
May 13, 2006 00:15

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/Thursday, October 13th/10 AM
Location: Library and maybe a dead hall way
Open To: Trefor
Currently Involving: Trefor and Tyra

Care to duel...in the library? )


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Comments 13

trefor May 14 2006, 00:26:52 UTC
Trefor wasn't really sure why he was in the library. Actually he wasn't really sure he was awake until Tyra had said something to him. He managed to hear the word duel and lifted his head off a pile of books.

"Huh? Duel? Here?" He muttered. He rubbed the side of his mouth and was extremely embarassed to find drool. "Are you off your bleedin' rocker?"

Wait. He thought it over. Dueling in the library. It was actually kind of genius. Not to mention he was pretty sure no one had ever attempted it. Trefor had a yearning to go down in history as the only student to ever duel in the library.

"Sure." He said standing up.


tyra_jaregski May 14 2006, 01:01:35 UTC
"Yes, here. So long as we don't hit any bookcases." As Ty mentioned that she watched the bookcases topple over like Dominoes, one on top of the other, in her mind. Focusing back on the possible duel, Ty said, "Well, it's not the first time I've been off my rocker."

"Alright, we'll have to have 'the Prince' distracted. How about we just stupefy her for the time being." With that said, Tyra spotted Madame Pince, wispered 'Stupefy' with her wand pointed toward her, and all that was seen was a flash of red. Since no one was in the library but the 2, it was fairly easy to hide 'the Prince'.

"Ok. Lets see what you got." Tyra fled about 5 bookcases away from Trefor and turned back to face him. Within minutes Tyra was already saying 'Protego' around herself. Then, immediately following protego, came 'Relashio' directly at Trefor.


trefor May 14 2006, 01:14:25 UTC
As Tyra ran through the stacks Trefor whispered a quick "Protego" and heard Tyra do the same. He felt a little better. As much as he liked a good competition he didn't want either of them getting seriously hurt.

However his thoughts on safety ended up with him flying into a table thanks to a well placed "Relashio" from Tyra. Cursing he slapped his robes putting out the small flames. He rolled off the table and onto the floor.

Pointing his want at Tyra's legs he shouted, "Incarcerous!"


tyra_jaregski May 14 2006, 01:44:36 UTC
Smiling with pleasure and glee of what Tyra just did, she got ready for what she expected a good comeback. She was, afterall, dueling with a 7th year Gryffindor who certainly must know some good spells to use against her.

After watching Trefor stumble off the table, robes with small flames, she heard him grumble 'Incarcerous.' Great Merlin! Was all that Tyra could think of as the ropes wound themselves around her. Before completely wrapped in them Tyra shot a quick 'Incendio' at Trefor and finally plopped over awaiting someone to come and 'set her free'.


trefor May 14 2006, 01:53:47 UTC
Trefor was quite pleased with his charm...that was until he saw Tyra fall over and cry out "incendio". Trefor managed to avoid most of the flame, but the back of his robe caught on fire...again mind you..as he tried to crawl away.

"Oye! Bloody hell!" He cried squirming on his back trying to put out the flames. His mouth opened in horror as he realized the table he had been hiding under was starting to burn. Smoke filled the library.

"Oh I don't think we'll be getting just a slap on the wrist this time."

Trefor pointed his wand at the table and said, "Reducio". He stood up repeating it until the table shrunk so much that the books toppled off onto the floor and Trefor was able to stamp out the flames. He was however left with a dollhouse sized burnt table.

He turned to Tyra, "Perhaps we should run?"


tyra_jaregski May 14 2006, 02:06:41 UTC
Still laying on the ground from the ropes bound around her, Tyra watched the table go up in flames. In fear, Tyra tried to roll herself away but it was no use, the ropes were way too tight.

Oddly enough, Tyra could still talk. "Hey! Get me out of this! Do you want me to go down with that table?"

Watching Trefor down size the table with 'Reducio', Tyra tried to get his attention. "A little help over here too!"

"Get the bloody hell out of here!" With that said, Tyra bolted for the doors with Trefor right next to her. "Which way?"


trefor May 14 2006, 02:14:11 UTC
Trefor did a quick charm to cut Tyra's ropes. Then yanking her to her feet they ran out of the library as smoke started to spread into the hallway.

Trefor looked bothways before yanking Tyra to the right and down a hallway that appeared empty. Coughing he dropped down to the floor and sat leaning up agains the wall.

"I think we should call it a tie." He joked.


tyra_jaregski May 14 2006, 02:40:44 UTC
As soon as the ropes were severed, Tyra was being pulled to her feet. Dizzy from the smoke, she stumbled out of the library from the force of Trefor pulling her.

"Thanks mate. That really wasn't a good idea...at all." This was probably going to go on both their 'records' and that was probably the last thing Tyra wanted or needed.

Throwing herself against the wall, while slowly falling down to the ground, and coughing slightly Tyra said, "Yeah, truce. That got just a little out of control, and it's mainly thanks to me. Want to continue out here?" Laughing hard and coughing Tyra sprung to her feet, tugging at Trefor. "We're already going to get into trouble, might as well live it up."


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