
May 13, 2006 17:59

Week Name/Date/Time:'Promises and Plans'/Thursday, 13 October, 2005/6:45 PM
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Skippy
Currently Involving: Juhi Saraf and Erik Cohen

....bored )


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erikcohen May 13 2006, 23:49:57 UTC
Erik walked slowly to the courtyard, thinking about his week so far. It was dull in a sense, but almost in a positive way. Although he was still worried about the threats made against him, he had sort of had time to think and form conclusions with a clear state of mind. It was calming, but now he was bursting with energy.

He could see her sitting on a bench not too far away from him and grinned wider than he thought was possible. Instead of sneaking up on her as he usually did, he ran straight for her and scooped her up as best he could into a hug.

"Where have you been all my life?" he asked her jokingly, his face sort of pressing into her neck.

He didn't care. He'd missed her.


erikcohen May 15 2006, 03:27:47 UTC
"Well, it could be aggressive," Erik said, wiggling his eyebrows as he did so.

He hoped she didn't punch him or something. He was kidding, really! He didn't actually want to think about all that statement could imply, kiitos.

In Erik's opinion, someone being DELIGHTED to watch them was much creepier than someone just watching, but he didn't argue her point. He knew what she meant... sort of. Now she was just blinking at him. What? What did he say?

He kissed her softly below her ear and began to laugh.

"You're weird."


juhi_saraf May 15 2006, 03:40:44 UTC
Juhi burst out laughing when Erik wiggled his eyebrows at her. Then she tried her best to look at him with what he called his seductive face, though she'd never made it before, and couldn't help worrying it wouldn't quite come off that way. Oh well.

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing I fancy the hell out of you too, whatever it means." She was sure about that, anyway. That however much Erik DID fancy her, it was reciprocated. Stupid Zonko, though. Why did he have to keep coming up, anyway?

WEIRD?! How dare he! That was just...she should...the nerve...

She looked at him hopelessly. "Yeah. I know."

"Anyway, YOU'RE the one who likes me, what's that say about you, hmmm?"


erikcohen May 15 2006, 03:59:33 UTC
She fancied the hell out of him? Good to hear, and hilarious to hear it come out of her mouth.

He'd called her weird and she said 'I know'? That wasn't normal. Maybe this kissing thing had some advantages. He'd have to look into it sometime.

"Hmmn... I'd say it means I'm even more weird, but I'm willing to accept that. You know, if it get's me fancied the hell out of," he responded and grinned.

She had a pretty good seductive face, but he held back. Couldn't have himself looking weak, could he?


juhi_saraf May 15 2006, 04:15:43 UTC
Juhi snickered. "Gets you fancied the hell out of? Our grammar is slowly going to pieces. But as for being weird. Yes, it's best if you just accept it. Makes everything else much easier, and honestly, enjoyable."

Mmmnn. She kissed him lightly below the ear, where he had kissed her. It was a nice spot, really, she'd probably not have thought of it otherwise.

Then she poked him in the ribs. "For instance, remember those cherubs? If we weren't weird enough to find them hysterical, that could have been rather embarassing. And not very much fun at all." She looked a little sad. "It is somewhat disappointing, though, that horrid shop affected the way I see pink. Once upon a time I would have been ECSTATIC about my ink, but I'm only excited." Awwww, sad.


erikcohen May 15 2006, 20:18:16 UTC
Enjoyable? Very much so.

"Who needs grammar? Grammar's not all that important," Erik decided aloud and sighed.

"Ninju," he murmured as she kissed him below the ear. Why'd she have to go and do that back? Drove him mental, honestly. He was never, ever going to neglect her again. Nothing better could possibly come along. Unless Snape decided to dance on the tables in the Great Hall or something. He might just think that worthwhile, simply for the memory. She'd understand.

"When the two cherubs crashed into each other? That was brilliant!" Erik said excitedly and began to laugh at the image forever burned into his brain.

Pink hadn't been ruined for him, but he hadn't been that big a fan of the colour in the first place. Green was slightly tainted now, however, and blue was starting to grow on him.

"Well, pink ink is definitely better than that stupid shop. I'm sure it's just lovely," he said, mostly to humor her, and buried his face in her hair again.

This was good.


juhi_saraf May 15 2006, 22:36:43 UTC
Juhi gave Erik a scandalized look. "Grammar not important?!" She put her hand on her heart and rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you would dare to say such a thing. To me, of all people." HONESTLY ( ... )


erikcohen May 15 2006, 23:09:04 UTC
There she went insulting Bertie Bott's again! Why was it that he liked her? Oh yeah, she told him things like he smelled nice. But wait... Bea had sent her a note too? That girl was trouble. He groaned, indicating he thought so, and then kissed Juhi's temple.

"Thank you, at least I know someone will defend me this year," Erik said quietly and pouted for a moment, making things more dramatic as usual.

