Chamberlayne pounced her and immediately rolled over to her back. Feet kicked up at him wildly and teeth took a hold of his ear.

Really, to anyone who didn't know that it was a Professor and an Auror, it might have actually looked cute. Hissing and spitting aside, of course.

Oh, she had to get away from him. With a low, murring growl, she simply shoved him off of her with her hind legs, then darted off and towards Liesl.


chamberlayne May 26 2006, 04:21:50 UTC
Chamberlayne let out a howl as she bit his ear, but when she darted off, he dashed after her, jumping high to pounce on her again just as they reached Liesl's feet.

Hissing and spitting, indeed. It was like a wild cat fight, rather than two adults. His teeth locked onto her ear as he fully intended to get her back for biting him.

No, he wasn't going to let her go.


liesl_jacobs May 26 2006, 05:23:54 UTC
Liesl emitted a squeak that would have been very embarrassing if any of the students she was perpetually trying to intimidate had heard it. The ferocious felines were headed straight for her, and they were fighting. Cat-fighting. This was just too... well... WHAT? She had no idea what to make of it.

Then a thought struck her. She had not recognized the man with Professor O'Dwyer before they transfigured. What if he was an assailant? Someone not supposed to be here? Now, Liesl was no courageous, noble Gryffindor, but she knew she couldn't let some stranger attack a professor right in front of her if she didn't want to be partially to blame for what happened.

She should break them up!
But... which one was which? Scheiße.

"BAD kätzchen [kittens], no!" she scolded, glaring down at them as they tousled at her feet. Nervously, gingerly, she stuck a hand down amidst the fray, hoping it didn't get gnawed off in the process. AHA! Got one by the scruff, she had! ...She only hoped it was the assailant and not the professor ( ... )


prof_odwyer May 26 2006, 05:28:34 UTC
Oh, she was going to kitty-claw that bloody Chamberlayne's eyes out. Just had to get her paw in the exact right spot an--

Liesl Jacobs!

Slytherin, quite pleasing girl who Genie now adored ten times more than she had before. Yes, yes, her rescuer. As the girl swooped down to grab at a cat, Genie all but completely threw herself into her arms. Triumphant meow as she was lifted into the ground and away from Chamberlayne.

With green kitty-eyes glittering, she turned her head to look up at Liesl. Really, if cats could smile, the professor would have been grinning.


chamberlayne May 26 2006, 14:30:24 UTC
If Chamberlayne could have glared, he would have. Damn that stupid student for grabbing Genie. He would have won their little tussle with absolutely no problem whatsoever, had it not been for her interference.

Of course, now that Genie was up and away, he couldn't very well do anything about it. Other than, of course, changing back to a person.

Holding a hand up to Liesl, he let a supposedly calming smile onto his lips. "So sorry about that little display," he began, "but no need to raise your wand to me. I'm an Auror."

If it had looked like he could have easily snatched Genie from Liesl's hands, he would have done so. As it was, he couldn't do anything more than eye her warily and wish that Liesl was dead.


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