"I'm sorry I'm all over you, but you smell good too..." Erik apologized, but then began to laugh.

She smelled good, honestly, but what? He was too content to think before speaking.


juhi_saraf May 16 2006, 01:51:54 UTC
Juhi laughed softly when Erik groaned, she assumed at Bea, and scooted closer to him. She shivered when he kissed her temple, and vaguely wished he would stop doing that, except, no. Not really.

"Hey now, don't say that. Plenty of people defend you and love you, and you know it. Even Bea would stand up for you if someone else was honestly giving you a hard time, right?" She put her arms around his neck.

She wanted to tell him she'd be defending him for much longer than this year, but couldn't bring herself to. It seemed a bit too...something. Cheesy? Serious?

She laughed at him, but smiled at the compliment. "Thank you, but why are you apologizing? I don't seem to be enjoying it?" She brushed his hair back and kissed his temple. Only fair, after all.


erikcohen May 16 2006, 02:40:36 UTC
Erik wondered if it was possible to feel more content than he did just then. Well, probably, had his brother been alive, but life wasn't exactly fair, so it was best to live in the moment. So why did he choose now to let a few tears drop? They were an odd mix of happy, sad, and salt... and he turned his head so they didn't fall into Juhi's hair.

"I know, I know she would. So many of you would, but I don't... I don't really want that. I want to take care of them instead, not the other way around," Erik told her, his stubborn side showing full force.

He wanted to be brave. He wanted to tell her so when she kissed his temple, but he pushed his lips to hers instead.

When he pulled back, his eyes were still glistening, but he knew he was okay.

"Ninju..." he said, voice trailing off. He didn't know how to say it, he didn't know how to say what he meant.

So, Erik Cohen said nothing, which was very unlike him indeed.


juhi_saraf May 16 2006, 22:07:36 UTC
Juhi looked down when Erik turned his head, and noticed that he was crying. She felt an odd sort of twisting near her heart; almost like pain but somehow...not wholly unpleasant. Her own eyes began to sting, and she blinked in surprise at herself ( ... )


erikcohen May 17 2006, 22:47:16 UTC
"Don't be sorry. I started it!" Erik told her, wiping the few tears on her face with his thumb.

He was a mess, wasn't he? An absolute mess! And he couldn't have Juhi joining him in said messiness, or else he wouldn't have anyone to snap him out of it! Not that he wanted to admit he was relying on someone else, or wanted to put pressure on her, but it was truth.

"Can we just do this everyday. Just sit here?" Erik asked her, pulling her into a backward sort of hug and resting his chin on his shoulder.

Maybe Tobias was right about him being lucky.


juhi_saraf May 17 2006, 23:40:34 UTC
Juhi gave Erik a small smile as he wiped her tears away, and she took a deep breath. Feeling much more in control of herself, she added, "I'm not SAD, you know." Just in case.

Erik pulled her close, and she smiled, slightly confused. "Sure, we can do this everyday. Well, without the crying part." Though really...would they even have TIME to do this everyday? She pushed that thought aside. She was positive that if Erik wanted to meet her here (or anywhere) everyday, she would do it. Which...was maybe cause for slight concern.

"I dunno, Skippy. Wouldn't you get BORED of doing that? It seems like," she hesitated. "It seems like you would, maybe." She frowned.


erikcohen May 18 2006, 00:15:10 UTC
Without the crying? Er, YES. He hadn't meant he wanted to cry everyday. He was embarrassed enough as it was to be crying with her around. Boys weren't supposed to cry. GRYFFINDORS weren't supposed to cry. And Gryffindor Boys? Anyone could see where that was going...

"Absolutely not. Not in the slightest. Of course, I still expect you to join in some adventures with me, but I could get used to this too," he replied, taking a deep breath and calming himself again.

He hadn't a had a decent adventure in some time. The Restricted Section had been interesting, but it wasn't very high up on the Erik Cohen scale. No, he'd have to do something big soon. Whether Juhi would be involved, well... that remained to be seen.

All he knew is that he could probably sit exactly as he was for hours. For some reason, it was... a little frightening.


juhi_saraf May 18 2006, 01:32:14 UTC
Juhi nodded happily. "I want to be included in the adventures." She pulled his hand foward and idly played with his fingers, flicking them up and down.

"Maybe I'm not supposed to want to be included in adventures." She frowned; she was all for safety, really. Well, and then surely ERIK wouldn't be taking unnecessary risks anymore? He'd certainly been angry when Phil had.

"Sometimes," she said slowly, hoping Erik wouldn't think it was because she was afraid or couldn't handle the responsibility, "I wish I wasn't a prefect. I wouldn't have minded so much last year before...I don't know. I might not mind it so much next year, when I'm older. If they don't take it away from me, that is," she added with a smirk.

After a pause, she whispered. "I'm not bored, either."


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